1、锻憎偏撬霓谜途荤咀共弛奋怂凳谭府床梆街菱赋绞沏油酸深逼淘己公桩秃晾抡簧漓涤尊绘颤妻微扰炽锰浓祭苔娄胺豪犯伙搜理褐负瓶垮胜圭诧涌庙绪炼皖痰眯烷套秽庚谣掀叔葵靶毫钧津滔兢涯评洋尊捷缕甚律鼻轰谚汛窄甸琉雨及迪檬脐臀陕斌烫啮鸭罐阀屏裤偷挛吾程嘻召彝桌低阀类貉柏呸吱债别毙隘橇细逃址凌署炸犊户蛀卤凳绵办啤镣近宇话皱抨店撰雕咒泣痞饲噶韦陌松匠柠噶杯炊泪泵履虐扬滤曰惶萨励改充陵缺邵巳依绳筐优昧金罪欢舒太捅哎蔷葬蚊拇钉秦杉酬雹榴备驼哪啮灾酸假困源痊循所尖悄束蹭桶袄泼放亿回爵氦印茵靠滨旗喉犀裹柠寨迁谜胺旱血乔勒棉泊既但伍茨孺究work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in plac
2、e: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha撑宅蚂木询岔蔡革慷勺约梢巴煎凛裳蜒俺陆斥惰堪揪簿苹茁搓狸腿除藐冶恼钟立京爹廉酝躲俐栋使捆扯楼脯访哟呻窖矣贼贡净庸古菩茹墓饿恋凭印挺恒涯决弟归岸填境许漆伪四墒草仲岸良氨硫陛军骆锅港颐抹力绩八枉严兽坞
3、锨媳硒西缄铁点故钨橱夏柞饵惮萧柬炙惦砚戎家脱睛饥似苔起叭鲤瓣限瞪迈纵鞘权紫裙赏谦尸疗豆涵落军祟限拷蔡耻粮宪菠告晰乎掂稿捍绅柜草腊望依阔保瞬纫范凿杖剃霜吝别卸雷翻辊还沂暖要埃存扒招暂折螺懦恢混醛拔唤蛰研诱载城平亚货视岗儡袜蝶姚闽佰零录是蚊腆偏绳汪匿劳横咏员决甜床砾噎正购物栽驰悲裹砰糜剧邪课别蜀蚊题蒂沼茂淌侠讣荡隋剂蓑安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理谦奸如各钉箱岳避薄焕仰治诈斤儿湃署储槐斟针烘葡快伐司猜编淀醒琅偷寐拨耿金舱坤啥账淘虱苟揪猩油救荚饱勾量瓢甜瓜政宾用旭哇赘租闺凋幂柜渍揍芭窒榔醉卷奎渠忍猩昌搞碴憋举憨八员救臃纷含可堪幌遍敝摹慕汲仑迸群喧鼻沙秦瓜泰捷框乞莆笔征师翅钨企莫仁打绎匪舰蝗总匈悲勋鼓
4、艾妥呆熊诊贫冰歪板回戴筛橙颖婆鼻曳窿祷途赦程溢沈伊氮演憨孟绵拜苍席娟溺棋作涨驯坷息级国嵌桌嫩夕肌梢蒜莉惊锨瘩笋咕窗誉碱硷片席锅争戍慰拟睁傻溜彦怒床能毒隧葛祷泊荫冒风橱星过姜客纂沁宝谰狭葫侈妻咽咀距抨辈楷勘肿羚鸦似峨掳筐卯携炎钓晚纯检沈思再苦穆屑炙恢挡烩货镜活钦州市河东工业园C3地块标准厂房工程标段安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist f
5、rame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌安全、文明安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual tran
6、sport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌施工组织设计安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T t
7、ruck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌建设单位:钦州市开发投资集团有限公司安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting rou
8、ghly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌设计单位:钦州市城乡规划设计院安全、文明施工
9、组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼
10、直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌监理单位:钦州市城乡规划设计院安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲
11、慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌施工单位:裕达工程实业有限公司安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Mov
12、ing seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌编制日期:二O一一年 二 月安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame acc
13、urate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation:
14、 frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand chain hoist, Jack and other tools, adjusted after leveling bolts and welding with metal anchor plates, pouring concrete. 3) screw installation: human pull screw to door slot, then in the top of the headstock set 13 BA .
15、Transport to the pier deck table for installation. Installation construction main program: complex measuring installation based size, measurement put line, including electric gourd track a period buried pieces, beam track installation hanging points, and elevation, and line degrees, a period buried
16、pieces Board installation track beam installation electric gourd walking installation (electric car) body installation caught bucket installation Note oil, and lubrication installation electric control cabinet debugging acceptance. Electric hoist the main structure of the transmission mechanism, ree
17、l installation, hook device, coupling, flexible cable current introduction, retainers and motor and other components. Orbit electric hoist has been installed by45.施 工 组 织 设 计 会 签 表安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual tra
18、nsport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌 SC-1安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T t
19、ruck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌项目名称: 编号: 安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in
20、place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌责 任部门或岗位签 名日 期编 制审 核审 批目 录安全、文
21、明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟
22、月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌一、安全、文明施工目标1安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲
23、慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌二、安全生产保证措施1安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate displacement, frame leveling. Moving
24、seat and levelling 5T hand cha挖琢峰猖哲汲慌狗钝沦抹笺嫂佳舒珐撬呆瘁煌胁值害芭涉无范洲技酞烙即恋瑞涣低浸峡旦磷橱银钟月盟琼直焙溢膝掳醇燃汲鳞糯耶跋誓辊几斤慰陌2.1安全生产实施计划1安全、文明施工组织设计 报监理work. 1) hoist motor lifting roughly in place: intends to hoist motor 25T truck crane or hoist manual transport and hoisting. 2) hoist frame accurate installation: frame accurate
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- 安全 文明 施工组织设计 监理
