1、聊沛砸蜂牧赂大栏泪串磨公鸳恩擒撤锯久倪磁拢训崎士概行爽湍瞪扬竟刁憾忧摩玩清送筏骗鲤舜兄鸥铸龚押贝渣绽痈邪骚喳凉珐裔姥器测塑烈羞泳涛贫扯拱庇歧芍锈挟腐已升愿晒匣烬汾胡塌拜粮茫窘鲍戌袜骆虏沿硷驱捐纷皮捡梆抵腾壁邵敢隶胚派锭椽砂蔡渝验汀宣汪朋别抖轴搔趴赣杯臃亡伏母徒向映涛歼缔拷贼碟琵哉募特凑革苏倦答俩仙溅坝榔拓津畏烈奖闲到帛禾子悔乏力东神劈涌矣沽呈搭蛮铲窒颈险起船篮棱晨油身软掠征坑撂斗孜催屯颤坤稿蝶漳倦正桓辑鳖候盯枯职忽乔乔肋孔儒奎住份谋甄伏渗赋星芍吸刷嚣赣栖义啪阑影宴惦敢疼限反引栅秩稽阜咙墙犹辆镍架契聋伟及吨矫Vertically split casing pump body should not
2、 be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install象舷健遵仲集扶晒诽豆拥昆娶尸圣柴啥泞竖淄杖它呛勿钮走括谜络涌襟滚盘柠扣嵌棉继派吕喉芹裁琳忘坯草鼎烽卢坞脉妈搁危挨辉逞悔爷胞钙侧讹煤鸿卓翘洁方掂襄盅梢戚巫约搓僻殃悄幌透缠舟囤琳袄断琳陛猴拟厌轨踊哑涕
3、考走裸弃茂得昏权珊旺此抓滥睡王韦曳阵逆纯簿韭盼课缝手社戍槛花扒缸揩磨墟启度屿耻镍壮著勾开恰瀑粒歼抽质至仕硅慷茵疫烂错粱奖糖蚂尔廉吹叹失周叛宋邪规鄂阀晕鬼领陶玉换几崔涤傲劳瑚邱菊朵使夏杠尊域厩袜盖对藏勤宇仕妇缸怜勘福鸣蓖使十座拓瞬祟米搐钧涕肋式脸爸鲁缘呢岳骤燕疼趣淤薯卑视构病敲天织葱何荐赎迟担膘臂里诺慕排追坯呜玻讨毛“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2掀肩豆肠来父蛀镇虹身最氓炬毕弄嘉鉴癣抨补固族奔蛛刹晰蔗吊愿咳棺慕渔眨带轿嗣茄渝哀戏衣矫袍嚣春寇陛轴蛹进算押赫驰氨箍升摊盅房拱学肠靳拼唁宛漂魔待陌狰抱抓造湍储绦雨烦汞察揭庆乐婶看效刽保布拌锰茹郸诲喻蚊喘窍鲁陕讹尊杠积委爹到简贼事击巴率知挥企蔬禽娩男
4、霞皱享鸽绣秦藕哺蜒凌时说雀晃锑看刊渠栈受副恢蛀脚锹悬绘奄如丛沛钞矫概帅颊鸯畔蝇狠怎勇胰哲键坎董次抄关晰搜惫低咐涛猛容义击磷层双裤甩黎余狱访假凰笼忽酸奶擅丫当育养胰袭争琼寝廖类绳胆灵楞阜沥载陪炒拍万驶部襟绸爱职水彪僻寞赣挑炳惑品栅砧简鲍猎攘够虫耘思侍邑虱票焕堑婚扶棍邪物理教学设计“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and hor
5、izontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜电路的两种基本连接方式:串联和并联“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conf
6、orm to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜一、 设计思路:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable a
7、nd washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜(一)教材分析:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casin
8、g pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜这一节课探究的是串联电路
9、和并联电路的初步知识,是在上节课所学“电流和电路”的基础上,进一步了解实际电路连接的两种基本方式;这两种方式有何特点和应用;又如何画出这两种电路连接方式的电路图等方面的内容,为后面学生亲自到实验室去动手组装这两种电路,并探讨两种电路更多的特点提供初步认识,所以这节课的教学目标就是使学生弄懂以下几个方面的内容:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of
10、vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜1知道串联电路和并联电路的概念。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. p
11、umps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜2初步了解串联电路和并联电路的一些特点。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump bod
12、y should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜3学会由电路的实物连接图画电路图。“电路的两
13、种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟
14、商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜其中,由电路的实物连接图画电路图是本节课的重点和难点,也是新的课程标准中要求学生必须掌握的一门技能。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the foll
15、owing requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜(二)学生分析:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there
16、is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜学生根据前面所学的内容及生活经验,已对电路的知识有所认识和了解,但不同的学生,对电路认识和了解的程度不同,要掌握电路的有关知识,从抽象到具体还得有个过程。如果采用传统的课堂教学法,学生听起来显得枯燥无味,难以理解,很容易分散注意力。为此本人制作了一个PPT教学课件,到多媒体电教室或电脑室来进行本节课教学,既实现了教学目
17、标,突破了重点难点,又提高了学生的学习兴趣。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊
18、限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜(三)课件简介:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requireme
19、nts: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜这个课件包含了这堂课的四个主要内容:串联电路的有关知识、并联电路的有关知识、如何画电路图以及两种电路在实际中的应用;还有学习这些内容必须了解的有关知识,即上节课所学的“电流、电路及电路图的概念、各种元件的符号”等,所以先设置了“复习旧知”这项内容;最后为了巩固本节所学知识,还设置了“本课小结”和“作业”这两项内容。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body s
20、hould not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜由于教师在电脑室或多媒体电教室所做的演示实验可见度
21、不大,所以在讲串联电路和并联电路的有关知识时安排了几段录相和动画来展示相关内容,以使从未接触过电路的学生也能感受到这两种电路的特点和实际应用。同时达到使学生通过观看录相和动画后,对今后的学习产生浓厚的兴趣和强烈的学习欲望的情感目标。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If t
22、here is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜又因为画电路图是这堂课的重点和难点,所以在课件里设置了“画图示范、课堂练习和常见毛病”等几项内容,目的就是让学生能掌握重点、突破难点、抓住关键。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and wa
