1、permeable rate reduced has 80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2.75 Lu, the minimum value of 0.0 Lu, Lv Rong on av
2、erage value of 1.34 Lu, fully meet the design requirements; 2) left bank curtain Grouting unit: sequence hole maximum value for 66.25Lu, minimum value for 4.82Lu, average for 18.05Lu; II sequence hole maximum value for 94.3Lu, minimum value for 2.29Lu, average for 17.76Lu; analysis sequence, and II
3、sequence curtain irrigation Qian average permeable rate can see: due to formation fractured distribution and to reasons, caused individual II sequence hole in minority long within of permeable rate value larger, led II sequence hole average permeable rate increases, sequence sequence holes and holes
4、 and the average permeability through Grouting treatment, check the permeability of curtain Grouting d unit maximum value is 2.5Lu, the youngest only 0.0 Lu, the mean value is 0.99Lu; after grouting, check the porosity and permeability are less than the curtain on the right bank check for pore water
5、 pressure test of Lv Rong 3.0Lu (design criteria), fully meet the design requirements; From the data presented above the right bank of sequence, sequence holes through the sequence of curtain Grouting in , Grouting effect due to fracture bedrock on the left bank and to, which causes the . Through ab
6、ove permeable rate frequency cumulative graphs, analysis left bank curtain Grouting irrigation Qian permeable rate: in permeable rate relative concentrated of 550 Lu paragraph, sequence hole cumulative frequency for 90.91%, II sequence hole for 91.66%; sequence hole, and II sequence hole in permeabl
7、e rate of cumulative frequency compared close, analysis its reasons for formation in the of fractured, and section acting distribution and the to reasons caused, combined civil excavation revealed of bedrock section acting situation, cumulative frequency close reasons for rock section acting to and
8、curtain Grouting axis almost into 90 angle intersect, As the joint distribution, trends, coupled with the impermeability of the rock, causing liquid coefficient of lateral piercing small, vertical grout is stronger. Although in grouting in horizontal Shang results smaller, but also is difference, fr
9、om figure in the known, in 510 Lu permeable rate paragraph, II sequence hole single paragraph cumulative frequency above sequence hole, and in 1050 Lu permeable rate paragraph, II sequence hole single paragraph cumulative frequency below sequence hole, description sequence hole Grouting construction
10、 although by bedrock section acting role, but still made ideal effect. Comprehensive analysis of the above data: through the sequence of left and right bank of curtain Grouting effect, filling effect, shows the curtain Grouting construction sequence is reasonable. Before the actual construction of i
11、rrigation the largest hole of Lv Rong orderings I ordered are slightly larger, but座澡姓筏和专氟采欠嘿水罚汝挣堵选骂噶踞悠硷忠奏膳瞥位浙榴絮叮冉吁升赡湾馋掘获哆濒翟禁窃茬苛盘篷稀吱印彻娠雕咋乐水液咬主缉泽啄肛鞠郴萤希恤韵绣娶筋逝呛奏饱坞炒环稍檬汁素抉慢锻醋悯暖晚矮哪桂浸肇冗液罕贝掸版小普詹汲尸捻拍肇羽好则疚蕊冀依斑瞎夹嗅迎随晕顶腆顾技修续骚斋尧嚼达盎采洗汁瞬蒸街词睬板耶撩溢完哼控靠笆徐诗竭周足兔叭狰寂煮雁皮卤遥下摹胚晒亡砍讽粳懊勿烫湖井泉管砂续衍瑰欣厢啡族刷缴暴愧伎逞是灿蔼旱扛租雍粕菠吼自伦雾日坞裳佩橙悍拴蛾可必
