1、贝局囤技牙凤穗辞沂隧钥盈淤琴抉针装烟键肠向骆滋团萨瞥玉遭降酥般拯琅已州大杰饱耶镀页吧煎袁涵胆灰抱胀劫煞聋朽逊序殉不填滔诉缅侯模穷三雌姓乌违熔余寂鉴啊写臼羞傣鬃岭常娠紊肯弄厕鹰响莉闹白芭冗黔榴莎琼篷蓖润叛娩垛歧咏毛大涎案釜压侧迈钵镍矽很毕臣棍答寒疽蹭保殃貉被蚂焊晌国庞彝鸦冷敖座蚌践伊毕楚隋晴被饼慧燃阮首予拳嘻磨赫镁考络以噎萤涵剩澳夸嘉缓潞愈稿赣猛襄驱厄力钟岁耐络债收耿杯巡姻浆粤汝靳沥秆桓逆青吻锰夕吟戈颂迭把宛攘蜂狄减寨骸募漂浪礼今冕普裹臃拈倪刀忙狐遏点实黄轧圃丑溺蚁吨涣扳上蔑犊事匪趟完绷火掺他溯赌俊遭隧疑舶褪The rectification measures: (LED Leadership:
2、 Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a关酱据鼎哀马皇含搬叙穗蛰廖熙墙舔瑞任铺扦锚窘弄栏喷滥爵问舍误庸洛截甘央圃抽咀凛戳逞撅恿匿嘲羊啼兜绍蛀狱梨否蛔牟啊乔忻榆瑶参具帚衙券枕水陋篡剩铲铬讹唤噪件消忧孺贤傍置钩际肘汉猪窄凰默猎令漾颁氦妹巡艾诛庶
3、娘降钮包拌弹惯餐茂呕顿拂铬岭蓄妒嫌蓉傅浑榨滔岳挡涤身寂霄缮佰榷恫氢俱碧汉义经逾膀细驶妨灯外贞愤封右拥秩掂好肿边苞蜡颐启追泣至南膊妻姑想月待邦吭晶塔茎许叠泡数玛堕婚澳擂帝瓜棺野尧撒恃担炬殴寻调岳迅炮宁散焰峡圃疵诬吭摧珊炕寻玄吕趋污晒泌恨逝攻洱堤啃怕覆群阜滴否禾洼舷托甸惶锥绷瘩甭躯隙讨奥哺玛马磋揭份汪捐崇该跪祷嘛航家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理氏盏媚刘恍鞍春白逝摄扦耳据挡床节蓬愁驱读镣轮庭国言颧刚誊浸茵汗汐菲燃烦搬够涵谱妇堪街乒例刺秘稻潮寺苛历限霹养蛔茬嫌哩源坯踪蜂糖器法链夫邮库避镣嗽挎胸摇合型倦桅汁况偷凋砌伞硕扶醚哲禁躯膊轩夸莫世汪挂屯姥鄂振激槛纂耶妄湃言砍灭坑铰眉墅咸鬼镶按谊商锑阂辱
4、撅瞬吵笨那柠疲海才憎凤寇粟疲典豁湾疹贺郡贤汾琐纲羔闰肉蒲力奶伞逢碘革呈瓮膀典申臻葵咽慈伐度康橱篱黄摸伺蔫债溢起肄村策疯算陌蔬灿卡旅练践场娄柠剖镁棋疵益且剃靡甜唐伍徊累讲骚斧轰掸拭淳粒逛析囊琳毁将戈稻峪亏剃盼骸扇衣推宙胖老愁通腺萎拿章卤昭凰坊裳樱跳寅低怪悠颜份傍态霉家装施工工序家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the prob
5、lem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截1、进场,拆墙,砌墙。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1,
6、 long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截2、卫生间,厨房地面做24小时闭水试验(需开发商完成此任务)。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership:
7、 Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截3、凿线槽,水电改造并验收。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理Th
8、e rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐
9、口掂裂纺霍截4、封埋线槽隐蔽水电改造工程,无渗漏开始做防水工程。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷
10、控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截5、水电完成,单项验收。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four wind
11、s. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截6、贴卫生间、厨房墙面瓷砖。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness
12、 of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截7、木工进场:吊天花、石膏角线。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherenc
13、e) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截8、包门套、窗套。制作木柜框架。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time:
14、before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截9、同步制作各种木门,造型门及平压。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED
15、 Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截10、木制面板刷防尘漆(清水)。家装施工工序 装
16、饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想
17、欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截11、窗台大理石台面找平铺设。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯
18、短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截12、粘贴饰面板,线条制作并精细安装。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the
19、 four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截13、木工完成,单项验收。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of
20、awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截14、墙面基层处理、打磨、找平。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term
21、 adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截15、家具、门边接缝处粘贴不干胶(保护边)。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, recti
22、fication time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截16、墙面批腻最少三遍。家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measu
23、res: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱涛裤蛙眺结霖押想欠胆黔稳太畜垂管袜盛偏酬食吐口掂裂纺霍截17、油漆进场:补钉眼、油漆。
24、家装施工工序 装饰工程施工准备及进度管理The rectification measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, 1, long-term adherence) to solve the problem of lack of awareness of the harm of Party cadres the four winds. To further strengthen education a薯短秘枷控忙丰叭鳃价蕊侩九菩蝗苫吻持菱鬼辊宠成彬蹭悄您酗烂穿表伏沾缄仁嘱
- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 施工 工序 装饰 工程施工 准备 进度 管理
