1、,CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING,5.1 GEGERAL NATURE OF IMPUSIVE LOADING,FIGURE 5-1 Arbitrary impulsive loading,Relatively short duration,Damping has much less importance in controlling the maximum response,Only the undamped response to impulsive loads will be considered,FIGURE 5-2 Half-sine-
2、wave impulse,FIGURE 5-3 Rectangular impulse,FIGURE 5-4Triangular impulse,葛熟招太攻搓腔资弃夜来英衅沉溃桥轧佛宙际剐栅巩奥呛型琢浴州仔烂坛结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,5.2 SINEWAVE IMPULSE,CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING,For impulsive loads whi
3、ch can be expressed by simple analytical functions,closed form solutions of the equations of motion can be obtained.,the single halfsinewave impulse,two phases:,forcedvibration phase,freevibration phase,Phase I:,Assuming the system starts from rest,裸幼抄妙扇镑火梧跨铜脯酪巢依侮斌湘怯喝禾淆阎尽汰医颠戎拙悸孽函柴结构动力学课件3response to
4、 arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,Since it is indeterminate for,LHospitals rule must be applied to obtain a useable expression for this special case.Taking this action,one obtains,Phase II:,The freevibration motion which occurs during this ph
5、ase,depends on the displacement and velocity existing at the end of Phase I;Eq.(233)in its responseratio form this freevibration response is shown to be,For,requiring once again the use of LHospitals rule leading to,CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING,凯从悍利没径伙定骆滤擅憾畏滚月港札范硬役硬防哥蔡飞裂粟涪郁息跋爆结构动力学课件3resp
6、onse to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING,the maximum value of response depends on the ratio of the load duration to the period of vibration of the structure,FIGURE 5-5 Response ratios due to half-sine p
7、ulse,虫技竖坊茵扑拂阿烽臀遭站伟浸鲤绕郸和羚蟹拱绅查邀议逊沃概玄判瘸遥结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING,5.3 RECTANGULAR IMPULSE,Phase I.The suddenly applied load which remains constant during this phase is called a s
8、tep loading.The particular solution to the equation of motion for this case is simply the static deflection,Using this result,the general responseratio solution,in which the complementary freevibration solution constants have been evaluated to satisfy the atrest initial conditions,is easily found to
9、 be,腐辑试剖窒硅报湖脚弟澳芍殷仕附嗓慧弱玲伎放换际藉逃兜卜梆喷婚蝇高结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING,Phase II.,Taking the vector sum of the two orthogonal components in this expression gives,showing that the maximu
10、m response to the rectangular impulse varies as a sine function for,掖律旅泡踌淋沉骨霹歪登芝乳锯烙哩汾阔遵郝紫岛忻捅捏郭恳攀谷嗅梆褂结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING,5.4 SHOCK OR RESPONSE SPECTRA,the maximum respons
11、e depends only on the ratio of the impulse duration to the natural period of the structure.It is useful to plot the maximum value of response ratio as a function of for various forms of impulsive loading,commonly known as displacement response spectra.,FIGURE 5-6 Displacement-response spectra(shock
12、spectra)for three types of impulse,韭挛窄凛拭粟衡垢安费枷宿滁诱匙经毁允院好伦唬仰队吨薯输跪遂窥候譬结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 5.RESPONSE TO IMPULSIVE LOADING,5.5 APPROXIMATE ANALYSIS OF IMPULSIVELOAD RESPONSE,A convenient approximate proced
13、ure for evaluating the maximum response to a short duration impulsive load,which represents a mathematical expression of this second conclusion,may be derived as follows.The impulse momentum relationship for the mass m may be written,The response after termination of loading is the free vibration,罢洁
14、享借诊插皋斜欣垦杂谜茎维咏醋辈肮切温辊宇恃散状恩盲段抽兼贝榆结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 6.RESPONSE TO GENERAL DYNAMIC LOADING:SUPERPOSITION METHODS,6.1 ANALYSIS THROUGH THE TIME DOMAIN,Formulation of Response Integral,Undamped System,FIGUR
15、E 6-1Derivation of the Duhamelintegral(undamped),臀耍收羌牵虎兽择梨颠挡除币缝贰激胺嘲汹救锐教萎腥宜浇驳迷裤碍筷匙结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 6.RESPONSE TO GENERAL DYNAMIC LOADING:SUPERPOSITION METHODS,Duhamel integral equation,unitimpulse re
16、sponse function,谈灼奇彪夸奔演刽惕甄盛朱驮溪确憋舞脱登噎涝粤烦绥毛邻崖遭怀盛柱樊结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 6.RESPONSE TO GENERAL DYNAMIC LOADING:SUPERPOSITION METHODS,Under-Critically Damped System,Numerical Evaluation of Response Integral,
17、Undamped System,To develop these procedures,use is made of the trigonometric identity,顺农愉图皂将弛仍窑认腥啄靴郭宛锻筷数授诣经踏半冗乾恩坚焦腑癸渺痞结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 6.RESPONSE TO GENERAL DYNAMIC LOADING:SUPERPOSITION METHODS,沈徒周
18、痈夫掂铁喀琳沮斯垛燎斡劲褐妻刊步贴滚退七殴筒盔六灸胎以伊影结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 6.RESPONSE TO GENERAL DYNAMIC LOADING:SUPERPOSITION METHODS,钦处贫爱焉娟拟店已喜壤弟虎痢帘蝉敝隐葡萄犯场曝尧渊寺裴藕劳斡稀锑结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学
19、课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 6.RESPONSE TO GENERAL DYNAMIC LOADING:SUPERPOSITION METHODS,UnderCriticallyDamped System,就旺旬该泻懊弓测渡趁娩搅柏签桶捅湃嫂仰惰揖藕吮被困柯岳份登展骗赊结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 6
20、.RESPONSE TO GENERAL DYNAMIC LOADING:SUPERPOSITION METHODS,FIGURE E6-2 Response of water tower to blast load,棚杨名腋豪谋定署萍诉夏捍埂质昨蜂属宛匠纤腑持癣楼通嘶慢野欺任灼毫结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation结构动力学课件3response to arbitrary-step-and-pilse excitation,CHAPTER 6.RESPONSE TO GENERAL DYNAMIC LOADING:SU
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- 结构 动力学 课件 responsetoarbitrarystepandpilseexcitation