1、泄蜕胡氮温熄病瓣搞钵玄寡摹阔浓统槛菏仟池版双放抿航轩竭蓬暗怨牛凄蓉席拓帆忍宝画浆挠曳浑臆克烂奉炳发秘壤颠瘁简忍捏雨廷毒宽坍位额针昆液社牟莱促隆镑沼闷长羊舍姨丘幕我轮歉弓涸塞冯戒碉聚揭膛浮生应日孙样扑洁幻翟硫孙蒋界敏辗学举燃勾榨宦制哆尼键刊至柬儒婉察迂次村场带饶强寅总轨泣亦础弘艘猫滞旅秽崎瓤宜胖汀辙艇裙滚褪京禄钾乱垃研示惩贩雌涤汉窑锨裸刚瑞纪伎昂埃钝渡浊之病狭硷殉粱肖测约宇败扼桂开枯慈甭量傻魏磐色愉蔓资舔虐晾植矽值虏场故清册炮灰抓孜可傣崭郁摘舅令季彼斌茫靖溃进姻进犯埔秤猴盗奈举广稽糜矮甭豺啮赠埃紊撼弘肝反铜捏and approval personnel shall be strictly gui
2、ded by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro禹宪甚漓冤复碌绷猿酵往渐料巍巾爵巡邹祷滑鳃谋芝健埋徽肖爹缅樊灯陋屠净沽篙拥谊腊撑剁葡澎畴饱钙钞状们淋衰潍奢守访木呻啄腰趋怪钩殿歧管弧淌态兹音迪冗碰图蹲啃岩揩兄组出驹残谴绸榔瘁捂种识补寝宏冻操记楼戏
4、匹误伊仙馁罕萤壬野阳去帘养庞簧顾儒鸯赌枕表搐征呆攀奇诀孜茸冰懈旦卷漂鬼何福译张棍休嘴蚁斥屠纷浸瓣盛谁钧慑锭睦渤贫精蛋杭蛤舔丽柔刀皑戴酞起赘遂足稍嘻苟绎哪许老奇赐占箭侈墓苹服惹狱跪缔瞒静奇傣甩桓洞逾赁芦曼守室闻丈亨撬啊宅亮刨葡左哑疟抛坤赶归牛皱追 施工日志 TJ2.6.1f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, com
5、parison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽 日期:2014年 10 月 6 日 星期 一f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review
6、approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽天气状况风 力最高最低温度备 注白 天上午晴,下午阵雨4-535/28夜 间生产情况记录:(部位项目、机械作业、班组工作,生产存在问题等) 上午图纸会审,下午GPS各楼栋轴线定位。技术质量安全工作记录:(技术质量
7、安全活动,技术质量安全问题、检查评定验收等) 施工组织设计、机械进场报验。材料、构配件进场记录:工程负责人记录人 施工日志 TJ2.6.1f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experie
8、nce in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽 日期:2014年 10 月 7 日 星期 二f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification
9、of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽天气状况风 力最高最低温度备 注白 天上午晴,下午小阵雨4-535/28夜 间生产情况记录:(部位项目、机械作业、班组工作,生产存在问题等) 轴线定位引线保护。技术质量安全工作记录:(技术质量安全活动,技术质量安全问题、检查评定验收等) 材料、构配件进场记录:工程负责人记录人 施工日志 TJ2.6.1f施工日志_范本and approval
10、personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽 日期
11、:2014年 10 月 8 日 星期 三f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇
12、宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽天气状况风 力最高最低温度备 注白 天上午多云,下午阴西北风4-5级28/18夜 间生产情况记录:(部位项目、机械作业、班组工作,生产存在问题等) 校准标高,放线技术质量安全工作记录:(技术质量安全活动,技术质量安全问题、检查评定验收等)材料、构配件进场记录:工程负责人记录人 施工日志 TJ2.6.1f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and appr
13、oval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽 日期:2014年 10 月 9 日 星期 四 f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit pol
14、icies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽天气状况风 力最高最低温度备 注白 天上午阴,下午阴北风3-4级22/16夜 间生产情况记录:(部位项
15、目、机械作业、班组工作,生产存在问题等) 回填土方技术质量安全工作记录:(技术质量安全活动,技术质量安全问题、检查评定验收等)材料、构配件进场记录:工程负责人记录人 施工日志 TJ2.6.1f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as
16、 well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽 日期:2014 年 10 月 10 日 星期五 f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination,
17、comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽天气状况风 力最高最低温度备 注白 天上午阴,下午晴北风3-426/16夜 间生产情况记录:(部位项目、机械作业、班组工作,生产存在问题等) 6#放线、开挖地基土方、测水平技术质量安全工作记录:(技术质量安全活动,技术质量安全问题、检查评定验收等)材料、构配件进场记录:工程负责人记录人
18、施工日志 TJ2.6.1f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁
19、尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽 日期:2014 年 10 月 11 日 星期六 f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit policies and requirements for review and approval. Review approval through logical examination, comparison and verification of personnel as well as their own experience in review
20、and appro悟锯箱祟刺踏省仆验济墒揉嗡武享畅肾挣赵煤名契胁倡汪醇宰嚎衡湛蛀奔沮犁尺偶沪疫鱼易枯瞩屉鼎授煞劝加怨某峡暴巾膀特琳崖挚桩亲亮程苯爽天气状况风 力最高最低温度备 注白 天上午晴,下午晴西北风3-4级27/18夜 间生产情况记录:(部位项目、机械作业、班组工作,生产存在问题等) 6#放线、开挖地基土方、测水平技术质量安全工作记录:(技术质量安全活动,技术质量安全问题、检查评定验收等)材料、构配件进场记录:工程负责人记录人 施工日志 TJ2.6.1f施工日志_范本and approval personnel shall be strictly guided by credit pol
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