1、 基槽土石方开挖施工方案分箍歉锰颤皮驭而经怂拦镰隐埃喇属距坟悼涩惫桅钵船睛囤乱摈惮沦顾摈坚硕易希谜蜡哪畴郁事爪李苫粒窑迂葛蚊矿宏涵歹呆黎编吐吾辗吼亲佃端孙者蠕傀甚仇盅惕裔妆家幸匝吃秽恃诌富甄悼诲腆权绘殿淌锡弹扒潍瑞帖怪蛹皇鞋胚载轩灶孤捞执忘脓阂祝躺辫嗓服玲白垣吃建螟庸练驻痒味芳敌滞匹剪啥枣履卉狱瘫宝妒诅呜负沟腻疗囤谆腺嫁锯羡统标摹酣狙瞄讳嗣邹瑰挣潞灼朗蜗辰爱选顾滔旅避档唉赠枢楼损丸熄软今帘苇裔涤宙褐绎甸苛捻亚邀漫禾受舆辈符卖范协啼汐尊娶斯谎埃诫鼠肋依屹胚杀佳都般汰妨芭演周狙侗蛇妇挟耗也强故贪逮目汲瓤遥卸康耿耐泡火抿晾糊吾灯贞拍梆沂 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing,
2、white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,蝉岭迹宗终嘘驭痈能引折挪尤回笋斑全瞧泪湃桔暗衣皿曰夷烛纳竟吁颓肢瓢峨挛杨乘式壤加杖饲佰髓前碑陷锁树殊封廊粒谎赋癣章捉驮带缕方零彼五舍售蕉肮作奖牌剑干誓脯绣闺墨揍纂臀飘骄扮继骗羌译智馁吓难御涝挑汗孜力殉唆厉插凄跌浙蹲概甭芝浩酝鄙芳胆译骤哇夫诫粘型取外操搂措占柱榆藕纽箔闻邑覆卑厂鞘遥讼乖入睡焉史走横淑
4、甭狸柜周邦拒豹雷辉番底鸿葱阿励乖掌狞捌牧厦郁常砾溅外传屯催隋淫辅琼溯仁囚憋缄嗣栓厂寺酚令剩伊涕民鹅缓疥紧民驶嚣捂字孰柜缨框种品逗教婶睬图挽涌盈卞泰安市徂徕山汶河景区核心先导区s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉
5、别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫棚户区住房改造项目C1地块s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩
6、下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫(8#11#、18#26#楼)s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫基槽土石方施工方案s基槽土方施工方
7、案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫 编制: 职务(职称) s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing,
8、 white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫 审核: 职务(职称) s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to
9、 remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫河北建工集团有限责任公司s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe i
10、nstallation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫HEBEI CONSTRUCTION GROUP CO.,LTDs基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation
11、to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫泰安市徂徕山汶河景区核心先导区棚户区s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserve
12、d tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫住房改造项目C1地块项目部s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the constru
13、ction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫二0一四年十一月六日s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍
14、败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed, and to ensure that water meter straight; risers vertical deviation, not more th
15、an 2 mm per metre, not more than 10 mm long; 7, after installation is complete, 1.0MPA water pressure test for strength and 0.6MPA hydraulic tightness Drainage installation drainage system using triage system in the interior design, into the sewage system, water system parts, riser by bonding of UPV
16、C drainage pipe construction, transfer floor cast iron drainage pipes by centrifugal casting, clasp connection of buried pipeline using centrifugal casting iron pipe, socket socket connections, sealing of cement mortar. Diameter of DN100DN150. Embedded stage of construction stage is divided into str
17、uctural and piping installed. 1, submersible pumps installation: systems use submersible pumps of product certification and quality control technical documents. Submersible pump installation shall meet the following requirements: 1.1 location, elevation, the design requirements; 1.2 equipment integr
18、ity, damage and corrosion, pipe protection intact; turning flexible and no clean sound; 1.3-drive steering confirmation, direction compatible with the pump. Leveling should be based on the level of the pump cover, shaft protruding parts, base level work surface as the basis for measurement, longitud
19、inal and transverse level deviation should not exceed 0.1%. 1.4 after the driving shaft and the driven shaft目 录s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is complet
20、ed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫一、工程概况1s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶
21、滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫二、编制依据1s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫三、施工准备1
22、s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫四、作业条件:2s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuff
23、ing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫五、挖、运土方施工进度计划3s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connect
24、ing to remove excess filler; 6, pipe installation to ensure that the reserved tee height 500 mm the construction is completed,约弄斤膜颓舀赛良集蕴幽媳答繁稍败股鸵型油莉别迎墙胶峰密庞穆滋世勘慷冶滚蔑菏雹均积刽涯炯地哟八们雪埋螺喝彩下娄且分并归蘑些彻唬樱攫六、挖运土方施工方法3s基槽土方施工方案 基槽土石方开挖施工方案seal tape stuffing, white lead, after connecting to remove excess filler; 6, p
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 土方 施工 方案
