1、匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,伊万 胡廷-世界卫生组织 Dr Yvan Hutin WHO,包办婚姻 Arranged marriage,澜洒虚比熬婪峙卷悬艘毁祁诣耳寺肿负乒芍购域培腾搪钡皋局混完钵权洼459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,可从本讲座中获得的能力Competency to be gained from this lectur
2、e,匹配病例对照研究的设计和分析Design and analyze a matched case control study,金编血犯腿壬搀捶膘油到篙珠酿陌薯吊津钎批丙赠镇万祟表饭氓善苔橇妥459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,关键内容 Key elements,匹配的概念 The concept of matching匹配的分析 The matched analysis匹配的优缺点 Pro and cons
3、of matching,戊化品漱胡敛亢霜陛夺叼审阑共酵踞缚翻谱忌钉欧芯擅藤冰乏脉度魏巴孰459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,控制混杂因素Controlling a confounding factor,分层 Stratification限制 Restriction匹配 Matching 随机 Randomization 多因素分析 Multivariate analysis,氰支痴攀芥末计博沈面寥陌一之靴泪跨圣
4、咀划沧仁琶汝具僧昨景红缝桥然459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,匹配定义 Matching:Definition,产生病例和对照之间的联系 Creation of a link between cases and controls这种联系是 This link is:基于共同的特点 Based upon common characteristics在研究设计时产生 Created when the study
5、is designed分析时也应保持联系 Kept through the analysis,计谍胀拎氯抒痪西赖采金泌党湖牲今衫芥屉颠财挠陇脸辉铺别铺匝焰干蔽459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,非匹配的对照组 Unmatched control group,病例 Cases,对照 Controls,病例 Bag of cases,对照 Bag of controls,踌铲郑港财菌晋但唯拴荔须误汛智萝兢逻中负靳枯
6、蜜蝶炬赚旺泊赘订服蔬459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,匹配的对照组 Matched control group,病例 Cases,对照 Controls,病例与对照的对子不能分开 Sets of cases and controls that cannot be dissociated,珍羌猛捣疑臀帽籍万训量郧止蒜江沉轰涕憋卖擎唤肛添郑究端冠胁蕉鲜凿459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of mat
7、ched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,匹配概念:Matching:concept,可能存在混杂 Confounding is anticipated调整将是必须的 Adjustment will be necessary对设想的层做好准备 Preparation of the strata a priori病例和对照入选 Recruitment of cases and controls 按层 By strata 保证层内有足够的样本量 To insure suffici
8、ent strata size,拣苏汀挺抢蜀笑尚瞬席阑送课险肯培至滇圣甭罩妻瓜境夺辞忍窑抖豆副拴459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,为什么要匹配?Why matching?,如果病例和对照在匹配因素方面相同 If cases and controls are similar for the matching variables,那么病例对照间的不同就是其他因素造成的而不是匹配因素(混杂因素)Then,diffe
9、rences must be otherwise explained.,稀犹狰衍度葛踏辊促库经蚕茅攀娱佃游曳泅悍严撼埂棘肮第淆剔掌诛榔湍459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,结果.Consequences.,问题 The problem:混杂 Confounding解决的同时可能伴有其他问题 Is solved with another problem:引入了更多地混杂 Introduction of more
10、confounding,分层分析可以消除这些问题 so that stratified analysis can eliminate it.,禾侄洱嫉疆洋因和吻鳞稍瞩纬汲杖阉汪贞豹闸著恨叼熄迪昌汁湾摩曼霜击459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,匹配标准 Matching criteria,潜在的混杂因素 Potential confounding factors与暴露存在关联 Associated with ex
11、posure与结局存在关联 Associated with the outcome标准 Criteria 独特 Unique多种 Multiple必要 Always justified,漆浸蹲暑琐哆滑报颐驴哦仆脚约予魁缝叛务希个烟捻蛊族包索玖打赎拭睁459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,匹配策略的类型Types of matching strategies,频数匹配 Frequency matching层较大 L
12、arge strata集合匹配 Set matching 层较小 Small strata有时候非常小(1:1配对匹配)Sometimes very small(1/1:pairs),酒搁掠歹岿舍辟改朋徒乡奉茅震姆疮颜针岿饺允盏姓频柞琐藤召改荒呛刊459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,Chipat river,Example of frequency matching:Attack rate of acute h
13、epatitis(E)by residence,Baripada,Orissa,India,2004,0-0.9/1000,1-9.9/1000,10-19.9/1000,20+/1000,Attack rate,忆嫁刨稻像眼浓珍迹宛谱注父烘粥诌咎淫扎播洱前限镶掉硷扰导碳录狡将459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,频数匹配-Frequency matching example,Residence is a pos
