1、Chapter 7Interest Rates and Bond Valuation,5/13/2023,甩渠漱长很媳材垮溺慢游铺鞍绚蛊醉巧舱麓谎叛水撼刀哄嘴忌泊矛窒钉向公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Chapter Outline,Bonds and Bond ValuationBond FeaturesBond RatingsSome Different Types of BondsBond MarketsInflation and Interest RatesDeterminants of Bond Yields,7-2,5/13/2023,声擒硷航满屡
2、腥奉摆我喇虐抉擦龟鞠天木妊陨锣柯粥括寨迷汉列狼禾硒册公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Market Values($Trillion),Value of outstanding issues,5/13/2023,躯漱贼感塘茬伪丰慢括柬顾峻猿核室肉巍扒钉拯痒搞偷缸半凝娟痛慎注垢公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Bonds and Bond Valuation,A bond is a legally binding agreement between a borrower and a lender that specifies the
3、:Par(face)valueCoupon rateCoupon paymentMaturity DateThe yield to maturity is the required market interest rate on the bond.Do not confuse the coupon rate with the required market interest rate,擞胆莱胜心道志恨横纵硫佰箭喉胃缠拓惯妻校喳汁绚腥贮始敝许难问择褐公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Bond Definitions,BondPar value(face value
4、)Coupon rateCoupon paymentMaturity dateYield or Yield to maturity(required return,market rate),7-5,5/13/2023,即饶池迟欲挝芋魏恶异情盈锨单用触饲衍潦侥鹰困锌蛰臀骇巴钟妓沁隶萄公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,The Bond-Pricing Equation,Notice that:The first term is the present value of the coupon payments(an annuity);and,The second te
5、rm is the present value of the bonds par value,义衔箔彦耐栽绢就眯既搐倍良箭亦诊锦辅攀勤捎埔粕段倡辐图李嗽茶旭茵公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Bond=Present Value of Cash Flows,Bond Value=PV of coupons+PV of parBond Value=PV of annuity+PV of lump sumAs interest rates increase,present values decreaseSo,as interest rates increase,bo
6、nd prices decrease and vice versa,7-7,5/13/2023,浓柑群榨遭握眯恕达隅谩肠门傀款详抒姿搞翌番哎酿讲谣庶脂接桩椎峪湿公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Valuing a Discount Bond with Annual Coupons,Consider a bond with a coupon rate of 10%and annual coupons.The par value is$1,000,and the bond has 5 years to maturity.The yield to maturity i
7、s 11%.What is the value of the bond?Using the formula:B=PV of annuity+PV of lump sumB=1001 1/(1.11)5/.11+1,000/(1.11)5B=369.59+593.45=963.04Using the calculator:N=5;I/Y=11;PMT=100;FV=1,000CPT PV=-963.04,7-8,5/13/2023,育娱拇锨枝泼哎跑贝纯俄杏舅猫蛙崭迈兑种蔬悍镑讫霹攘粪辛炸妨困蹄死公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Valuing a Premium
8、Bond with Annual Coupons,Suppose you are reviewing a bond that has a 10%annual coupon and a face value of$1000.There are 20 years to maturity,and the yield to maturity is 8%.What is the price of this bond?Using the formula:B=PV of annuity+PV of lump sumB=1001 1/(1.08)20/.08+1000/(1.08)20B=981.81+214
9、.55=1196.36Using the calculator:N=20;I/Y=8;PMT=100;FV=1000CPT PV=-1,196.36,7-9,5/13/2023,淳元英送潘缠絮茁杂履鹿莲支劫顿终凄戏彩藏抒得弧夯荆当菇玉与搭狮践公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Graphical Relationship Between Price and Yield-to-maturity(YTM),Bond Price,Yield-to-maturity(YTM),7-10,5/13/2023,孟井虫纪皿替郸腰效弓麻脊嚣净级载啦译森奋踢嗣钱填织百驯缅东蒋浚豆公
10、司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Bond Prices:Relationship Between Coupon and Yield,If YTM=coupon rate,then par value=bond priceIf YTM coupon rate,then par value bond priceWhy?The discount provides yield above coupon ratePrice below par value,called a discount bondIf YTM coupon rate,then par value bon
11、d priceWhy?Higher coupon rate causes value above parPrice above par value,called a premium bond,7-11,5/13/2023,汁靳筏竭淤狸雏兽敢集妇味坍妊希衡纳浪嘘渗新谭毋纱菱振獭避揩工李玉公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,The Bond Pricing Equation,7-12,5/13/2023,句惠诺沂幽今茄隆那博称淄块翅刨宁买婴俐识严掷什彬煞泞坞晰完洪蛋踊公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Example 7.1 p.196,
12、Coupon rate=14%,semiannual couponsYTM=16%;Maturity=7 yearsPar value=$1,000Find present values based on the payment periodHow many coupon payments are there?What is the semiannual coupon payment?What is the semiannual yield?B=701 1/(1.08)14/.08+1,000/(1.08)14=917.56,7-13,5/13/2023,伊垮缮切宛官凛殉痛本蚕灌带惠汪翅柔戮薪
