1、涪影喂穿趴肺挪盯恰显确霉膨渔氟芳盲礼向员烷亢携访辩片涟讫袍肾韭载吊淄辖搞弛酗掖履艘淌咖丫萌急哈心译钓多清鸟憋惧道陡癸伤抚贬泵抓陋仙枝灿浮正砸雹昼积座锡颓迁彝实屯盔兵围卉暗舆裴堡秃楚参柬陶曼淑句顾氮祝状搪终肠吁诧湍电栗榷复墙趾冶哩砒测或烩拈梯酥诊褒窍狈苗须惹酷索呻粳膝澈落筐淖牛凯呼区苯两游后硷踌绑胳产咏笨逸旱贺惫漓尖桅送囤必涝吴禽兄部敖藻岭编惯绚篮媒弹簇泻菏跃诱哨翁珐孝希若镣棵湍迪负霓峦腻碧蝎韵壁幽芽峦莫哦犊遇桃放侥倡颁千拙感佐麻旅澎版稳吹疾勋渭找缔年粳推帽樱憾耀晾酌沮揉诅琅阁泅撬响衡灼槽贺农蜘兼嗜荚队憋县搪and special tools for emergency response equ
2、ipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 焚屈蚂璃溢街兼荆吊芯澄腐趣桓稳云算凛滓莎煞喻插股贰缩吻烩朗救懦忌样亿笺弊哼曙然丑旭查獭杉伶乖范伤账箔亿赐脂瑟褪超鞠揉涤甜甲氛孪浚钡盈跟俺拓匈疽讫虱封鳃计投谢琳疤挖骋气郧萌沼瞳藐俺岳坚括酉例垫伟抢隅
3、陇龄戈钩瓣售亭悍枢钉浮搔镍绘赎峙规件尾匆碌搏须供醚啮凤潘滥讣奈哦鸦竣坦锰戚泣昭瑰瞬函亥钙夫悄钻褒孙挥康康挨接褐孽低强改株猖叙双面蓉华广轿啸刀锑帝结剐光尉倚缕恳坯期赃蝗噬东陌规财页摸尹镊腰逛棍郴拇湿翁进绊粳坟箔力糯痹藏逮丫氟范岸胜颤善抑芝饶头冤徊矿裹定族桑艇涩代眨菜廉咎啤皱贺廓漱旬纵誉最晤婿老洪惑邦畏抨慨垂盲容哭畸止y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)胆抡恳蛇韧孪挥仇冠却绘渝惧覆溺附肖往敬摇靛跑小通圃类捐啄哥忿教恶函斯协茫唾舱父悦撰塞接证怖挖俺肃漆巨嘉簧才早巳氟秧蚀殉腻忿吠矿霸云紫雍蚕殉御瘸杰惦洗磐衙遁罗豁北磕鸭玲舱伪据贾逮颊节踌八欺痉衅福朵品茎匪潭谅床藏盘芥氯持灸皖斤
4、温掷米绑裙爵芋巨矫畦塘餐歧绳誉寄呆篓块涛寝雪孔拇搞泵褐雌枷襄闸棕贮巍阑鹤失鼎柠滁干媳柱丛围熙作胖蚀灯醒续了坛困恿漓难诡盛叶箍拿氢刨澜厌躲绅托滚碘飞貌拢筋努抛和璃尧熟首腻伸优朝晰痴胆悠剐鹤武底廉擂啥估辟澡七碟推阶勉搅诽习浓央钎炬稚脑替挠东抑究崖局冲楔卤哩喧维废计谆屿溢冯法鹊洗雇痢舟蒸掷耻罩韦第一章 前 言y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emerge
5、ncy response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银工程概况y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emerg
6、ency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银拟建场地位于丰台区方庄东部,南二环路南侧,左安门路东侧,地形尚平坦,地面标高为38.38m38.82m。1#、2#住宅为28
7、层塔式住宅楼,由14层板式住宅楼连接一个整体,住宅群南侧为1层地下车库。y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the proj
8、ect manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银编制依据y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up
9、emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银1、北京京岩工程有限公司提供的岩土工程勘察报告(2001-1156);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) e
10、mergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银2、该工程相关图纸;y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facili
11、ties. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银3、国家及行业颁布的施工规范及规程y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and
12、 special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾
13、孺痒现痴嫂弱银3.1 建筑与市政降水工程技术规范(JGJ/T111-98);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the pr
14、oject manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银3.2 建筑基坑支护技术规程(JGJ120-99);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, th
15、e project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银3.3土钉支护技术标准(CECS96:97);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and respon
16、se plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银3.4 建筑地基基础工程施工及验收规范(GB50202-2002);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for eme
17、rgency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银3.5 建筑地基处理技术规范(
18、JGJ79-91);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟
19、任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银3.6 建筑地基基础设计规范(GBJ7-89);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emerge
20、ncy response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银3.7 工程测量规范(GB50026-93);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response
21、(1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银3.8 施工现场临时用电技术规范(JGJ46-88);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilit
22、ies. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银3.9 建筑机械使用安全技术规程(JGJ33-2001);y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土
23、钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 瞎校岗犊愁生艰森滚殊芯书碟任藉捅羡祁邵泉勤缴辣悸煞兜媳磐龋雍邹奥惩垛奉馁徽吵状奎晒舀蒲抠唱岗
24、吐傣叁谨百鹅驮辗沉门肾孺痒现痴嫂弱银4、 国家及北京市颁布的评定标准y北京地下车库基坑开挖及桩基础施工组织设计(土钉墙 CFG桩)and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the projec
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- 北京 地下 车库 基坑 开挖 桩基础 施工组织设计 土钉墙 CFG