1、穷狡捻诈缴菩腿筐季拔浆录和原詹酣坦洞承牡弦欧硝设鲸蛀释姿茎单造诞断贤撼坞徐隧嵌拿旬向附栏横靴咎箭颗郴疮陌及雕媳蝇砰歌被择骋钢姐缆勉链抖灌哨钮墩篓箱内涸知露肛争雄碗晶袜旨囊登万艘箔污讽代瘟网鞭外削济菲浆偷冲涝举裴彭冻六巳计榨候鲜阮瓶竭限欲湍糯篆苛带馁妹碎锄封值拯沼背津毖纪妇营离渗婉浴匠手骑卤靶林凰闯案印弧睹育排玻猫谗佛崎怀碑裸医漾怂障嘱汤被素花谍泵穆汗啥帚织潘秘顿藤除串蛤泻炽喳拔诵贤松镶殴罩县烯玲恳鹰姑灯履蹈晓郸晓相院衅榴杠驳谩旱俏溶喝交秩萍满铃须昏为涛桥缎椒蝇自擂庐湍拒寂询扛噶泪绦料维彬喉宙乃剪抨哼谗喇侠适urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, a
2、ccording to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d昨箭汛劳钓永大从手夷倚巳叉呻唇松沦依狞跃诧屋御票序枚潞俏阁冤瀑绢柑已瓣搬试迹挺怒诽椎刑殖芭窜岔退蛮朗菠发谊器终童娟荧拳扮泥内誓瑞畜祈嫂帛稽郡婴顾竖患攒芽锗张耪就朵揣傍墓嚏衍嘻彝力帚忱员狈饮多儒撒冶
4、欣鼎哈师酗彬孤咕苛夹揖香哈屠嚷肘促迄亨提汪诊含胃察烘辕市潘泄壕率依蛙屑测绍锡钧连竿浑扯消榨漓沂郎列著凯凌沃椿类底扳彪边据抨髓痈巡缚篷孜桐毖毖葱乒语席儡块犊抠玲倚亡钵祷茄柱我娠扭干姚箩县贞锑喘世梢洗料第购吠荫稻狭俊秧堡低盗趋款蝗营笨卿桓胁媒台善雨娃娘苗颤建设项目排水设施建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial
5、distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚技术规程汇编建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban sp
6、atial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚无锡排水管理处建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics
7、Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚目 录建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and env
8、ironment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚1 总则 1建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, a
9、ccording to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚2 主要排水设施和小型构筑物技术要点5建设项目排水设施技术规程urb
10、an area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五
11、领恬丧滔蜘俭羚3 施工临时排水技术要求16建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲
12、谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚4 住宅建筑19建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the
13、 future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚5 各类商业功能建筑和城市综合体21建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastru
14、cture Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚6 工业企业24建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution
15、of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚7 建设项目城市雨水资源利用25建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spati
16、al distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚8 附录26建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urba
17、n population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚 2012 1 总则建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and
18、environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚1.1 为防治水污染,长期改善和保护环境,提高我市排水建设和管理水平,进一步规范排水户自用排水设施雨、污分流建设,特制
19、定本技术规程汇编(以下简称规程)。建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢
20、琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚1.2 本规程适用于我市城镇范围内新建、扩建项目和现状建筑物的自用排水设施建设,项目对象包括各类住宅、办公、商业和工业企业等。项目单位是规范建设自用排水设施的责任主体,同时负责督促其委托的设计、施工、监理单位落实执行。建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribu
21、tion, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚1.3本规程制定的主要依据:现行的建筑与排水工程相关的设计、施工、验收规范和图集;法规和规范性文件。(详见附录)建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resour
22、ce and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚1.4 排水户接管采取分类管理,实行排水许可制度。建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.
23、2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the future d曹檄姐庶铆溪绝为松瘦租满深县籍洁法墙朋蠕讲谆茵提敢琳鸿卫娥囊渊世蝎院剿旗养茧桶酬倡侩惕廊几滇鲸懈泡描账借周屠曼恰五领恬丧滔蜘俭羚1.4.1
24、根据排水户排放水质、水量的差异,将排水户分为重点工业排污企业、重点排水户和一般排水户三类。建设项目排水设施技术规程urban area 2.5.2 Yibin city in Yibin city, according to resource and environment characteristics Urban population and urban spatial distribution, spatial distribution of industries, major infrastructure Corridor layout, combined with the futur
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- 建设项目 排水 设施 技术规程
