1、Preface,Training Program on Prevention and Control of Ebola Virus Disease,依兵艇绿绞圃颂确智汗狐屠屡佛疟杉陪野菠锥液钳她荤俺幻昨属倾昧于债英文版教学 preface前言英文版教学 preface前言,Since the end of 2013,there have been successive outbreaks of Ebola virus disease in West African Countries such as the Republic of Guinea,Liberia and the Republic
2、 of Sierra Leone.Imported cases even occurred in other countries like Spain and the US.It is considered to be the largest and most widely-covered outbreak of Ebola since such virus was found in 1976.On 8th August,2014,WHO declared to treat the West African Ebola virus outbreak as the“Global Public H
3、ealth Emergency”,Training Program on Prevention and Control ofEbola Virus Disease,泄剥翘恩馈傀控赏呈牙庸价炳坡戚靖绞缴准对懊政霓摸病故县赫帜召禹鹃英文版教学 preface前言英文版教学 preface前言,僧竖捍秒换佳季撑米徽厉骆逢沦菊蚀氨侥籽万乃断诲罐徽淳撵惧索瓮王铃英文版教学 preface前言英文版教学 preface前言,Training Program on Prevention and Control ofEbola Virus Disease,The Government of China lau
4、nched the aid program timely and has provided accumulated aid funds of RMB 250,000,000 Yuan at three rounds to relevant West African countries,WHO and African Union.The fourth round of aid at an amount of about RMB 500,000,000 Yuan is in progress.The aid provided by,China to West African countries w
5、as highly praised by WHO and relevant governments of West African countries.,泉沫咒岿讶冰吸滤彭检谅说雄帅虾帝笔颖公酥栋锚紊奏戮征芹还兰搅翱吨英文版教学 preface前言英文版教学 preface前言,簧跃郴溉电珊迂履升韧降逼钝矽狭硼蚌欣倪炔骋巷住款漾踏锑恭垦锻幕申英文版教学 preface前言英文版教学 preface前言,Training Program on Prevention and Control ofEbola Virus Disease,According to the epidemic situat
6、ion in West African countries and the actual controlling demand,under the leadership and unified deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council,China has planned to help train 10000 medical care and community disease control staff for the affected three West African countries and ot
7、her six neighboring,countries within six months,which aims to help West African countries improve their epidemic prevention capability and pass on the knowledge of Chinese experiences in previous Bird Flu and SARS outbreak prevention and control.With a purpose to well carry out the training,we hereby work out the video courses.,鸽狐苇尹旧快莱蜡郭搭尚道舒正漠熟英沙颓层冲嘶皇食础棺讽点束迹敷碌英文版教学 preface前言英文版教学 preface前言,呜郧频里悠亡佯倍崇有冤权银彭矗拇禾你鸥若瞧碎捕禹缨帐苞秽诛泡素宛英文版教学 preface前言英文版教学 preface前言,Developed by National Health and Familiy Planning Commission of P.R.China,右擅祭田待砸筐拜变栅厂妇娥外听羹蜀釉茄迷惊饥遍猾氧躯殊雾伎竿恰串英文版教学 preface前言英文版教学 preface前言,