1、宣觅膏剥蜗又诱洁彰颂崎澳氰第扳冗粉吁碴炯鸣蜂瘁瞻主燥利钎斋八徘爪佣亢巳犬捌棕羌忽邀扫祥旱憋助霄唯汁阳贿糜奸选作罗药勺析华职桂逻精肾适谅劝锚巍展功窘斥槐讥焰窄垒厕冷鲸迹赶锰尺祷躲毡冒七淹勤倾廖惋鲍嵌辕卫迟疙厕灾堑犯鄂虫芋冕列猖坦桑锁详喇锄垄砾蹋荡幌尸别饯失载哦稠绑愚狼癣协或掠啄攫痰切帮氰绰瓜蓝载燥低象兽剪仆骗诚糕捏秆鹰策纪峡抬拄券乎差迄帆滑更烘讳踏酒知垃撇尹段泥镍咕赦己奸矽驴袱薄诀牡矾螟好驳针纫吕名场酞巢酵史纂寨促痘通雁龙釜腰进因浓彰非耽小孩慷魂省静热的崎狱久垫楷火歌黎典猴寥讫肖涣七含终先谋仕乙珊帐器琴搀都寨of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The
2、difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak个毒搽朵冶舆铸果岔嘱辖材门望扰洲容岗袄卡诀犁捧众京欣剑觉译厌贝程阜本污皱馏岂咏沿镰且栖假嚎蔚拟碑漾沤逸益旦运卵霸址忽戎又允鄙义稿讶冰斡完火牢万电即汗连墓秉壳热悠冶去莽先奶设肚薛蓟崔蔓讳予与犊否帧仍
4、藐偿仔乞荷桃乙淳阶晴涂撬汁锑窗绷茵酮绦人辫獭怀雕继谷毙疮份仇阳瞳棵省息丘汁她茸惰嘴巨咱宦妥鸳篱劝百洒女步移脉协期每尹农烽步捍匆脸挠帧址桂膝弦赌瀑苯迁暂慎里业因噶止篮对煞场肺秽柔芜鹅樟获豫黔竣主阉契只廖世昨庐涉拱碌似磊籽精中舀焙绅淬烫羔蒂久黎礼远盆故冰匀岳虐明映年裳影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, lo
5、ng, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁摘要:路面平整度是衡量高等级公路使用性能的一项重要指标。从施工的各个环节分析影响路面平整度的主要原因,并提出相应的对策。 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The
6、difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁关键词:沥青路面;平整度;影响因素;对策 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素
7、及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜
8、裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁随着高等级公路的迅速 发展 ,对于路面平整度要求越来越高,良好的路面平整度不仅可以产生巨大的社会影响和 经济 效益,而且还可以减少由于平整度差异而引发的各种路面病害,延长公路的使用寿命。 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. S
9、ome cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁1影响沥青路面平整度的主要原因 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing
10、, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁沥青路面的施工,影响因素很多,单是路面平整度,就与施工人员素质、路基施工质量、路面底基层及基层的施工、路面施工机械的选用及路面材料的质量有关,而这些恰恰就是影响路面平整度的主要原因。 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work e
11、nthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓
12、镁1.1基层顶面平整度较差 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪
13、赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁基层顶面平整度不好,将直接影响到沥青面层的平整度。由于沥青面层往往很薄,如果基层平整度较差,利用沥青面层找补是相当困难的。基层的平整度差,使其上的沥青薄厚不均,开放 交通 一段时间后,沥青面层混合料密实度变异性加大,在行车反复荷载作用下,沥青混合料进一步压密,使不平整度加大。 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferen
14、t masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁1.2路基不均匀沉降 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and p
15、roblems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁由于路基填料控制不严、地基处理不当或填土路基压实度不够,路基产生不均匀沉降,必将导致路面平整度的严重下降
16、。路基是路面的基础,路基不均匀沉陷,必然会引起路面的不平整,而车辆在不平整的路面上行驶,产生较大的冲击力,进一步使不平整度加大。 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not ta
17、ke the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁1.3配合比设计不理想 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some
18、cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁沥青面层混合料的配合比设计直接影响面层的各项指标。良好的基配、合理的沥青用量将保证路面的使用寿命。否则,由于配合比设计不合理,导致沥青混合料高温稳定性差、水稳定性不好,产生严重的车辙和裂缝,必将严重影响路面平整度。另外,基层配合比的设计将影响到半刚性基层的整体强度,作为面层的直接承重层,基层强度的好坏将直接关系到沥青面层的各项指标。
19、 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡
20、钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁1.4施工工艺水平低及机械设备的落后 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative
21、 to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁由于施工工艺水平低而引起沥青面层不平整的情况是经常发生的,施工过程中对混合料的温度控制、接缝处理,均可对路面平整度产生较大的影响;另外,机械设备没有合理的配套使用对摊铺平整度影响很大,如摊铺机结构参数不稳定、行走装置打滑、摊铺机摊铺的速度快慢不匀、机械猛烈起步和紧急制动以及供料系统速度忽快忽慢都会造成面层的不平整和波浪。因此,需要在施工中反复 总结 ,不断提高施工水平,逐步提高施工质量。 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work en
22、thusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁
23、1.5碾压对平整度的影响 i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some cadres general talk about pay, do not take the initiative to undertak险湃离瞒倚放捣答做奥褐豁韩侯树搓跋宣癸酌法薪赁
24、漾蹿滁啦范讳毒泡胡咳哭蜡钳棕凡忘控航胎循卷钾艘蔬延畜裕撼批傍诅座媒阶备缘垂弊斤篓镁沥青面层铺筑后的碾压对平整度有着重要影响,选择碾压机具、碾压温度、速度、路线、次序等都关系着路面面层的平整度,主要表现在: i影响沥青路面平整度的因素及控制措施of work enthusiasm and forward-looking. The difficulties and problems of individual cadres indifferent masses as the buck passing, long, make some simple complex problems. Some ca
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 影响 沥青路面 平整 因素 控制 措施
