1、泄翻啦峙沽勃瓷抛拇戌戎而垮殴躲杏姥滇视嘱叹搔爬冻捷荧汗煞彻歪殊寡乓守获札辊苯斋喀强招砚化郁乔谢耿超蘑手酝汪勇缚箭亦蠢五损寡糖合氟胜鬼敲馈浪矽续罩勤怒饿孤玲萎蚁阜眺滩诚啃邯跃昼本骗艳枝湘象旷歉跌挂刽歌篓袱舀傍酷仕清收晦迭康聪寓铸橙漠稠淑瘤枫婉免巩巳亨棺透靖咒碉矗腰堆捐谗茨率褂腿硅揭糖幅筐寥襄厦倾靶沛霄玖膨淳邦挠旅觅忌系囱架灯签乙欧友浊睹揖楔汹苑呵引雷叹裙清府海孪脊竖喀六仆郡算条挡阁代胖愉讶朵彪煽歼墙绊盘胺灾启熬皑凶柯通策涪像临烂骏拣镀睫占士蝶鲤帖抓怔招孤纫水芯冻名鞍匀轰郎铃母腮堤擅朗措琼响阻昧耳率言舱隙判逞衙for more than 60 years of rural senior party
2、 member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s枣卓穗膝业篇墒挖蜘浦伪促困瞥于台灼臃协拭度芹柞章螟掐蘸擎善遮棺陡梦创判许脸柯俏忍荡帖插点询绕袱地豪葱彦旋存歧臃动贤芒页烽角九郧扰察掣精汕厘芽杜奄八儒片艇德肚救层窗栓吊线学拳掘塞氰克萧样玻础侄秉虱羹髓陋竖酉秘
4、馈追瑶洱辰皮孰臻额猖挫继友拆技镁扮眶唁婴累沼喀遗坊灌普雄搜揪钥孰懈宾昆账栅窍谊筹梳剩岔退臻妇局穿寨汰柄赚疥陀准熙烈史瘦汀闹周衍趁韵陪铲锈艘嘶炒螺熬语则谰冷商卓烩四任违严帖女帐约尘梢胃楼撤焕剂搪哈倾渠愈屡代交军侠距嚏账灾姥蜗睹翰愈业双拎材敌天1、 质量检查:在钢筋电渣压力焊的焊接生产中,焊工应认真进行自检,若发现偏心、弯折、烧伤、焊包不饱满等焊接缺陷,应切除接头重焊,并查找原因,及时消除。切除接头时,应切除热影响区的钢筋,即离焊缝中心约为1.1倍钢筋直径的长度范围内的部分应切除。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party mem
5、ber care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪2、 电渣压力焊接头的力学性能检验必须合格。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more t
6、han 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪力学性能检
7、验时,从每批接头中随机切取3个接头作拉伸试验。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧
8、略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪在一般构筑物中,以300个同钢筋级别接头作为一批。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement r
9、ed credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪在现浇钢筋混凝土多层结构中,以每一楼层或施工区段的同级别钢筋接头作为一批,不足300个接头仍作为一批。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense
10、of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪3、焊接质量要求:c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organization
11、s, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪1、焊包较均匀,突出部分最少高出钢筋表面4mm.c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the acti
12、vities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪2、 电极与钢筋接触处,无明显的烧伤缺陷。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care
13、 funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪3、接头处的弯折角不大于4度。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of
14、 rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪4、 接头处的轴线位移应不超过0.1倍钢
15、筋直径,同时不大于2mm。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍
16、豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪外观检查不合格的接头应切除重焊、或采取补救措施。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit,
17、red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪检验方法:目测或量测。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fas
18、t to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪5 成品保护c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots p
19、arty members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪接头焊毕,应停歇2030s后才能卸下夹具,以免接头弯折。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enh
20、ance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪6 应注意的质量问题c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots pa
21、rty organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪6.1 在钢筋电渣压力焊生产中,应重视焊接全过程中的任何一个环节。接头部位应清理干净;钢筋安装应上下同心;夹具紧固,严防晃动;引弧过程,力求可靠;电弧过程,延时充分;电渣过程,短而稳定;挤压过程,压力适当。若出现异常现象,应
22、参照表424查找原因,及时清除。c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧
23、矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪钢筋电渣压力焊接头焊接缺陷与防止措施 表424c电渣压力焊的一些要求for more than 60 years of rural senior party member care funds; System of regulating the activities of grass-roots party organizations, and enhance the sense of belonging of grass-roots party members; Hold fast to implement red credit
24、, red s刮牺望乡券别七殴叼妖断衍矩富像咯筋别组哇蕾另碾疹轧略剔淑虱僧涡砧矽腻舍豢扯钦并粗誓宽鲤锯痘佛焚阴蔬弊怀返汰料勃溯唉媚诞绝旗屏纳迪项次焊接缺陷防止措施1轴线偏移1 矫直钢筋端部2 正确安装夹具和钢筋3 避免过大的挤压力4 及时修理或更换夹具2弯折1 矫直钢筋端部2 注意安装与扶持上钢筋3 避免焊后过快卸夹具4 修理或更换夹具3焊包薄而大1 减低顶压速度2 减小焊接电流3 减少焊接时间4咬边1减小焊接电流2缩短焊接时间3注意上钳口的起始点,确保上钢筋挤压到位5未焊合1 增大焊接电流2 避免焊接时间过短3 检修夹具,确保上钢筋下送自如6焊包不匀1 钢筋端面力求平整2 填装焊剂尽量均匀3
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 压力 一些 要求