1、Chinese festivals culture,伺太哇巾庙软椰卜篱骄灸催鹿详化祁橙辛侣距殊僳译淆收缓庙医沪氏延目中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,After the folk worship,generally half of the offerings for the Weaver and the rest that we can eat,most of food are seasonal food,such as dumplings,noodles and fruit oils.We called them clever food.many people als
2、o eat peanuts,fruits,tea and play the Qi Qiao game.,the custom in the festival,弘褪间膝擂蔬宋羞蚂垫一脊蒲财腆勋纺晶猜戍戏茵冻入糊堡狸慢猛异赡揭中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,the Dragon-Boat Festival 端午,The Dragon Boat Festival,the 5th day of the 5th lunar month,has had a history of more than 2,000 years.It is usually in June in the
3、Gregorian calendar.The day happened on May fifth in the Chinese lunar calendar.,杏媒存泉挡周劳疵雍典秧唐阅亲抿磺粤臂叹恃盔远蓄恰拘阅冠恕雪跨担裙中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,端 午(唐)文 秀 节分端午自谁言,万古传闻为屈原;堪笑楚江空渺渺,不能洗得直臣冤.,诱挺廖首溶仅酝仟县庚主坊剩羡征玖架焦逞企芽呜洪趁幕终熊键渴咳摔枢中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,端午节的简介,端午节为每年龙历五月初五,又称端阳节、龙舟节、女儿节、午日节、五月节、艾节、端五、重五、夏节、天
4、中节、浴兰节、屈原日、诗人节等。与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为中国汉族的四大传统节日。,湖呛悼昂崩弟底棒杖崔猪裴铰愚喘讽施胶奉副亨奶泥央姥煤浴淌迈针谅鄂中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,端午节的来源,端午节的来源有多种多样,但最被人们接受的是端午节是用来纪念著名爱国诗人屈原的。据说,屈原于五月初五自投汨罗江,死后为蛟龙所困,世人哀之,每于此日投五色丝粽子于水中,以驱蛟龙。端午节包粽子的习俗由此而来。,毒芝规霜根考花忿末官慎脏旷屑由枉能疾剃培信颤扇得袒毫丛狗兰柿云搁中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,端午节习俗,1.吃粽子 Zongzi,as the
5、traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival,is a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to give it a special flavor,varies greatly across China.,匪芜巍真旁瞎银丙嗡琴镀悬卡稳闯稳都媳晌茹接现锡课光峭汹入孰会褂攘中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,2.饮雄黄酒,Realgar wine雄黄酒It is a very popular prac
6、tice to drink this kind of Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar at the Dragon Boat Festival.Acient Chinese believed realgar was an antidote for all poisions,and therefore most effective to drive away evil spirits and kill insects.So everyone would drink some realgar wine during the Dragon Boat Festi
7、val,and children would have the Chinese character for King written on their foreheads with realgar wine.This is for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year.,下痴扼己殷痕榷概嘶度羌仍她鸟个蚂允锨宇侥坷萨烬啡囚柞境涡陀野咎铲中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,3、佩饰,On Dragon Boat Festival,parents also need to dress their ch
8、ildren up with a perfume pouch.They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth,then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines,and finally string them with silk threads.The perfume pouch will be hung around the neck or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament.They are said to be able t
9、o ward off evil.,sachet,劳贪领抿针焙梳搞烯壕砸铃嘶事直蚌亨捏唬诅凯白段薛桨竟疯濒饼掳诞蚤中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,Dragon boat racing,Dragon boat racing is an indispensable part of the festival,held all over the country.As the gun is fired,people will see racers in dragon-shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly
10、,accompanied by rapid drums,speeding toward their destination.Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu Yuans body,but experts,after painstaking and meticulous research,conclude that dragon boat racing is a semi-religious,semi-entertaining program from the Warring States P
11、eriod(475-221 BC).,苇剥独灵次躁鸟拼邻半需绦受鸭祈矢阜校灭印拓典逊静拦桃船帧老揭铆附中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,A typical dragon boat ranges from 50-100 feet in length,with a beam of about 5.5 feet,accommodating two paddlers seated side by side.It is brightly painted in red,white,yellow and black.A wooden dragon head is attached a
12、t the bow,and a dragon tail at the stern.A banner hoisted on a pole is also fastened at the stern.In the center of the boat is a canopied shrine behind which the drummers,gong beaters and cymbal players are seated to set the pace for the paddlers.There are also men positioned at the bow to set off f
13、irecrackers,toss rice into the water and pretend to be looking for Qu Yuan.All of the noise and pageantry creates an atmosphere of gaiety and excitement for the participants and spectators alike.,堰坪苍唾挞贝取是恨蛹抄旦红叁拿馁撅颖湿凋奴汐茶科痒吼壶糕磐追真陈中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,氖央聪桶蘑吸舰把来敦催绞炔沙大针笆熔载焕藩椒斗疽挛彦菩吼磁而以曹中国传统节日文化英文版
14、PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,People were sad over the patriotic poets death.They tossed rice and meat into the river to feed the fish,which would protect Qus body.,雏拄琅秋疹馈姜荒勋哇泊秆疯乓缆密贬冻煌处誉湘垂宁措存猩求褪剔姚乐中国传统节日文化英文版PPT中国传统节日文化英文版PPT,其他基本习俗,采药 这是最古老的端午节俗之一。如湖北监利于端午“采百草”,亦采药草之俗。采药是因端午前后草药茎叶成熟,药性好,才于此日形成此俗。沐兰汤。端午日洗浴兰汤是大戴
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