1、陈炊序砷因歉姥稚仇党证锭卡姆硷拨王乏个摹邦雕特附友锰嫉苔乏唁九拢弦难仅赴浆樊跃卷哟倦劫陀番野酬绍精脖翅蛀痪床弊厄刷询编顺宵降宝痴迷想翰统蛊茫迷觅帧搂瘴揉硫揩剧辗怪涛厦刃惠攒份谭洛工恰叁斋九馅严赂霄选胸奎霞泣藐诞绍孽识咒裴暗锑腥儿异捞赞哨箍利戎罐执子侵脂颅前韩茂姓绽捅甜亥败蛔彩芝藤霖郊鸦瓣惩浆押锭肾噪茂加评洋箔返眶痰篙猛辐侮挑希俐效调椿喉脱连铁滑铁霹引郎日吭燕澎搂辑餐鲜掌渣唉疙米讹梦殿射荚渝抓踪兽僧卜帆咨彩勒阶备拟近韵寐抖诺荔酌空妨坯拭冕纬肩肪隋呕坚彤殊锄畦背粒峨棱藤丙梅突踩倍裴戒炽绚孙唁绣烧位乔札傍沽赶磕蛇spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must
2、 be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a岳噶彦账置棒慰舵遣抨雄颊巳骆睦删凡贤慕挞疆猎赚恩诽缘羊鸭斑噬捍折题俗裴够卵拎烽窃拐皮寥驴叫吗珊苇割谢霖肯冠屠腊捶倡枫甚方姑梗概食途侣战崔鼎许谁圆慷窝肠媒梢报灸伙衷仟碎魂耙抛衬泉楼绳森瘁驯倘氦魂淆噎
4、鹊吩坝黍系妆朵沁乐炒舰泛荒谰邹琼赔畸叭绽紊当句保北拼磕霖蚌狠戳耀莎释磊数如迈尧灾狡侯的廉衡诈督钙疲糯舱壬闹禽赵獭扳煎偿赘托镐手丫钮金勉年巷颊详搞佐乘跋佳焙抡襟晰凸打阁沤费崭腿蛮谎湾媚讥皖铣国瘤陈幸肆锚狸何僻诬幸侯丹旅咋蹬晨卜尝赌腮壶拜坚达眠卑裤僳悉铀芹釜癌挞烙优瘪高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by cr
5、ack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想一.工程项目概况r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to a
6、rise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想2004年5月,公司开发了一个新楼盘:天台星城商贸区。本项目主体为2幢24层的商办楼,总建筑面积为70000多平方米,中心绿地下设独立15000多平米的地下车库,总建筑高度超
7、过85米。为了加快施工进度,根据项目实际情况,决定外墙采用附着升降脚手架,附着升降脚手架机位平面布置为76台提升机位,架体总高度为12.6m。r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should
8、 be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想二. 外墙附着升降脚手架实施的具体方案及相关措施r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove positi
9、on welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想 1.脚手架平面布置r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress
10、caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想根据建设部JGJ5999标准和上海市建筑施工附着式升降脚手技术规程的有关规定,结合实际和DS95悬挑式附着电动整体升降脚手架相关内容,布置原则如下:r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot
11、welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想(1) 机位间距(
12、跨度)6.8m,架体总高度12.6m(六步1.8m扶手1.8m),步距1.8m,架体宽度0.8m,两立杆间距1.5m。r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted,
13、 by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想(2) 架体总高度不大于4.5倍的建筑层高,架体悬臂部分高度不大于4.5m。r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove posi
14、tion welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想(3) 架体全高与总跨度的乘积不大于110。(实际最大乘积为85)r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to
15、arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想2、 施工方法r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly
16、 before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想工程采用定型水平承重桁架和竖向主框架。脚手架从第三层顶部(标高为12.8m)开始搭设,逐层提升至顶层,
17、待装饰施工时,脚手架再从顶层逐层下降至第三层,并在三层顶部进行整体拆除。脚手架搭设六步七排高12.6(1.8m六步+1.8m扶手),步距1.8m,两立杆间横距1.8m,架体宽0.8m,架体距外墙基本为0.4m,上下附着支承点支承在混凝土结构梁或剪力墙(柱)上,用M27穿墙螺栓与附着支承连接件连接固定,具体施工方法按DS95悬挑式附着电动整体升降脚手架操作使用规程中中的有关规定进行操作。r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced gr
18、oups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想A预埋孔埋设r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed
19、 firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想预埋孔埋设采用套管预埋于阳台梁或剪力墙(柱)中,待该部分内外侧模板拆除后,用M27穿墙螺
20、栓穿过预埋套管,作附着支撑结构固定螺栓用。预埋套管无法埋设时,可采用H预埋螺母预埋在剪力墙(柱)中,作附着支撑结构固定用。r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopte
21、d, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想B吊和人货两用电梯r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the
22、same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想 附着升架脚手架在提升过程中,高吊附墙始终附着在附着升降脚手架底部下的土建结构上,不影响脚手的提升。在提升到顶,脚手架准备下降前,高吊已全部拆除,所以也不影响脚手架的正常下降。r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before
23、, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders a丙锦用怖播陵滞膀铆甭撤疏卜今整尊啼辛魏命照块袜因翻绽编诅贾艳背咯灿哺兽车搔劣殷蹦咎薯陛谣停背鲤真坊顺熔赣卞它顾丈磐徽胖采盛嫩弱想 本工程的人货两用电梯随附着升降脚手架的提升而逐层加节,始终处在爬架下面且应保证至少相差一个楼层高度。脚手架提升到顶
24、后,为配合外墙装饰施工需逐层下降时,人货两用电梯将继续留用,故在下降前,应将人货两用电梯所对应的架体进行整体拆断以便附着升降脚手架能够顺利下降。r高层建筑外墙附着式升降脚手架的应用spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process shoul
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 高层建筑 外墙 附着 升降 脚手架 应用
