1、Chapter 32 A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy,啊赘宏聊掖宛瓶蒲雏训表滤氮踞宵啡屁屎右终妹渴丙侯篷席徐纱旁当羚囚微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,Open Economies,An open economy is one that interacts freely with other economies around the world.,本煌始日盎提粒涟岩而发如了吐筷电舷冷碎抖沟狄雏涡待减寝刷桃钡乒范微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Ec
2、onomy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,Key Macroeconomic Variables in an Open Economy,The important macroeconomic variables of an open economy include:net exports net foreign investmentnominal exchange ratesreal exchange rates,饵峪茹搂绝它舀释说骨露董信隘旺数摈精诧忧母胚皱帝抑爬遍西虚刀司饺微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco
3、_Open Economy,Basic Assumptions of a Macroeconomic Model of an Open Economy,The model takes the economys GDP as given.The model takes the economys price level as given.,恒怔陶鲤筋哟滔定蛊及揽止凳患踢滩垣抗喜约垛按又妇铅谆氨傍袜泻含掂微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.1 SUPPLY AND DEMAND FOR LOANABLE FUND
4、S AND FOR FOREIGN-CURRENCY EXCHANGE,The Market for Loanable FundsS=I+NCOAt the equilibrium interest rate,the amount that people want to save exactly balances the desired quantities of investment and net capital outflows.,淬回傣沪芒颁肩孔更宿巳锋刺墨寇挨评嘲卉羔硒小痘叁欢奔牢邹耪密勘蜀微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_O
5、pen Economy,32.1.1 The Market for Loanable Funds,The supply of loanable funds comes from national saving(S).The demand for loanable funds comes from domestic investment(I)and net capital outflows(NCO).,做洱实钾巍隅缺祁已询清权角射底回葫按窜涧运徘欠擦总萧叫还僵煞谱卤微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.1.1
6、The Market for Loanable Funds,The supply and demand for loanable funds depend on the real interest rate.A higher real interest rate encourages people to save and raises the quantity of loanable funds supplied.The interest rate adjusts to bring the supply and demand for loanable funds into balance.,碳
7、绵堵痰惰弓反锚郊屯锨虹淑遥转美懊思纹奋种套寒箔怯踊腰烤辨叭绵功微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,Figure 1 The Market for Loanable Funds,Quantity of,Loanable Funds,Real,Interest,Rate,乎搭某靳传亩诉醚隋了傅盲酌耿胯祷睫济胺绕氟舵炉饶何丸归窑扩循绽屏微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.1.1 The Market for Loanable Fun
8、ds,At the equilibrium interest rate,the amount that people want to save exactly balances the desired quantities of domestic investment and net foreign investment.,址婴将蒙搐汗茬穷误析泵敝屑著肯埋理未鹤悲谆蚀呢总蘑晶禽假缚功墩臂微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.1.2 The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchang
9、e,The two sides of the foreign-currency exchange market are represented by NCO and NX.NCO=NXNet capital outflow=Net exports.NCO represents the imbalance between the purchases and sales of capital assets.NX represents the imbalance between exports and imports of goods and services.,乔腋琢撇奄藻田驳蓟滥蹬昏冒谤军灼氦瑟
10、湾水卤裹特用孩万颠贸旦雾聚羊微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.1.2 The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchange,In the market for foreign-currency exchange,U.S.dollars are traded for foreign currencies.For an economy as a whole,NCO and NX must balance each other out,or:NCO=NX,认箩耕米腔扎督滨惠死宫毁派州
11、拄巷矫镜闯都虐获鸵鳖瘪匿障晌蛤甸纂茹微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.1.2 The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchange,Net capital outflow represents the quantity of dollars supplied for the purpose of buying foreign assets.For example,when a U.S.mutual fund wants to buy a Japanese government
12、bond,it needs to change dollars into yen,so it supplies dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange.,茅入疹烯门惜焉尧慨乾晶羽汪案财尖浦据愿拥采拐讨砷艾抉刮缴搁菠杏报微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.1.2 The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchange,Net exports represents the quantity of dollars deman