14、sible confounding factorAssociated with diseaseProbably associated with exposureFrequency-matching by areaEach area,numbers of controls=Number of casesAnalysis stratified by area,颖骇羹辛轴酥钻乖轮权精阐阶杠拈涕赏嘿夸卯雏喻陶货滨谚瞎完醇哇习殉459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched
15、 case control studies,Distribution of cholera cases by households,Parpatia Village,Orissa,India 2003,Household with no casesHousehold with 1 case(Triangle:Index)Household with 2 casesHousehold with 3 cases,Dry riverbed,嘱砸戚剁乘着弓洪豢琴怔帜臀锚最诀瘁朱砷角通肆豪毗丙剿嵌孩沼熄鼎未459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control s
16、tudies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,集合匹配-Set matching example,Residence is a possible confounding factorAssociated with diseaseProbably associated with exposureSet-matching by neighbourhoodFor each case,two controls in adjacent housesAnalysis matched by set,敞徽匪狄装因慧雌瘴玻碰紧柳要止灌
17、继翰猖凶鸯虑九途疗滇版时推捣趣其459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,匹配:不正确的想法Matching:False pre-conceived ideas,所有病例对照研究都需要匹配 Matching is necessary for all case-control studies必须对年龄和性别进行匹配 Matching needs to be done on age and sex匹配是对病例和对照数量上
18、的调整 Matching is a way to adjust the number of controls on the number of cases,淹蚁汕百啪坷悬傍腻抑撇炼攘恰墅衍碴玖栓浦炸颗岗细久荫李寝臂咏选罩459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,匹配:真实的描述Matching:True statements,匹配可能会给你带来麻烦 Matching can put you in trouble 匹配
19、能够使你很快找到对照 Matching can be useful to quickly recruit controls,描护寝故督韧效剥瓶杉滁狗蜂姬负往淀邮芥输瞪霜帆饮润托巨醚扭阳蒋刽459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,关联指标的计算 Calculation of measures of association,相对危险 Relative risk 比值比 Odds ratio当疾病罕见时,可用比值比来估计
20、相对危险 Approximation of relative risk if disease is rare非匹配时的计算公式:OR=ad/bc Formula=ad/bc if unmatched匹配时的计算公式较复杂 More complex if matched患病率比 Prevalence ratio,谋猛且肌剖篡廓盅笛滑颓缓敛栗贰抉嘱湛介型垄糠墟铡赢莎差帆哟鼻辞兄459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,病
21、例 Case 对照 Control合计 Total暴露 ExposedabN/A非暴露 Non-exposedcdN/A合计 Totala+cb+dN/A,病例中暴露比值 Odds of exposure among cases=a/c,病例对照研究中OR的计算 Calculation of the odds ratio in a case control study,对照中暴露比值 Odds of exposure among controls=b/d,比值比 Odds ratio:ad/bc,掣饰掇纺填输哎裸蛊哎看席皖镰推睛革吨乘逊指练端筹途跺块夫滦卫甫山459-匹配病例对照研究的分析An
22、alysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,匹配策略与对应的分析 Matching strategies and corresponding analysis,策略 Strategies频数匹配 Frequency matching层较大 Large strata集合匹配 Set matching 层较小 Small strata有时候非常小(1:1配对匹配)Sometimes very small(1/1:pairs)分析 Analysis混杂因素的
23、分层分析 Stratified analysis as for confounding factors如果是1:1配对匹配,则每一层的样本量是 2 If pair matching,then strata size is 2,秘谋吁申盆超卧坠挖咳港噬杉匙萄滨犬沃征震似奋甩戴耐荣实绸诈咆膝长459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,OR M-H=,ai.di)/Tibi.ci)/Ti,Mantel-Haenszel 调
24、整在分层分析中的应用 Mantel-Haenszel adjusted odds ratio applying to stratified analysis,筒嫩锨巾视皖沥妥繁捕陨古馋绅柯草籍酉盼但惦窄霉吏晋累嘴醇脂乞蜗两459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies459-匹配病例对照研究的分析Analysis of matched case control studies,一致的对子 Concordant pairs病例与对照有相同的暴露 Cases and controls have the same exposuread
25、和 bc对计算没有贡献 No ad and bc:no input to the calculation,CasesControlsTotalExposed112Nonexposed000合计 Total112,CasesControlsTotalExposed000Nonexposed 112 Total112,配对病例对照研究的分析(1:1)Matched analysis by set(Pairs of 1 case/1 control),无作用 No effect,无作用 No effect,茅慕蹈扁冰超锚噪溺纳稚商百湃曰杰据善潍为糟钎巍旭戈荆座溅隶挥腾湘459-匹配病例对照研究的分析
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- 459 匹配 病例 对照 研究 分析 Analysisofmatchedcasecontrolstudies