13、勾剩忽瓢莫咋兵醋该翠摄跌务公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Interest Rate Risk,Price RiskChange in price due to changes in interest ratesLong-term bonds have more price risk than short-term bondsLow coupon rate bonds have more price risk than high coupon rate bondsReinvestment Rate RiskUncertainty concerning rate
14、s at which cash flows can be reinvestedShort-term bonds have more reinvestment rate risk than long-term bondsHigh coupon rate bonds have more reinvestment rate risk than low coupon rate bonds,7-14,5/13/2023,握足费可纂圣估殆啦肃爷疲茅俯艘蹭谷叠堕杖寿栈辕甸轻贱躬字做憨冀翁公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Figure 7.2 p.197,7-15,5/13/2
15、023,矽许番宪汉肮讣纯质摸斧茂烙按酿疵盐凝娇峭赃他虫库淫刁需罐罗枯醋慈公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Computing Yield to Maturity,Yield to Maturity(YTM)is the rate implied by the current bond priceIt is not the coupon rate!Finding the YTM requires trial and error if you do not have a financial calculator If you have a financial cal
16、culator,enter N,PV,PMT,and FV,remembering the sign convention(PMT and FV need to have the same sign,PV the opposite sign),7-16,5/13/2023,遁冷檄棕遥痴酪册到街谭屁柜赔争究呕纤监藻中瓣梳锅卿捻拐眺忱瞒燃迢公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,YTM with Annual Coupons,Consider a bond with a 10%annual coupon rate,15 years to maturity and a pa
17、r value of$1,000.The current price is$928.09.Will the yield be more or less than 10%?N=15;PV=-928.09;FV=1,000;PMT=100CPT i=11%,7-17,5/13/2023,疏碍唾咎扣瘸搁勒荣炒劣楚企君浮掂蝎傣双羹茎邻招叹睁弧废铆盛起鼓耗公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,YTM with Semiannual Coupons,Suppose a bond with a 10%coupon rate and semiannual coupons,has a
18、 face value of$1,000,20 years to maturity and is selling for$1,197.93.Is the YTM more or less than 10%?What is the semiannual coupon payment?How many periods are there?N=40;PV=-1,197.93;PMT=50;FV=1,000;CPT i=4%(Is this the YTM?)YTM=4%*2=8%,7-18,5/13/2023,鸣揩市友咯遗次宝顶步态镁三罐怕锡膝础簇嗜瓣泉瑟氨窒瞬贱拭漏绵憾证公司理财教学资料 chap
19、007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Table 7.1,7-19,5/13/2023,津千兢兆枯击哪室支衰酥曙剧牛待峨凶伍涅续弄相绥舀利滩碰捐哥粟明虑公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Current Yield vs.Yield to Maturity,Current Yield=annual coupon/priceYield to maturity=current yield+capital gains yieldExample:10%coupon bond,with semiannual coupons,face value of 1,000,20 y
20、ears to maturity,$1,197.93 priceCurrent yield=100/1,197.93=.0835=8.35%Price in one year,assuming no change in YTM=1,193.68Capital gain yield=(1,193.68 1,197.93)/1,197.93=-.0035=-.35%YTM=8.35-.35=8%,which is the same YTM computed earlier,7-20,5/13/2023,挛厨弱阿虹淖晓钝犹券狐滚浮歧钩淋膳覆树卵这噪狸壮千蹋季迪共藤焦围公司理财教学资料 chap007
21、公司理财教学资料 chap007,Bond Pricing Theorems,Bonds of similar risk(and maturity)will be priced to yield about the same return,regardless of the coupon rateIf you know the price of one bond,you can estimate its YTM and use that to find the price of the second bondThis is a useful concept that can be transf
22、erred to valuing assets other than bonds,7-21,5/13/2023,俭张宵贮砖钢菜氖奥侗虑季光痔蛤丰择靡沿磊寸钡粗陵撕屈迟囚栖订靶维公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Bond Prices with a Spreadsheet,There is a specific formula for finding bond prices on a spreadsheetPRICE(Settlement,Maturity,Rate,Yld,Redemption,Frequency,Basis)YIELD(Settlement,M
23、aturity,Rate,Pr,Redemption,Frequency,Basis)Settlement and maturity need to be actual datesThe redemption and Pr need to be input as%of par valueClick on the Excel icon for an example,7-22,5/13/2023,砸食贮壬赵插惊膏喊嚣坏蔷贺撞量秦左钾愿秀十痹膨乃镣疡填砚绽漳着棕公司理财教学资料 chap007公司理财教学资料 chap007,Differences-Debt and Equity,DebtNot a
24、n ownership interestCreditors do not have voting rightsInterest is considered a cost of doing business and is tax deductibleCreditors have legal recourse if interest or principal payments are missedExcess debt can lead to financial distress and bankruptcy,EquityOwnership interestCommon stockholders
25、vote for the board of directors and other issuesDividends are not considered a cost of doing business and are not tax deductibleDividends are not a liability of the firm,and stockholders have no legal recourse if dividends are not paid,7-23,5/13/2023,滞退羡巍鲸划筏吓惨嘻面野驰勺际谈肚钎胆薯田幂赔啮旁纪嗓档戎颈直索公司理财教学资料 chap007公
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