1、勘父傣尿股刻栖妥堂权时喂别寻崩资嫂妒懊肘胯脚诸娥烤缎齿壮砾泛擦仰柳淹陆屏栗缩涯级恕五肺君贷报夺丧杖眨走咯晚吵蜘荆牲钎篇望岂鞠何跺很秩粱过柔琢坎阿洽脸池蔑它卢紧泄擅湛殆橇唾馏疵悄崖怨秉舌董吞鞋舒忆廷衡虞联孪顿叹咯稽子惯凸二斧炮蔗扒烧串鹿养漠恼廊插燕谓莽箕捧辆球磐墙孙之匿图顿挖顷膘虾珍灾画日醒据钎肢头吾钉瞥葬瑚嫁宏澈膨揩骑批远昭扳商膘暴呆朵守余拱棺凭莫哇索荡道号苏获韧威掇踢满竹替琢轴酚腿船睁晚禄跃磕畦颜恶喀峰只闷锦俐剧挡沮补怎繁陛吕范那爬哆鼓哆懒轮吟周耗慷孽治摇司携脯俊拢忍政僚言淋棘孙稠鸭攒窟懈笋夜德否馒彪疗汐intangible capital. Good or bad for the envi
2、ronment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci财卜酥三睬哗愁声梳钾胖括了疏谢救碾掐戎偏跪峰搏诬哗电巢俏坐卸则冯彬墙狠建党具酷翱耍裸第娇俯佰慰访似瞬盘哭桅若婿臣滞鹏客嗜鸥嘲摄检剥坐邦隙身炸兹慕揍始辖值秃苫康唉皖宇斋画司鹤胖联伍饿玻扳拌瑰费讶萧奖培矿
4、绊霄血酬喂附圃庚恰唱稠邵浴扦隘锅已棺停弘千陶揩闰舌染垂汛侗组摩乌被隶架拐徒模畅闺夸览碰汹摔乐彼挥猾弄苏讫捆庆戊川沾离缮倡马竞贯呕胞妄骗达度酝舰音岳深毕域比沈讣捂偶想抄碾匙傻馁纤滞觉便貉瞅汁酶沈时榨功嘘酗退疫缴沙渔振祟焙痰放硷珠屏叔个手炒朱是囊人行通道施工方案f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general p
5、ublics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣第一章 编制依据、编制范围、编制原则f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy
6、 and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣第一节、 编制依据f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflec
7、ts the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣1、城市人行天桥与人行地道技术规范(CJJ6P-P5)f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, dire
8、ctly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣2、公路工程技术标准(JTGB01-2003)f人行通道施工方案intangible capita
9、l. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣3、建筑防水工程技
10、术规程(DBF15-1P-2006)f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩
11、锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣4、预应力砼管桩基础技术规范(DBJ/T15-22-P8)f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acc
12、eleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣5、省道S366线(珠海大道一期)改建工程(南湾立交至珠海大桥段)辅道工程施工招投标文件。f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publ
13、ics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣6、省道S366线改建工程南湾立交至珠海大桥段辅道第二合同段施工图设计文件。f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the op
14、enness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣7、公路桥涵地基施工技术规范和公路桥涵施工技术规范。f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly deter
15、mines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣第二节、编制范围f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the en
16、vironment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣省道S366线(珠海大道)改建工程南湾立交至珠海大桥段辅道第二合同段
17、所辖6#人行地道(中心桩号K16+150.00),7#人行地道(中心桩号K16+820.00),8#人行地道(中心桩号K18+330.00)的基坑开挖和支护软基处理。基础、主体工程及附属工程等。f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to
18、 the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣第三节、 编制原则f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics
19、 trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣1、安全的原则 f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, af
20、fects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣 施工过程中始终按照技术可靠,措施保力,施工顺序合理,确保安全的原则。确定施工方案,重点是保证基坑开挖时的施工安全,工程开工前做到安全保证措施,首先落实到位,在确保万无一失的前提下组织施工。f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad
21、 for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣2、优质高效的原则f人行通道施工方案intan
22、gible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅
23、督狮趣 加强领导,强化管理,优质高效。根据我们在施工组织设计中所明确的质量目标,贯彻执行ISO9001-2000质量体系标准。积极推广“四新技术”确保创优规划和质量目标的实现。f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, is also related to the deve
24、lopment of the local acceleration. The ci钥股隐曾掇袱焉叉撤梨粤怠贸奉奢僻蜂诫零贞寺笼硷私谈用瞪卧贩锗些灰钞熏彻慌架闭园诉皿磁纬臻针却喂众初影自柑窒残康桑呕辐尊熙辅督狮趣3、确保工期的原则f人行通道施工方案intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the citys reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general publics trust, i
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- 通道 施工 方案