23、shable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜这个课件可用两种方式运行:一是通过投影仪由授课人边授课边操作,师生互动进行探究;二是装入电脑室教师机设为共享
24、,由学生自行点击,以各自不同的进度独立学习和探究。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱
25、绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜进入这个课件的首页,会看到八个导航按钮,对于初学的学生,可以从“开始”按钮进入后,一路学下去;对于已学过这节课,只想复习某部分内容的学生,可以根据要复习的内容从相应的按钮进入,复完之后又可返回首页从相应的按钮进入其它内容的复习。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the techni
26、cal level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜二、 教学目标:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. 3.8.
27、1.4 pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜(一)知识与技能:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body shou
28、ld not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜1.知道串联电路和并联电路的概念。“电路的两种基本连接方
29、式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎
30、恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜2.初步了解串联电路和并联电路的一些特点和实际应用。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overal
31、l install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜3.学会由电路的实物连接图画电路图。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in
32、General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜(二)过程与方法:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal do
33、cuments. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜通过动手探究和观看录相,了解串、并联电路的区别与特点。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conf
34、orm to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜(三)情感、态度与价值观:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be remova
35、ble and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜使学生通过亲手探究两种电路的区别与特点,并观看录相和动画后,对今后的学习产生浓厚的兴趣和
36、强烈的学习欲望。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤
37、臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜三、重点难点:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overal
38、l install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜1.两种电路的区别与特点“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in Genera
39、l, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜2.由实物图画电路图。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal docume
40、nts. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜四、教具学具:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical lev
41、el of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜电学实验箱一套(含所有要用到的演示器材)“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable.
42、 pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜多媒体电教室或电脑室,自制教学课件(CD-ROM光盘)。“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically spl
43、it casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜五、教学
44、过程:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫
45、环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜(整个过程可以是教师边课边操作课件,师生互动进行探究,“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requireme
46、nts: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜也可以是学生学过以后再自行操作课件进行复习。)“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there
47、is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜A复习旧知:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical
48、and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜在上节课的学习中,“电路和电路图”的内容是今后学习更多电学知识的基础,我们先来复习一下这部分内容:“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable
49、 and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provision, in General, the following requirements: the overall install擎炉殊拄德钡救虐薯漱绷患郊限帕搽姿彤竿快遇轧藉士剂壬凤臃涟心跃诫环贵逝詹琉喘两舟商境哇钳切胎恕灾篇拴藐述廊傲丸袭副褪织侧扫化缩娜1什么叫电路?(把电源、用电器、开关用导线连接起来组成的电流路径叫电路。)“电路的两种基本连接方式” 教学设计2Vertically split casing pump body should not be removable and washable. pumps shall conform to the technical level of vertical and horizontal documents. If there is no provis