13、ded for the purpose of buying U.S.net exports of goods and services.For example,when a Japanese airline wants to buy a plane made by Boeing,it needs to change its yen into dollars,so it demands dollars in the market for foreign-currency exchange.The price that balances the supply and demand for fore
14、ign-currency is the real exchange rate.,唱幕车疮鼓谗芽蛋憾锅彼篓给镰夫坑蜡觅猜遂暗闰辽求甚呜华避缮帛嘻帜微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.1.2 The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchange,The demand curve for foreign currency is downward sloping because a higher exchange rate makes domestic goods more expens
15、ive.The supply curve is vertical because the quantity of dollars supplied for net capital outflow is unrelated to the real exchange rate.,孜泥延初攀皂沿呻秸募踌咕答周辉唉憾喻憎豹序豺贩膝瞎械锣槐淮啤翘三微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,Figure 2 The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchange,Quantity of Dollars E
16、xchanged,into Foreign Currency,Real,Exchange,Rate,礼期体忧牌玫文打馋窑挽秦珍赦荆牧骇驴吮溅酒甩阀丽斥诌戎嘿蝴数巢残微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.1.2 The Market for Foreign-Currency Exchange,The real exchange rate adjusts to balance the supply and demand for dollars.At the equilibrium real exchange ra
17、te,the demand for dollars to buy net exports exactly balances the supply of dollars to be exchanged into foreign currency to buy assets abroad.,赢轴噪敷旗世匆荔诲冗柴外叙插拿植讲伐存缀抹挫憎面齐嗣瞧粒栏舀退境微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.2 EQUILIBRIUM IN THE OPEN ECONOMY,盐佐韭握涂二网硝究躲素腮萎神姻痞迢秩栽看爆晒股煌蔓倘晦母
18、鹰反条孙微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.2.1 Net Capital Outflow:The Link between the two Markets,In the market for loanable funds,supply comes from national saving and demand comes from domestic investment and net capital outflow.In the market for foreign-currency exchange,
19、supply comes from net capital outflow and demand comes from net exports.,惟伙帜阻整收至丝爷丽翻违夸膨勘卯岭茂凳抹遵美做灰攫秸藐绍椒练蝎凌微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.2.1 Net Capital Outflow:The Link between the two Markets,Net capital outflow links the loanable funds market and the foreign-currency
20、 exchange market.In the market for loanable funds,net capital outflow is a piece of demand.A person who wants to buy an asset abroad must finance this purchase by obtaining resources in the market for loanable funds.,乱窗以啡删栈噬采立囊养赊娥絮缀候娩宜勋薯束员蚜遵罚响泅赵油阿图缆微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open
21、Economy,32.2.1 Net Capital Outflow:The Link between the two Markets,In the market for foreign-currency exchange,net capital outflow is the source of supply.A person who wants to buy an asset in another country must supply dollars in order to exchange for them for the currency of that country.The key
22、 determinant of net capital outflow is the real interest rate.When the U.S.interest rate is high,owning U.S.assets is more attractive,and U.S.net capital outflow is low.,拨轩期强俱阴疤许姻厅盟恢峡泼崔趁恼搓扭街镣麦保湃食俄扑淤戏斗钡光微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,Figure 3 How Net Capital Outflow Depend
23、s on the Interest Rate,0,Net Capital,Outflow,Real,Interest,Rate,尚渴剑侯漂泞捌盆袭条暮夕搜敖营诺圭河嫂耻湛谷则饶膛迈目嘎汤物胞胀微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.2.2 Simultaneous Equilibrium in Two Markets,Prices in the loanable funds market and the foreign-currency exchange market adjust simultaneously
24、 to balance supply and demand in these two markets.As they do,they determine the macroeconomic variables of national saving,domestic investment,net foreign investment,and net exports.,染胃怠碘钵直懊殿咱窍邵眺鹏屑礁塞块胸陈广鸿焉荆搅辐云臼瑶瑞谈凤卷微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy微观经济学32 Macroeco_Open Economy,32.2.2 Simultaneous Equil
25、ibrium in Two Markets,Panel(a)of the figure shows the market for loanable funds.As before,national saving is the source of the supply of loanable funds.Domestic investment and net capital outflow are the source of the demand for loanable funds.The equilibrium real interest rate(r1)brings the quantit
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