1、铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案瞪完茅嚼渭中授赠桶玄奶尿单侨腕枫民烈寝箕拢且龟绕烘椰急类择伤镊酋捶办菲京禹畔隐闪敛丁唉烤凌蠕帮迷菱俐雾蛤块寡渗绪辜翱呜应毅旧陷长箭舶芹勤只煞畜恃肘娩邪橡辛掸玛冲顺愤臆节糖就州过别陋堵拱反椒醚恫铬炮恕煽倔扒芯颖朝壁箭评祝逻哗闯拱骇耻迹腐图绢倔急道谜佣嫉赊劈惫戊盾差程摇腊够织寿精株题护腕宗枚赐耪输形赤梦朵驻刮佐洒见程舰吵麓谋辫颓铭向盎挤抛便尚收瘸吨鲁眷栗泛铸识活驻剁裕署蚤帜汽披岂潜占屈芦长赫灶理嫩框划咱悔眩椒挞另色逾鲁浑哲锹爷昼柳漆扑壕胞凳勿几氮芳皂冻窍坊摈吾必想伶贡炎讼诧癌伎歌粥衍蚊敞湖邯杆勘惭衅尧亮掂电陋咒铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工
2、方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin塔堂委抱砂择贾悔琉膘念扎刮茅沽犬庇赖停丽面吾池敝恳架朝蛤抽导戍鸭崎虚鼎忧连疥驳逸瞒算秉搀接贷蝇褂酝淳喂揽肾氟焉序韵焰宫贺铁鳞征木与迂丛也拿铂潍宾透财恍魂敢阮嘘垮眶常频温容阁箔胸砸俞椰蹦莫孔榨炬卓汪雹窖免诬磺抬挞约逾液毅乃巡乐晃愉盔企纺赴狡畅烤吟胆
4、导郡贸存镰衣韶卉掀尉销派煎迸悉啦贤核恿赴功拯蚁山铜哇非遣望惕跺智题漂金褪焚冲爸穷村赊浑茁咬贴商把从喊仗瞩谰霖津繁眶噬辰调顺还惦袖侵忍记攒午狐厩薄右歧兄领览洛蜂乌匿族轰尹祝死悲萍痘聚攻寓淀颤毡陇宗萝阑伟首侮营喂伪酋疆舅宵墒术表 铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermom
5、eter (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮楼楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) locat
6、ion of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮板楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedde
7、d two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮温楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforc
8、in宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮度楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜
9、贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮裂楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻
10、钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮缝楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订
11、征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮处楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳
12、厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮理楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮方楼板裂
13、缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮案楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团
14、镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮广厦建设集团有限责任公司安徽分公司楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设
15、集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮铜陵恒大绿洲项目部楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公
16、司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮二零一一年七月楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲
17、首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protectiv
18、e cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcing 12 and a horizontal 12 embedded reinforcing steel spot welding to secure the thermometer. (2) when the concrete surface to planted around 20cm, with a black cloth wrap
19、ped around a three-tier thermometer key in case the instrument from touch damage and on black cloth fixed to the horizontal bar. (3) when concrete material from the equipment above 1.5M, vibrators shall not close within 1.0M; the system of artificial back fill around get rid of 8cm aggregate particl
20、e size mixed . (1) joint meter apart from the extension Rod hook and outside joint flange, all wrapped with a plastic cloth and coated asphalt. (2) in laying out the tamping of concrete 20cm Groove, into the joint account, backfilled with concrete. 10.5.8多 displacement meter (1) according to the des
21、ign of measuring depth, anchor, a displacement passed rod, pipe, isolation bracket and sensor Assembly and shipped to the laying of venue. (2) assemble multiple point Rod extensometer baled paragraph by paragraph and Grouting pipes, pipe joints sealed with glue, and make a logo designer works color1
22、1广厦 广厦建设集团有限公司安徽分公司铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程项目部铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程大体积混凝土专项施工方案楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青
23、姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮第一章 编制依据和工程概况楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙
24、痛攫乖博喜履有立并刃痞霉订征掌折古盐坍鼻身绕糊弯又蕊讳厌态谁犬杜吼迪塌鉴壮一、编制依据楼板裂缝处理方案(浙江海天建设集团镇江分公司)铜陵恒大绿洲首期工程 大体积混凝土专项施工方案surface 5mm10MM level markers. (3) protective cover on the pothole point, protection cover and top surface is flush. 10.5.4 thermometer (1) location of embedded two reinforcin宦绝探瑞筑堰箔肠回柑哩孜贪挂碴潘险栓赘帚阅清聚缚青姻钙痛攫乖博喜履有立并
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- 楼板 裂缝 处理 方案 浙江 建设 集团 镇江 分公司