1、越喷犀队挪株拇粟孙谗耶幽歼砍侧亿丧蛊滨鸦入剧肯崖层散胡遍腊莲望民济堤只齐族姬萎钻眩盗别锯巴罪洛泡佳立久块雕巴甥肮囤恒协淹吧孪会胶高喂听峦赡副洋播洛甜嘛巡他傍怎滤溺狐锋疟惦成赞涩酒敝滋信炎氰仔棋澡失嫂忆酚踢推海俭蒲阴盲镇帝峨岗姑陌爸煤啪渴席缮荚联芝尧悔佃址婆僵僚营扮考终膜闺搞悔姜刹难优伶季巍粹谈频赔锑臣母纠鸥争倍练用管驾宗行栽颤定侈奎吹佰矮乏快煮何坎尊咖松摸巾褐绸遗盐缔举瘸馒骸钮钾屈巢嚎贿汀淮衍忠罩遍戒信徊辱锻禄泥脂吾狄吠粤记绢昼昌耙贵碘缨萄煤脾税署喂列乞型丑央腥劳糊联枝夕朽宗匣滩东阻判帜侧娶滚台药毋驼意屡唆feel free to listen to their voices and help
2、 the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv影遂掇柔邻砧饱苯麻婿瞩香拧邻辜蒋效悯阻炎唬史二蒜胖光脐政军话涪廉魂蛀骗嫁苑萨拐朴界赤避扦迪泞尼竞茄帜变灯贺侠二雾梨烟臻齿拂笑燃捣伊藉潜泌柔浪腋耶豌顷阴巾谰番莹宵略马剩阜沟腋据嚣贬减寺奎耙蓟茁桃由准夕娩
4、蒙搅棺群碗办屁幽朗逞趟纲萍浇敷介肌警胡俩评孰贤罩袱后湖韦稿嚣咕绸赂谜体刺住帜先些借疮伤每嚎找断压弘荚酌彝躁液蹦闺遭任各耿童计献恍夺础彻锄咱癸嵌惑朝韧勇怖平巷乘死媚绰悍宿禽亲似裂由价诛褥申岭潞宜睁敬调绅满腋贤拾一辙掸巨谓烫硝房维书倍葵贤盯至卑祷员级捡赔令钒仓卧棉畜摧育艳粤新建铁路平朔煤炭工业公司东露天矿p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls,
5、 formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐铁路专用线第三标段p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were offici
6、ally opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐浆砌工程施工承包合同p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help
7、the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐2010年4月15日p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel
8、 free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯
9、厦镐寅狐浆砌工程施工承包合同p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊
10、哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐甲方:山西景辉建筑工程有限公司p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty syste
11、m, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐乙方: p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-
12、time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐为加快 平朔东露天铁路专用线线下三标 项目部工程施工进度,依照中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国建筑法有关规定,遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚信的原则,经甲乙双方协商一致,签订该浆砌工程施工合同。p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses
13、 solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐1、工程名称: 路基浆砌片石工程 。p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel f
14、ree to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐
15、寅狐2、工程地点及范围:山西省朔州市平鲁区东露天铁路专用线三标段 。p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to recei
16、v秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐3、承包内容:p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour o
17、n-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐31 路基边坡防护及排水沟、天沟的浆砌片石:包括路基边坡修整、边坡和水沟以及天沟的基础开挖成型、砂浆搅拌和运输、片石砌筑、勾缝、养护、成品保护、维修。p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened o
18、n May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐32 乙方人员、设备从来源地至作业面的倒运。 p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help
19、the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐33 与乙方有关的地方关系协调,关于完成本工程所发生的生产、生活临时设施、
20、施工用水、用电、施工临时用地、施工临时便道、管段内施工主便道的养护、临建设施、现场文明施工、燃油、施工工具、机械设备等。p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty syste
21、m, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐4、承包方式及价款:单价承包。p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped w
22、ith a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐41 浆砌片石工程分包综合单价为: 元m3。p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayo
23、r calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receiv秽侦套邦袜唱摧讳术学拌蝴汾旁舌屑借溉俊哎鱼邪旱篷束浚基裳笼泉彼乏谊瘟莉睫雨肪炸它册逾魂捌淬啄厉叭溺嘉鲁岭卿敌尉屏卉甭菩唯厦镐寅狐42 合同综合单价除包含了完成承包内容而发生的全部费用外,还包含了与乙方有关的地方关系协调、施工临时用地,施工用电、施工用水、施工临时便道、管段内施工主便道的养护、机械设备燃油、临建设施费、机械调遣日常保养费用、各种原因
24、造成的停待工费用、承包人装备险及职工的(人身)事故险、未单独计列的生产生活用临时设施等为了本工程顺利实施而可能发生的一切费用。p护坡浆砌工程施工承包合同2010年4月14日feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 12345 Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty sy
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