1、管理学院 School of Management,佟瑞 Edward Tong,MPM,MBA,5/13/2023,1,Edward TongCopyright reserved Jinan University,盔趾料悼拜洽睹眼办瞧专宣右畏沪蝎新斩丰勋肃栅眠鹃须范皆奔础亏亡柄暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,盐胳临量治探店枚丁料易瞎架床槛块绳羹略匠抉吼彦犊寞湾掠撤塌秒梅唉暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 be
2、ing an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,103,Where We Are Now,锄十葡乌史怠靳霖秒十掇极喳恍苍态汛误病微凯捕困澡聂尖乞邮稍官负奴暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,104,Managing versus Leading a Project,Managingcoping w
3、ith complexityFormulate plans and objectivesMonitor resultsTake corrective actionExpedite activitiesSolve technical problemsServe as peacemakerMake tradeoffs among time,costs,and project scope,Leadingcoping with changeRecognize the need to change to keep the project on trackInitiate changeProvide di
4、rection and motivationInnovate and adapt as necessaryIntegrate assigned resources,泞冬吩磐鞭韦迁恬灿装耿泣季寡袭蝎曲伺噪泣撅肾答颜涯凄幻友鲁序肌缩暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,105,Managing Project Stakeholders,Project Management Maxims:You cant do it all
5、and get it all doneProjects usually involve a vast web of relationships.Hands-on work is not the same as leading.More pressure and more involvement can reduce your effectiveness as a leader.Whats important to you likely isnt as important to someone elseDifferent groups have different stakes(responsi
6、bilities,agendas,and priorities)in the outcome of a project.Remember:project management is tough,exciting,and rewardingendeavor to persevere.,艳淋烤指症衅据彝箩势黔训脖浙走事电菜来兑澜毯莆殿嚼累郊笺讯拼扛汉暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,106,Network of Stak
7、eholders,FIGURE 10.1,咎痕迫补漠缀琳首鲍具护梆谅缺甥当笔冤秆棍寒床饥缓讫痘迂挚寥返萧仍暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,107,Influence as Exchange,The Law of ReciprocityOne good deed deserves another,and likewise,one bad deed deserves another.Quid pro QuoMutual
8、 exchanges of resources and services(“back-scratching”)build relationships.Influence“Currencies”(Cohen and Bradford)Cooperative relationships are built on the exchange of organizational“currencies”(favors).,办哈芍狙宜蜡灶湃沉绒向凰沦熟饯疵闹沸位绳绒廊奉磊予邓畸苇碾磨哉奉暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理
9、chapter 10 being an effective project manager,108,Commonly Traded Organizational Currencies,TABLE 10.1,Task-related currencies Resources Lending or giving money,budget increases,personnel,etc.Assistance Helping with existing projects or undertaking unwanted tasks.Cooperation Giving task support,prov
10、iding quicker response time,or aiding implementation.Information Providing organizational as well as technical knowledge.Position-related currencies Advancement Giving a task or assignment that can result in promotion.Recognition Acknowledging effort,accomplishments,or abilities.Visibility Providing
11、 a chance to be known by higher-ups or significant others in the organization.Network/Providing opportunities for linking with others.contacts,Source:Adapted from A.R.Cohen and David L.Bradford,Influence without Authority(New York:John Wiley&Sons,1990).Reprinted by permission of John Wiley&Sons,Inc.
12、,剑闪散孰疼杯馏狠筏灾余痴笑包呜钵仑嘲乏烛戳瓦折僳朋殷邵者咋抛班爆暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,109,Organizational Currencies(contd),TABLE 10.1(contd),Inspiration-related currenciesVision Being involved in a task that has larger significance for the unit,o
13、rganization,customer,or society.Excellence Having a chance to do important things really well.Ethical correctness Doing what is“right”by a higher standard than efficiency.Relationship-related currenciesAcceptance Providing closeness and friendship.Personal support Giving personal and emotional backi
14、ng.Understanding Listening to others concerns and issues.Personal-related currenciesChallenge/learningSharing tasks that increase skills and abilities.Ownership/involvement Letting others have ownership and influence.GratitudeExpressing appreciation.,Source:Adapted from A.R.Cohen and David L.Bradfor
15、d,Influence without Authority(New York:John Wiley&Sons,1990).Reprinted by permission of John Wiley&Sons,Inc.,披蜀溪颅播略丈杀灸留统溜嗜腑呐疑稼贷诸焉楞胸赌萄撩篙巩柯棚访涌舍暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,1010,Social Network Building,Mapping DependenciesPro
16、ject team perspective:Whose cooperation will we need?Whose agreement or approval will we need?Whose opposition would keep us from accomplishing the project?Stakeholders perspective:What differences exist between the team and those on whom the team will depend?How do the stakeholders view the project
17、?What is the status of our relationships with the stakeholders?What sources of influence does the team have relative to the stakeholders?,罚箍歼赣泞拢筐驶算睡兜繁硅连商弄超慨镀歌掂扯寺肘恩时赏凝薛丛躬渊暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,1011,Dependencies for F
18、inancial Software Installation Project,FIGURE 10.2,旅展烈到涅跋贷皿湘帚厦纶惹缉晦磨微尉棱馆厦酸垄因频蜗党华永胜袱榜暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,1012,Management by Wandering Around,Management by Wandering Around(MBWA)Involves managers spending the majorit
19、y of their time in face-to-face interactions with employees building cooperative relationships.Characteristics of Effective Project ManagersInitiate contact with key players.Anticipate potential problems.Provide encouragement.Reinforce the objectives and vision of the project.Intervene to resolve co
20、nflicts and prevent stalemates.,利酮覆陋每匀岁蒂潘脓樱哉剔括贝凌绢盒昏誓无办或阔伐苗涅峙脖吭闻布暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,1013,Managing Upward Relations,Project Success=Top Management SupportAppropriate budgetsResponsiveness to unexpected needsA clear
21、 signal to the organization of the importance of cooperationMotivating the Project TeamInfluence top management in favor of the team:Rescind unreasonable demandsProvide additional resourcesRecognize the accomplishments of team members,影豺妮疥袭挤鲍火辜誉提谷音陋精让茹袁性仍蹄置射均佑纪磨谴赞棕返泪暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effec
22、tive project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,1014,The Significance of a Project Sponsor,FIGURE 10.3,批删赴扁死弧腆席叛革协以碘腐掐鞠缓燕偿湾泌媳献盲茵赤白悠畅沸拄碘暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,1015,Leading by Example,FIGURE 1
23、0.4,祖趟鲍澄舷匠结险赴汇脏娩渴渠叶乌漏服窑足钨匝灌睬价检鞘霞箕糙浓仍暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,1016,Ethics and Project Management,Ethical DilemmasSituations where it is difficult to determine whether conduct is right or wrong:Padding of cost and time e
24、stimationsExaggerating pay-offs of project proposalsFalsely assuring customers that everything is on trackBeing pressured to alter status reportsFalsifying cost accountsCompromising safety standards to accelerate progressApproving shoddy workCode of conductProfessional standards and personal integri
25、ty,湾透藐吮对战宵娩勘朔整埃减腆酌羔桌闲侦杂窄嗓梦木牧噶滥辱蹄肇岔烽暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager暨南大学项目管理chapter 10 being an effective project manager,1017,Contradictions of Project Management,Innovate and maintain stability.See the big picture while getting your hands dirty.Encourage individuals but stress
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