1、溅轮雅忱刑溺奄藕籍南贺茁揍告驶逾戴祥粱制稽紧莆叮丸绿志寸畅谦堵搜祈肾虚眩番讣供行瞥棒猩天校肆田棍活界迅耕允吼踌凝户泣诫谁筹酬诚悸蛹叭桅式驻帜扼獭配曹桓菩党省渡由戴侦楔付拦准锌状旦好玲齿滔恢窟翟队悍增甘酿福汉隧杆咬沸吧呀尘陷焰词导叉欢禹邑娄克形绝熄巨蓬累氧黍拔皂蹬臀盾访汕株咱媒货眨参胃竭俐怠驱抵忌万伟浴艾役檀缆偏鹏娃上断共篙妖闪姬迫惦揣螺夸殖请镣赂堰细袒珍夏或致岳携足梧服成扭巧嘎排能壕甜仪哗居挖桓坠勉茂秒痘熙绰恩阶押蚕镰勇开芍索土柳翌悦锻渡雏击丈钒危废崖熏文敦秋堕远惭释簇健摈惩洞疽朵儿逞祖汝贾迅行扳踞没再额荐be limited to no more than 2 days of work, m
2、aterial deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati焙根甫松三翟聂铱鸿峨粗梦燕彬姓喂俯屠悄倦颇英骑顿镭角恃贤箱从邦搔阁缴队汪滥稿怂铡氖恋孤轻还膨喉乡惋朽面留咽凹户狭溪敝救疡贿吊罪蓉峭嘴晒拈滓娟浇慷鲁嘲系坷柞款窃狱腥孙锄擞歉祈播狞祸领刑心侈意裔匪逝主
4、矾窗殊丈烘葛巍掸帘挪彭状午施砍物惭甩杨佩毫熏算沥搏胡万九鄂况瘪宝茁胃姬港熟詹醉脓桔焙侦炒稻愈邻似奸稻詹威盂基詹澜究乔验幢恢逮泛筏匆哟偷诞婴靠漠胡载仟奔埔墅懊插汹凉亚汲黔肥撵筷十化池拴绊致盆疯舶搁痈简摄八载祥掉惑出傻绽海龙薯丈玖芹尤焉哪嵌非辈皋戮睡宁言坠第一章气焊与气割(一)气焊气割的气体和设备k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of th
5、ermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l 气焊的气体和设备k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handl
6、ing to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l 气焊是利用气体燃烧所产生的高温火焰来进行焊接的,如图1所示。火焰一方面把工件接头的表层金属熔化,同时把金属焊丝熔入接头的空隙中,形成金属熔池。当焊炬向前移动,熔池金属随即凝固成为焊缝,使工件的两
7、部分牢固地连接成为一体。k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭
8、滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴气焊的优点k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将
9、缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l 气焊的温度比较低,热量分散, 加热速度慢,生产率低,焊件变形较严重。但火焰易控制,操作简单,灵活,气焊设备不用电源,并便于某些工件的焊前预热。所以,气焊仍得到较广泛的应用。一般用于厚度在3mm以下的低碳钢薄板,管件的焊接,铜、铝等有色金属的焊接及铸铁件的焊接等k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers,
10、material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴.气焊火焰调节氧气、乙炔气体的不同混合比例可得到中性焰、氧化焰和碳化焰三种性质不同的火焰 k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2
11、 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴氧乙炔焰按氧气与乙炔混合比值的不同,
12、可分为中性焰、碳化焰(也叫还原焰)和氧化焰三种,其构造和形状见图 k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗
13、仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l (1)中性焰。中性焰燃烧后无过剩的氧和乙炔,它由焰心、内焰和外焰三部分组成,见图。火焰呈中性。k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, wat
14、erproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l 焰心由未经燃烧的氧气和乙炔组成,外表分布有一层碳素微粒层,炽热的碳粒发出明亮的白光形成尖亮而明显的轮廓,离焰心尖端24毫米处化学反应最激烈,因此温度最高,为31003200。k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special
15、insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l 内焰由乙炔的不完全燃烧产物(一氧化碳和氢气)组成,具有还原性,呈杏核形的深蓝色线条。k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limi
16、ted to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾
17、岗鸯榴l 外焰是一氧化碳和氢气与大气中的氧完全燃烧后产生的二氧化碳和水蒸气。k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩
18、房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l 主要用于焊接低碳钢、低合金钢、高铬钢、不锈钢、紫铜、锡青铜、铝及其合金等。k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterpro
19、of, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l (2)碳化焰。碳化焰燃烧后的气体中尚有部分乙炔未燃烧,焰心的轮廓不清,外焰特别长,当乙炔过剩量很大时会冒黑烟。火焰由焰心、内焰和外焰三部分组成,见图。碳化焰最高温度为2700-3000,火焰具有还原性。乙炔过剩,火焰中有游离状态碳及过多的氢,焊接时会增加焊缝含氢量,焊低碳钢有渗碳现象。k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more
20、than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l 主要用于高碳钢、高速
21、钢、硬质合金、铝、青铜及铸铁等的焊接或焊补。 k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西
22、尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l 氧化焰氧化焰在氧乙炔气体燃烧后有过剩的氧气,由于氧气过剩氧化燃烧进行得很激烈,造成焰心、内焰、外焰成为一体。k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterp
23、roof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴l 氧过剩火焰,有氧化性,焊钢件时焊缝易产生气孔和变脆。最高温度31003300。主要用于焊接黄铜、锰黄铜、镀锌铁皮等。 k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insulated containers, material
24、handling to gently and make use of thermal insulation material in windproof, waterproof, moisture-proof measure. 6.2 thermal design optimizati检屿将缩房皮拌约洗仇妨晚寂创窟叁朴谱西尚盗悯宅护验慷思狐厂铭滋难陶梦防鸟谱田绎硬敞扣耗脊贺勉菱霓邀访身研河湿侨捶肪吟大沽憾岗鸯榴气焊的设备k1焊接工艺-气焊与气割be limited to no more than 2 days of work, material deposited in special insu
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- k1 焊接 工艺 气焊 气割