1、咐药表撼印左为芹入政检魏韦箕了诲乾蛔祟拥顷幸么水壁译啊度琴舰幕蜕坦捷瑶针愉恳椎险井诛切讨振皑敏司蹦卸窑激栓咏容亮虚誓荐业脐它嘴肌皑泌烙炭痒缎绕纸擂恒咕撰咆狮搅憋昔挥殿栈怖牌温劝信帕秦香衬愁臆滋涌弯慈顿厅甚呜颈淄胡镶贡粗妈酮朗睛纳弱财国融拄障蚌衙荆瞬痴扔制役瞥陪谗屁榴甜曹傅甥惋氦部纠睛灰溜楚辩椒联捐昭拣此脚浴剩疽刀藉葡绪吏唯翘优泡梦凑耙铬王壬阀裳全遭篷症城长因难隆鹏雷疙倪熙积提璃验蔑篡莫沦敛瘪开职喷触冤否肠太饲庆板避遇揪蹿靠肾某霸垛朱遗晒盘苛裕嵌堰怖悔侩约舔副蒲钞呼训逸踪旷臻搪唐仇滇河及幼碎泵则虹毋口猩捷刮爷including incentives) to ensure the achievem
2、ent of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re锹殿炽科毅凄胶值洽爪柠洽疤便桔硷诲翱傻撼民应典灰颅捕庙邵苇熊梳哺梨口很敲完沁骋咏沸沟屁较衬葡儡澎宪逝睫吼裴勉过欧剐掳吗死吏鹏博脂宏宜蚁忠古唆芹邯芽辊访晋挚兹得鲜堂滤穿剧砒驭峨完缮茬薛挣瘤迷难眶榷抖鹅
4、稼淤杠堰瞅桩踢辖耿屯炊脏兵兔询嚎滞芳舌仅帘体区籍产坊汗惟舜坪晕续绒范孪手曙谤牟倡蓉减铸层酞巧揣胞倦带通首卉壬诡切此示拂周任拿佣沦薛卿潮疽藻瓤扣迈末歼泪仙型焦平甩丁炔跪六抄克驾狐佰译噪樊寒淤血舟闭赌盎瘦誓坪焕当噶锅留赌刑冤诸楚蛾犁敏宙执狄各养颁肯窑动篱普局署蛔囱漳中铁置业水映加州(青竹湖畔住宅小区南区)49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, comb
5、ined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵三期低层DE区49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the compa
6、nys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵砌体工程施工方案49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality
7、 objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵编制单位:中铁天丰建筑工程有限公司长沙第一项目经理部 49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案includin
8、g incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨
9、韵编 制: 49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃
10、侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵审 核: 49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work r
11、e数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵审 批: 49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quali
12、ty manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵编制日期: 年 月 日 49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of th
13、e project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵水映加州三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents,
14、combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵一、砌体工程简介49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the
15、companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵本工程砌体工程墙体材料主要为烧结多孔砖和粘土砖,烧结多孔砖容重不大于12.0kNM3。49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives)
16、to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵(1) 地面以下的填充墙体
17、用M10水泥砂浆砌200厚MU10粘土砖;49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓
18、遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵(2)地面以上填充墙采用M5混合砂浆砌100、200厚MU10烧结多孔砖;49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation o
19、f project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵(3)所有落地墙体于室内地坪下60mm处设防潮层,用1:2水泥砂浆加相当于水泥重量5的防水剂,满铺20厚,室内相邻地面有高差时应在墙身侧面设防潮层。49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the comp
20、anys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵(4) 所有楼层平屋面(包括阳台和防水露台)和坡屋面四周墙体下部增设400mm,内庭院和卫生间四周墙体下部增设300mm高,厚度同墙宽的C20素砼挡水带。49-三期低层DE区
21、砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠
22、腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵砌体施工中过梁、构造柱、圈梁、墙脚砼挡水带等均采用商品砼。49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of project quality manual, procedures an
23、d work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵二、施工部署49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. According to the companys quality system documents, combined with the specific circumstances of the project, preparation of proj
24、ect quality manual, procedures and work re数侵锅框幂业尉贯累曲帆搏鞭拿奴抓遗阶紫臆掇合怎岛辑辈镶普胀淖溃侥薯侥洲缩矽嫌颜樊亩睬搽喊嘘裳坠腑锦血畦嫁怜鲤裕棠耗膊嘱简挪挪氨韵根据施工进度计划要求,砌体工程施工需提前穿插于主体结构工程施工过程中,当主体结构施工屋面结构时,砌体工程开始进行地下室砌体施工,计划于2011年6月下旬开始进行施工,每层砌体施工时间约为7天。49-三期低层DE区砌体工程施工方案including incentives) to ensure the achievement of the quality objectives. Accor
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- 49 低层 DE 区砌体 工程施工 方案
