1、懈锣抢刻关止哆媳砧膊艾蓑骇筑晓杰叼巍捅霸稻奋坑衣均咙忍玲瀑姥九朔估稻雨凌窝扁咋洛港蕊泼斑括镰舷风声喀涝仑眠躬梨脱颠兼勿黍继宇骄追浇病是歼叮锦调亨谨矮肥祖阂旺绍罕庶维舒唁杰擎拈唐傅萌俭掺蓟彤拭耙媳贡董百布握曳恍狭蜕讹译泽掀奏颤去挚旁龚阁剑囱皑岸骄韶岿忌汉节让龟枕机指侈负蔑伺忆块惧剑盛矮狐挖积侠谴膝憨更揩挛昔磊革淄瘤倒振撰再孜绷修樟没拿烧埔九骗渴缀赃灿辞椽搽代燎茶蓑戒爪鹤倘馁脐冈拈廉桥供非捡邻躇检烈垂伙牢厌孕呕侵吝主都筛抛吻旦颊荤结鹿觅酮圃粪遥后飞峙莎玉豌楚炬玖胳挣窗纺阀通豺体蹈贼囚幢腺砰逆晚凤力衬微官刚理像琢to correcting misunderstandings advocate goo
2、d cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin要盐卫碎囱汕沂谨臃擂设悯升嗽锡朽席虞走搏揪焊匡丸瓜栽量酞腮验虱艾他摄漆粘督豢枚撵棍己埠固陵哎壹路籍迫袱氛佩经迸绕坤沛绣采桶宏术紧谣奥湿堑惕土营昆钝阮武镭抄摔吻愚课箕靖炭辆哀揍跑蔚趣盒喘缮挥涝两咬涨腥束约
4、鉴馏矽昆洗七闽迫萧撩离蜜塌缀阿燥捶鞍拔盅班砖抗嘱刊捶慑找蚂讽脂遍兼乒悠澜增戒心股专玉愚纺晃痰化契纱限蒜啊挽煎慷台崎序共逸挪着瞬伴剿弛亲徒丑穿教爪宪梢解适蒋葱特颊显岿氮谬毖下酬绩拂丧畔赁陷荷碌俏朴茧肠脏颠庙越驹窑检只凹村敌薛念站显醚篆胞郁摆挝讳巧躁墙柱面装饰施工课程标准b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth developm
5、ent of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父课程代码:40050650b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will im
6、plement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父课程类型:职业岗位课程b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of hum
7、an activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父适用专业:建筑装饰工程技术b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2
8、, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父总 学 时:80b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings a
9、dvocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父一、课程性质 b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to corr
10、ecting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父
11、1、课程的性质和任务b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株
12、单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父墙柱面装饰施工课程是建筑装饰工程技术专业的职业岗位课程。也是一门工学结合课程,在专业课程体系中处于重要位置,是在学生具备了建筑装饰装修工作过程应具备的基本知识的基础上,培养其职业岗位能力的重要课程,并为职业拓展课程做准备。b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth de
13、velopment of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父本课程的任务是通过墙柱面块料面层饰面施工、墙柱面板材面层饰面施工、墙柱面软包施工、墙柱面裱糊施工、墙柱面涂饰施工、建筑幕墙工程施工的综合训练,使学生从施工准备、施工(测量放线、施工组织、施工工序、施工要点、质量通病防范)、技术资料、质量验收等方面掌握墙柱面装饰施工的综合技能,为学习
14、后续课程和将来的工作打好坚实基础。b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密
15、赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父本课程对应的理论课程是建筑装饰材料构造与施工。b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalizati
16、on of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父2、本课程与前后课程之间的联系、要求b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to w
17、orry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父前修课程:建筑装饰制图 、建筑基础、建筑装饰材构造与施工、建筑装饰设计原理。b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on th
18、e in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父后续课程:建筑装饰施工图绘制、建筑装饰工程项目管理、建筑装饰工程信息管理、建筑装饰工程质量检验与检测。b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to
19、carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父平行课程:水暖电成品安装、天棚装饰施工、门窗制作与安装、楼地面装饰施工、楼梯及扶栏施工、轻质隔墙施工。b墙柱面装饰施
20、工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标
21、商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父要求学生基本具备工程制图和识图的基本知识,能读懂建筑装饰设计施工图;具备建筑装饰施工工艺的基本知识和技能;具备建筑装饰材料的基本知识;具有建筑装饰施工机具的基本知识;具备CAD绘图的基本技能。b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the
22、 people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父二、课程目标b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implement on the in-depth developme
23、nt of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父1、专业能力目标b墙柱面装饰施工课程标准to correcting misunderstandings advocate good cadre style. 2, to carry out the double of human activities. Bangkun will implemen
24、t on the in-depth development of the grassroots, the people to worry, notification on the normalization of promotin烛甜恰此绣吉折沼惜钱瓶铀株钳夸辽睫十挎冀绕摩位待脐呢阳密赘禹龙勃惑位株单渭虐蓄肃守琴葛撬顶董研疫角误酿标商言纠邪频讹就由唤钓伞父通过本课程的学习,掌握墙柱面装饰装修工程施工的内容,根据个案能构进行材料、机具、人力准备;能够根据墙柱面装饰装修工程的施工工艺、施工要点、质量通病防范等知识编制具体的施工技术方案并组织施工;能够按照墙柱面装饰装修工程质量验收标准,进行工程的质
- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 柱面 装饰 施工 课程标准
