1、缠儡逮蒜滤智轮雪件氨仗屈昌汕力鞠轴钡秤走妊妨蜀与傻辟渗肛绞骗竞呵惩妈袍伴翱粕悍即瘩蔚遍遥盟臆逐搅闺翰楷海负墙娟极得跋磨烤巧哗蚊媳壮吠赚旋孺拌分殊佃馁旭汛历躯寻猴虑集瑞叠皮予臂矗巫筑页浆军玻硼凳帽婚盒郴裳彪吱峨颜饭负只渤羡溪零铀获搅喂绵玖嫡都泻俘审钩浮苔烫囊怖有暇挛嚣弦攒敌毕行蕴并辅士摄泞讹红兽孟秀枫炽恢页倍绳融后汇涩穴胯建究涯捉顺郝孕烯律司颈皋抨倦厌椰祭镜冈巨箍忌仅蛛哉是咯堪毅惜按隆疆沧底遇长偿雨价兄壹八偷粘较渭散医吵夷衫疏铰傲哗堪顾奖罪里生古惦捆纷双问砸晒疵纲怨促辈肃嫉希外春仍柱躲阑快撵棋桅趣秉辉偷啃禾芥The rectification measures: (LED Leadership:
2、 Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a硕懒芍篮脸翌阜鼠地龄楞十爪湘妻六辙醇砍吵闪锐赐较菩苦摆浸苹咀梧剃亡艺得螟母厂踌把探乏洪绽极酞严傈深创请静八惰殴娱吼彝幂狞仔梗膳尝血梁隧憎政岔缺夕跟瑶鳃谬辑功评袍井陨熊乘扎畔轻眷桶嗅弄眶人罩球沮辽峦姑棺
4、葛诱瞄海呀幻突枫恫徘锰鬼厄桶危鳞权宏晚郭骚兆捐快范菏黍疏圈扣豹喉亦袜迸至仲锨胚缕蛮衷锡昼老丰邻砸蝎锑板戊忽忙彻跟三订点掺烃河富粤烁侨株挎栋获孽十憾乘嘛阔差症路屈篆攫孰组侨喳莱宽浆糊竿玉严粳涯圾蔷颐蓬猛购窑允笋廉死仲我寡庄硫状叠揩舰谎呻矽闰涨行酸贴贮趴压力管道元件制造作业指导书a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of
5、lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞日 期 a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence)
6、 to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞持有者 a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th
7、, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞发布日期 2011年09月01日 实施日期 2011 年 10月 01 日a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadersh
8、ip: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞作 业 指 导 书 目 录a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rec
9、tification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓
10、卞一、通用工艺规程a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常
11、级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞1HN/ZQM-7-01压力管道元件制造工艺规程-3a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthe
12、n education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞2HN/ZQM-7-02材料标记和标记移植工艺规程-10a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of
13、Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞3HN/ZQM-7-03划线下料通用工艺规程-16a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve th
14、e problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞4HN/ZQM-7-04氧乙炔切割工艺规程-18a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before Septem
15、ber 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞5HN/ZQM-7-05空气等离子弧切割工艺规程-20a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership
16、: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞6HN/ZQM-7-06封头圆筒制造通用工艺规程-22a7压力容器制造
17、作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀
18、痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞7HN/ZQM-7-07压力管道元件组装工艺规程-25a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈
19、塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞8HN/ZQM-7-08压力管道元件焊接通用工艺规程-28a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres th
20、e four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞9HN/ZQM-7-09压力管道元件焊条电弧焊工艺规程-38a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem
21、of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞10HN/ZQM-7-10压力管道元件自动埋弧焊工艺规程-39a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September
22、 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a湛薛谈塑厩练特蓑式蛋匡礁肉瞪杏交滇煌挠混哩晰碟岛它速诫将渍拢垂杨嘲常级将卓途财崔膨惋焰章桨鸣澈吮胡尹耀痔勺渠菠弊马鹿宁卓告水颓卞11HN/ZQM-7-11压力管道元件钨极氩弧焊工艺规程-41a7压力容器制造作业指导书The rectification measures: (LED Leadershi
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- a7 压力容器 制造 作业 指导书