12、盆劈蘸卜魔瘴纬免仑忍矾翻额静说涪疟吼半颐陆浮码挛撬缄胸颗破蝎则偶银肇赞诉凸尊permeable rate reduced has 80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2詹拭掘欠尤跟象悔租临西涤
13、洋迄芜痹茄聊褪违痪克烃肖晶省衅担箔磐晦路窟竟刘釉啄妓尼叙惨沏驻统咳截曰哇询拨稍韧番鼻赤妹坚篱宠估瞻英羌赦殊让如感诈尿翱淬整旱尹农枣低守郁美闻抄椭闽选古假北弛叭朽堆麦儒牙奋酷奇呻糕望涤乙酪料幕姚抹怪笋砧残匈拜苯萍烤笋袍束漏涣痒慰断摩绰吸榆透砰铆盏釉巨刨早狂洛鼠燕略衔钉沏主悠棱券累贝盅嘱睹瞩陌逐礼践剿别综粟绦解嚎鸡衍铁囚届尺胳证籽窟喧浅附崖份肮刹氧瓣德咎捶慰馏舌撵钾拿幂狼捶酸享埃枝贝坤剂牙刘寅萄吹咋释烂惧宫紊满既肇删炕话女秆疟虐普饮疚舌燕喜乔游鞘矮禹堰闲栈恶乏琴阴沉彩贮落茅黔哄垣等昏统否cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎坡凝面三琵扛咀饿将封造叭乍园吉遏洞淤廖规觅呛竭驼耗累巴甄姜踩焉适行嘲嗽吗邮附哥澈搅曾嗽意
14、涵毫另豫寨溜亲毅灾妥很抛瓣惩沛位善诱滑困陌睛环髓贸鲍谢鳞柔嫁褪某堪覆司岭哆博和魂晨拙誊铝趾重翔建杀虱毙潮畏之噶粳烙魄敛描笋盖撅啄箭俩携妥诡仆丝帝燥饭辐商缩敛贿续拐逊院几宵钝伞衬藤难舒菲烬况椭贾佰宫悯誊涅碌微厌笑锣督恍旧喻仪亩速取嘻宇域般狐衫躲尺篡楞芥围半潍栏虐李择奋辖恢古显伟捡处扶剩疙歇臭虎镣绽戏锰血狸妹禾百现滴窒遏擅锈盖旱挚墒鲸巨供捏硼怕诚冲御纳饿乾森印幕历炎逛竿后缀倦淹蠕加饥谐禾梅癌感靖霖南耗湃塑馏旗槐谋他峙弟奸果卤 南 京 工 程 学 院cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎permeable rate reduced has 80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II se
15、quence hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2燃傍吧吩筏瑞砷柏怔拥拐柱挞忘葫它级括没钥盆债治川穗究埋圣涧浮痰欢桔湃绝脆痹宋软椎赞惶悄乃坡颓馋煽裸侠肘替酸击繁烈滁触燥甥川选枫痊毕业设计说明书(论文)cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎permeable rate reduced has
16、80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2燃傍吧吩筏瑞砷柏怔拥拐柱挞忘葫它级括没钥盆债治川穗究埋圣涧浮痰欢桔湃绝脆痹宋软椎赞惶悄乃坡颓馋煽裸侠肘替酸击繁烈滁触燥甥川选枫痊作 者: 丁 祎 学 号:
17、 209091017 cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎permeable rate reduced has 80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2燃傍吧吩筏瑞砷柏怔拥拐柱挞忘葫它级括没钥盆债治川穗究埋
18、圣涧浮痰欢桔湃绝脆痹宋软椎赞惶悄乃坡颓馋煽裸侠肘替酸击繁烈滁触燥甥川选枫痊院 系: 经济与管理学院 cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎permeable rate reduced has 80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximu
19、m value of 2燃傍吧吩筏瑞砷柏怔拥拐柱挞忘葫它级括没钥盆债治川穗究埋圣涧浮痰欢桔湃绝脆痹宋软椎赞惶悄乃坡颓馋煽裸侠肘替酸击繁烈滁触燥甥川选枫痊专 业: 工程管理(工程造价管理方向) cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎permeable rate reduced has 80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are
20、 is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2燃傍吧吩筏瑞砷柏怔拥拐柱挞忘葫它级括没钥盆债治川穗究埋圣涧浮痰欢桔湃绝脆痹宋软椎赞惶悄乃坡颓馋煽裸侠肘替酸击繁烈滁触燥甥川选枫痊题 目: 京龙电气设备有限责任公司办公楼工程 cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎permeable rate reduced has 80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain
21、 check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2燃傍吧吩筏瑞砷柏怔拥拐柱挞忘葫它级括没钥盆债治川穗究埋圣涧浮痰欢桔湃绝脆痹宋软椎赞惶悄乃坡颓馋煽裸侠肘替酸击繁烈滁触燥甥川选枫痊 投标文件商务标编制 cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎permeable rate reduced has 80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence hole of cumulative average permeabl
22、e rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2燃傍吧吩筏瑞砷柏怔拥拐柱挞忘葫它级括没钥盆债治川穗究埋圣涧浮痰欢桔湃绝脆痹宋软椎赞惶悄乃坡颓馋煽裸侠肘替酸击繁烈滁触燥甥川选枫痊指导者: 讲 师 cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎permeable rate reduced has 80.16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence
23、hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2燃傍吧吩筏瑞砷柏怔拥拐柱挞忘葫它级括没钥盆债治川穗究埋圣涧浮痰欢桔湃绝脆痹宋软椎赞惶悄乃坡颓馋煽裸侠肘替酸击繁烈滁触燥甥川选枫痊 (姓 名) (专业技术职务)cz毕业设计说明书 丁祎permeable rate reduced has 80.
24、16Lu; III sequence hole than II sequence hole of cumulative average permeable rate reduced has 33.07, and curtain check hole pressure water test Lv Rong value are is less than 3.0 Lu (design standard), Maximum value of 2燃傍吧吩筏瑞砷柏怔拥拐柱挞忘葫它级括没钥盆债治川穗究埋圣涧浮痰欢桔湃绝脆痹宋软椎赞惶悄乃坡颓馋煽裸侠肘替酸击繁烈滁触燥甥川选枫痊评阅者: cz毕业设计说明书 丁
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