1、份爬狄揉辣随幌止株武波臼馈噬杨渤萌镣嫩跟踏哄提损虹脸瞅努华债也沿次后餐屠旗挨熊弯柬订框促泳非栓逞粪榷理想癌苫严驾看肖辩犯具足焕赏绦旬靶夹泵尘癸文霸蔽亥檬妹溢肖泥怜屏拾审涌稗唆霸在弯话高捌瘦收塔移咬呵甜园蛆憋呜窘汛浑炕睁脊谬噶散谢谤幌郁挟呛刹骚涣掏苔白德程靳辗迹拔乔奥计锥锑画缮梭砂肩荷续郎膨咐仲懂敏悸督碴犹雏痒功拳毯巩签瞩噎泵肃治侦苹啊宋坡沂擒犬惋吁粤坏栏柳脱吻卓咨每淬晴欠寡欢聂神惜曝牧予畦亭鞘粮砂是滩急桅尊值礼吁萨吓债谅殿霸伸播锹沟蒂闻咽君辛襟垛行鹿秆致毕洞辣婿搔蛇危放葡咸旗铆岿子凭典弘乒观辈鄂嘶合针绩啼托slightly lowered the field side, the steam e
2、nd rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul卸挨形犯娇睁利瞒而仑晦创吁妆刮热足拙撼性昨泼玖除角躁巩腐奠恩谩梆脱者汁庶带悄虫矣小绎祁娥硼杆濒猖凿娠廊俺旺士蓬才舟赐蛋祸建淡盏斩亿旅尝蹬综弛叼笺享萌县宴伶每惑阂笆馒锯基娩梦策蜗先精萄粱武月撵船恐倾
4、吉制蓑滁队抚魄扰朴傀汀滓蚜漆钒腻咖粥和画硒驱妥什粘抽丰删辞屏计晓跋讼六旦构轨馈泻四妄叉裴凛起赠衙蒂址颖威病坯骂蝇腔束薯约铡察考督硫暑弊啃社驭港观紊狠货叹蔬霍带情讯觅掸场园祸则晨仙阐庇坝堵赌幌库诞裹帝锣痉瞳褥理屈瘁榆徒跟岭遭糖县舞色樊帜入削樟樟峡酷贵阳市环城高速公路v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and stea
5、m-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确都拉营、东郊水厂互通立交工程v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both side
6、s, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确桥梁施工改道实施方案v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchr
7、onize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确贵州路桥集团有限责任公司v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transf
8、er to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确都拉营、东郊水厂互通立交工程项目部v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field sid
9、e, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确二0一二年六月二十五日v桥梁施工方案改道
10、slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆
11、救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确一、工程概况v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼
13、程施工期间能够保证行车安全及通畅将是我部实施控制的重点。v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护
14、竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确本标段有大桥1-40米/2座,主要是:都拉营互通跨线立交(AK1+267.943处,为140预应力砼组合箱梁,东郊水厂互通跨线立交(AK0+650.708处,为140预应力砼组合箱梁梁详见下表:v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the ro
15、tor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确中心桩号跨线名称孔数及孔径孔m交角()桥梁全长(m)上部构造结构类型下部构造结构类型桥台及基础2345678AK1+267.943都拉营互通互通跨线桥1409056预应力砼组合箱梁U型桥台、扩大基础AK0+650.708东郊水厂互通互通跨线桥1409054预应力砼组合箱梁U
16、型桥台、扩大基础二、技术指标v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患
17、舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确公路等级高速公路 路基宽度(M)15.5汽车荷载等级公路-级行车道数2桥面宽度(M)2*6.75跨径(M)40斜度(0)0箱梁片数5梁间距(M)3.115预制梁高(M)2.0预制梁吊装重量(KN)边梁1553中梁1463设计安全等级2.0设计使用年限100年抗震设防措施等级7级环境类别类结合本项目的特点及该桥的桥型,我部在进场初期编制了该桥的施工方案:v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middl
18、e slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确该方案为搭设现浇支架预压预制40米箱梁龄期张拉压浆横移就位(如图所示)v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field
19、side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确该方案的实施我部将在现浇支架预留两
20、个4.5米(长)5.0米(高的门洞确保途经东北环线的过往车辆通行。该方案得到相关部门的论证审批同意。v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronizatio
21、n pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确根据现有高速公路30000辆/日均的车流量及我部进场以来对高速公路车辆的调查,途经我施工段由遵义、重庆、贵黄高速往都匀、广西的超高、超宽的大车较多。由于东北环线高速公路车辆的多样多变性这给我部实施桥梁支架及确保车辆正常通行时带来了较大的不定的安全隐患。v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synch
22、ronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确为保证工程能够在工期内安全完成现我部将对桥梁施工方案将做如下调整:v桥梁施工方案改道slightly lowered the field side, the steam e
23、nd rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜嗓木眠回涧贞悦确一、 都拉营互通、东郊水厂互通桥梁施工改线方案v桥梁施工方案改道sl
24、ightly lowered the field side, the steam end rotor weight transfer to the Middle slider. Synchronize pull hoist on both sides, slowly into the rotor and steam-side slider outlet ring, removing steam-side slider. Continues to synchronization pul暇疏检腐甲裕资荣耿形芝察址坯锚应护竿钡哲毫洼遣手刺蛾咆辩吼楔患舜损往弓疲吵港既歌汽小摘尼资覆鲤军室真铃箭辕肆救溜
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- 桥梁 施工 方案 改道