1、Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,1,Chapter 10:Principles of Risk Management,ObjectiveRisk and Financial Decision MakingConceptual Framework for Risk ManagementEfficient Allocation of Risk-Bearing,浸疥向递齐地鞠聚扁销控掂来虞橱倒腮忆冻玉绢欢采绍斜听谷戌疫局滋戚金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_c
2、hapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,2,Contents,10.1 What is Risk?10.2 Risk and Economic Decisions,10.3 The Risk-Management Process10.4 The Three Dimensions of Risk Transfer10.5 Risk Transfer and Economic Efficiency10.6 Institutions for Risk Management,10.7 Portf
3、olio Theory:Quantitative Analysis for Optimal Risk Management10.8 Probability Distributions of Returns10.9 Standard Deviation as a Measure of Risk,Risk management:Qualitative,Risk management:Quantitative,鼠浊溶溜续钦减三乒婿矾辈船研丫域狠浅碌安汪督压咙裁颁瘦料央夹嚣孜金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009
4、Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,3,10.1 What is Risk?,UncertaintyAn unrealized event is uncertain for an observer at a given time if he/she does not know its outcome at that timeI enter a sealed bid on a public contract The value of my bid is certain to meBefore unsealing,my bid is
5、uncertain to youAfter unsealing,my bid is known to you,插贿记帕很肪租抉鼠峦话粉法睫韵离愚躬株瘦堰陇颅默撂仰醚隔胚路搀凌金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,4,What is Risk?Uncertainty that matters,Risk is uncertainty that“matters”,because it affects people
6、s welfare.Uncertainty is a necessary but not sufficient condition for risk.E.g.:You manage“The Intergalactic Herrings”and have a choice between two contracts for the concert hall1 Pay the hall owner$2 for each ticket sold2 Pay a specified lump-sum for the hall that has a lower expected cost than(1),
7、蛊览酶郁鬼绍贪锭嵌甘氏寄侣平记曲糕效贪刹曲肃抑访钠曙省虫长迎手祈金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,5,Contractual Outcomes,“Ticket sales”is the“risk that matters”While each fan may be certain about attending or not attending,management is not fully infor
8、med,and is at risk because if sales are in fact higher than N*,it pays more if it selected choice 1if sales are in fact lower than N*,it pays more if it selected choice 2,光馈京厩趣忆雄聂洞削捂淮颧总幌摹框帘侗叭备观的蕴毗滞屋蚕来兰瘁但金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing
9、as Prentice Hall,6,Naming the Strategies:Research,The first strategy is purchasing information by researchThere is a cost associated with collecting information,but information enables one to make better-informed decisionsInformation is often collected incrementally,and a decision is made at each st
10、ep whether to continue collecting further information,鸟靳防威纺倚泥捕敌导钮规轩矽武济船醇秉徊狐浩显揍当蒂棚峭荣蹈齐肝金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,7,Naming the Strategies:Insurance or Option,The second strategy entails purchasing the right to make
11、 a choice before a specified timeHaving the right of taking an action when information becomes clearer can be valuableIn this case,the option is the right to delay selection of the exact contractual termsThe obligation to rent the hall might be a good quid pro quo for the option,残磕崎繁国霸物止证胸沏鸦跑仕绚韧坞交囤睹
12、作矩肖剃审灰棕月霜样村匠金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,8,Naming the Strategies:Hedging,The third strategy creates secondary contracts that reduce overall exposure to the risk created by the primary contractA primary fixed-fee ren
13、tal contract creates a forward position in(unknown)future sales,皆淆泥忱由琴椒卵蒸宣酮铆欲铅隙汉砂汗逛蝴销稍本笆煽暗悦露厕丛长妻金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,9,Risk Aversion,Herrings ultimate contracting strategy will depend upon its level of risk
14、aversionRisk aversionA measure of an individuals willingness to pay for a reduction in exposure to risk,房直执旱瑞逢馒粗寨了袱净踏缸儒渔傀裤攫律搽权多檄朴趋泉镰粥蛮搬若金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,10,Upside-Downside,Herring has a choice of contrac
15、ts,and each has an upside and a downside,depending on the variable that controls the“risk that matters”Upside:favorable outcomeDownside:unfavorable outcomePeople normally consider the downside to be the risk,but theoretically both sides are risks.,炙刻破釜塔郎梁搐骇报蝶导品袜恳撩峰村痪漂枷冠獭题侨锁室牺吉涌视贪金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapt
16、er10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,11,Both Upside and Downside,Some risks are more complex.A computer mother-board manufacturer that underestimates demand will lose current sales and market shareoverestimates demand will own an inventory wit
17、h a market price that is being eroded by rapid technological obsolescenceAny deviation is unfavorable,疲广赌硒抿诬鸵钦扭锄严踢汁辣栏瞄惜边巍瞥淑陵苇弘牧宪凌绩甲廷肿母金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,12,Reduce risk:Knowing when to Purchase Information,
18、But a decision that was based on timely and carefully purchased information characterizes a well-made decision“Know when to buy a vowel”,魁疫明涎悯哗缠语盂狮买舰旺境河龚共离回假坪翟露澳缩盗允涎娠砸曝国金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,13,Reduce risk:Ta
19、ilor the Contract,But Risk reduction clauses may often be included in a contract at very little cost when the contract is written,but are expensive to add as a contract amendmentDevelop a standard set of risk-related clauses that may be incorporated into draft contractsWhen negotiating,think in term
20、s of both expected costs and their associated risks,蚀殷弄萍鸡牟屉叛拯拿眶峨眶凳书丙俺夜慨易金彬再像磺秦丑脐宝密肢稍金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,14,Reduce risk:Looking Back,But Revisit risky decisions in the light of their outcomes to improve futu
21、re decision making This is not to praise lucky management nor scold unlucky managementAsk:“How could the infrastructure supporting decision making be improved by preparing for them in advance?”(e.g.Maintain current data base of key variables),痹堆曰惦带霸壹屿郴豆肥赢嫂缚实确肝衙粱闸混庐摇早粪培置咀剩绎察歹金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金
22、融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,15,Risk Exposure,If you face a particular kind of risk because of the nature of your job,business,or pattern of consumption you have a particular risk exposure,缄侥滦卷疆酌租惠锻叠戍火垂糖阔滞手穴试贿兼巾奎萨投守虱鼓梦撼喧慷金融学教学课件bodie2e_chap
23、ter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,16,Risk-Controlling Tools,Many tools that may be used to reduce risk may also be used to increase riskIf you insure your house against fire,you are reducing your risk(Hedger)If I insure your house against
24、fire,I am increasing my risk(Speculator)(Probably not an insurable risk:moral hazardlack of a legitimate economic purpose),沸糖猿舟吠所忍庐赎什撩性剿遣哗衣姜审撼坝亥辣良危鲍牛淮项税菜汝僵金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10金融学教学课件bodie2e_chapter10,Copyright 2009 Pearson Education,Inc.Publishing as Prentice Hall,17,10.2 Risk and Economic Decis
25、ions,Some financial decisions,such as how much insurance to buy against various risk exposures,related exclusively to the management of risk.Many general resource allocation decisions,such as saving,investment and financing decisions,are also significantly influenced by the presence of risk,and ther
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