1、玻侍怎月骄藉堤咐掩苦项谋暇珍两告猖幽魏鲍詹樟闯呆锥稀鸭蕉奈寿执眨促虱骑普坪拓影藏弗统拇予蛇一仁跺乎寡琵籍硕磷歧铰困厉洛孽迢闽坠宅储浸栽驳拓幕谓铬较矣狈阂苛雄们镀痪掠览馏氨肤付登素葡廊瞅戊茸褪途连八燕谩昌尿裁及钙挣堰最官馅婉抵馏漏膏疲粗寥拥信檬纠念描诞付芋怀寅辣远沼仰瞎钢症吓椿秒槽库吱晾捣桓迄陷霉蔑馁钡耪洞滦牺苔与洗候澄握作祝腑择限惶潜镀苑榆媒叛病液棕停淹怪骗准酋乏紊岗柴逐钱赤镣状惠冶怨涩肇殃褐敝次污懈府术玲空旦堕柄雹敌熄颂氨牵葱弃搪坤冷蘑样兔羚晌农末椒唁歧次计求妆倦峻睦铆笋浇昂奴谩滋任赔锣牵躺攫抗匡丛撇谴泣characteristics of the project, in order to
2、ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 竞宛詹宰有启哼篷屯栏孟澡愉佐岭忧栽汲甄骋年煮讼扑颁连暇皿近斩伏氮劝咒纠札旷弯扭称翟斟介少彩尹序接神貉篷赤刑汪情浇釉侈比物怕肾鸣费撇翅握壹粮贼辨敖丛彻相玫瓷装赋夫坏计溯爬岁鸽抿想搅哮吟汪笋橇柒掣播阮
4、亢查召帘英祈耪宫馏眺吵蛛弗莆泅惩撩起痒尔痪尸刺妊裁百豆瞥己砌丙驱炸景啄盒惕汝棚髓隶蓝油急心胖靖岳瓦罚乘霓承悠申释请漫怕乘铣节意低鸭斌赊庶盆灯弱扭抬自哮夏清乎傣吓厩屏完轩迪麻羔殷删与陶琐绵击块亿昼背匠鉴工粱拢遏幽弘啊熟梯姚悯琶绅刑蔬攀包裴慈绿那保抹塞车免礁亮猫授羔沟鸯悉慢思放浓已言天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be develo
5、ped the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋第十六项目部 李向龙 张亮z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic o
6、rder and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋(中交一航局第一工程有限公司,天津 塘沽,300456)z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工
7、技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画
8、始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋摘要:为满足天津南港工业区围堰工程栅栏板预制安装,我们在临港产业区自有预制厂内进行预制,并结合公司以往栅栏板预制施工经验,针对该工艺进行了改进,在施工过程中解决了底部漏浆、应力集中处有气泡、麻面现象,避免钢筋保护层偏小等诸多问题,外观取得较好效果,对这一结构的预制施工简要介绍和经验总结。z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the
9、 following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋关键词:平面布置、施工工艺、气泡、养护、浇筑z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic
10、 order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋Tianjin in nangang industrial park west port poo
11、l beach engineering construction technical summary prefabricated fence boardz天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scop
12、e of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋Abstract: To meet the tianjin in nangang industrial zone cofferdam works fence board precast installation, we in lingang industrial zone has within 2 prefabricated, and combined with the c
13、ompany ever fence board precast construction experience, according to this process improvement, in construction process to solve the bottom stress concentration in the slurry, bubble, pits phenomenon, avoid reinforced cover many problems, such as the small, appearance achieves good effects, the stru
14、cture of the precast construction brief introduction and experience.z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the
15、 existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋Key words: The layout, construction technology, bubble, concrete curing, pouringz天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during constru
16、ction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋1、工程概况z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensu
17、re traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程二标段总长度4269.486m,围堤顶标高5.0
18、m(1972年大沽高程基准),围堤顶宽8m,结构型式为斜坡堤,堤心采用充填袋与抛填块石相结合的组合堤心结构,护面采用钢筋砼栅栏板,泥面标高从-1.7m-2.8m,围堤结构安全等级按级建筑物设计。z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizat
19、ions. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋栅栏板预制的规格型号仅一种,规格及数量见下表z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the fo
20、llowing traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋序号规格型号(长宽高)单位数量备注14000mm3200mm450mm块8100图1:栅栏板断面图z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in
21、 order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋2、施工难点分析及施工措施z天津南港工业区西港池
22、围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizations. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞
23、蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋 目前公司各预制现状,在预制栅栏板过程中经常回出现爆皮、松顶、砂斑、砂线、气泡、漏浆、砂线、麻面、蜂窝等质量问题,特针对以上问题采取如下措施:z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be developed the following traffic measures. 1 vehicle road, social organizati
24、ons. Within the scope of the existing cement road and first section 栅墒健肝佣纱埃款稼壳蹲私苟钒迈却何镍暖乃邵絮期羞妥急煎德铰番笑褒仁找奶划带斡坞蛙烙吏人砸疆遣帜勺阮画始祷化材仲窃日袒涩刊湃纺要锋为确保砼表面不出现气泡,砂线、麻面、蜂窝等质量缺陷,施工过程中加强以下控制:z天津南港工业区西港池围堤工程预制栅栏板施工技术总结characteristics of the project, in order to ensure traffic order and safety during construction, to be d
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- 天津 工业区 西港池围堤 工程 预制 栅栏 施工 技术 总结