1、Developing An Overview of Supply Chain Performance Metrics,McKinsey,麻零傣粳拒抄垄绷失连产既暂森垒拆医尝篱愚耻藩脐漏铆札屡把垄贤憾体供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,This document gives an overview of the different metrics that can be used to measure supply chain performance,The Supply Chain CoEs objective is to define a benchmarking framewo
2、rk capable of:Comparing generic metric performances for use on projects.Capturing further benchmarking data in a consistent format.The London Shops task:Develop an overview of the different metrics to measure supply chain performance.Select the most important metrics that can be used across industri
3、es.Discuss how the most important metrics link other operational metrics within each stage of the supply chain.Suggest how the supply chain CoE should continue concerning this topic.,歉罕寓阵烽鄙蔚噎氛屎艇客蛔破灼狂蕴趴慕短袱锈咀头掇讳扑孜异恿烈隅供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,We used information from several sources during our project,In
4、ternal and external documents:High level benchmarking framework for supply chain performance(H.Cook):Shop Study(March 1997)accessing information from available experts and past projects.Supply chain benchmarks and best practice(Dow Polyurethane&Epoxy April 1995).Supply Chain Benchmark Assessment(Mar
5、ch 1997).Supply chain appraisal and benchmarks:(client X September 1997).Discussions with supply chain CoE:Graham Colclough.Andrew Morgan.Lee Sherman.Deborah Huff(Cap McKinsey).,勘慕艘润砍测衡翠芽箍掂惶垄裸理班郸疾彩栖比济拷拱税默徽茹应堰谗轮供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,Possible data sources,CIPS(UK):Purchasing(&Supply Chain).APICS(US):
6、Supply Chain.CAPS(US):Purchasing&Supply Chain(US&Legal):Research Benchmark Industry Listings(http:/www.capsresearch/htm).NAPM(US):Purchasing.Kaiser Associates:Benchmark Specialist Consultant.US University Research:New global initiative(investigating entryopportunitiesBob Ackerman).,纺拼盔誓钨汇谨舶渭肮霍控临弧若偏昼
7、贰亭翔沫锯忽钧总娱猿患做伍赊萧供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,Performance measurement is an important but complex subject,This documents an initial step in the right direction.,Companies see the need for metrics.,.but developing the“right”set of metrics is a challenge,“If you cant measure,you cant manage,you cant motivate”
8、Establishing the proper measures within an organisation enhances continuous,No commonly used“model”.Business issues that warrant performance measurement:Differ between industries.Differ within industry.Change overtime.,There is no one“right”answer,辈呜挺梨墓桶裴家估傍诅歌敏瓣骸凋就狮堕锅函狠芦尉筛偶绅臃座答避滦供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与
9、绩效,We used a generic supply chain framework as a basis for our analysis.,Supply Chain Framework,Purchasing,Information Flow,Forecasting&Production Planning,Customer Service,Inventory Management,InboundLogistics,Manufacturing,Maintenance,Marketing&Sales,OutboundLogistics,Integrated Supply Chain Manag
10、ement,This framework aligns with the CoE POV and is also similar to framework for the supply chain diagnostics inventory database.,刁啸胺就川孙耪济粹耽骂秆巧窗膳盂髓淖间黄缨氛鼎倘髓塘锰苯始沦党袖供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,.and concluded there are three strategic objectives we should focus on when analysing the supply chain,Key metrics
11、 must give information on how a company is performing against old strategic objectives.,Supply Chain Framework,NB:BoundariesNPDISupport functions,Tailor to company specific(BSC)objectives,伐甸卞财犁辞蛇揭提卖视刀痛寓贯衡固精曾军丝真桔漱争宜网厕憎憋肖跺供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,We began with a brainstorming session on the key drivers
12、for quality,time and cost,The complete picture can be found in the appendix.,We looked at the supply chain from the customers perspective.We brainstormed on“what could go wrong along the supply chain”:What are drivers of performance from a quality,time and cost point of view.,Price,Service,Product q
13、uality,Product quantity,Product delivery,Late arrival,Late delivery,Inventory cost,Product cost,Produc-tion cost,Delivery cost,Customer service cost,Quality,Time,Cost,蒙侗环入夹防惹荧器辰许志楞庚釉掇洞滚挛算建刀湾毙冰惑逐脏埋呜臂蚤供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,Making their client specific warrants attention,Respect all sources of data:Un
14、derstand their relationshipsthe“causal tree”:Recognised Cross-Industry;In-Industry and In-Company similarities and differences.,接镀洱失鼓租随凄殊柱夯丝恢临酞殊睹哟戚渐坏守冶揍华樟庶摩佯簇钮粳供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,Making their client specific warrants attention(cont.),Recognise Cross-Industry;In-Industry;and In-Company similariti
15、es and differences.Interface the solution to the current clients measures,systems,processes and culture:.and guide migration over time.,Ensure accountability for collecting and actioning is clear.,袒蔷颐储仅圣瑟芦倾稼房辈绎俱盆梅乙幼揉喻昨卒继伶傀帮玩漳号垄扒米供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,Proposed Supply Chain KPIs,KPIs help to identify
16、“where”the performance problem is within the supply chain,and steer towards areas to explore“why”.,Accuracy(as%of sales),Customer satisfaction,%of satisfied customers,Total cycle time,Time(for customer)from placing order to receiving goods,%of products delivered on time,Total supply chain cost as%of
17、 sales,Cost per product sold as%of sales,Cost as%of sales,%of products delivered according to customer order(quantity/quality),%of customers satisfied with service,%of products ordered already in stock,Defect rate of products as%of production,%of goods delivered according to order(quantity/quality)b
18、y supplier,Time from order placement to reception of goods,Time from production order to delivery into finished product warehouse,Downtime as%of total production time,%of goods delivered on time by supplier,Cost as%of sales,Cost as%of sales,Cost as%of sales,Number of stock turns/years,Total Supply C
19、hain,Quality,Time,Cost,%of active suppliers that account for 90%of total purchase value,BEWARE of inter-relationships,廊藩阁孽雅晒胶遗累接瓦矛切降格灾寥锦豢男毛奥瘁秉抹饶躇谚咋匿沤她供应链管理-流程与绩效供应链管理-流程与绩效,Each stage of the supply chain has a variety of metrics to monitor operational effectiveness,These metrics help identify“why”th
20、ere is a performance problem.,Actual vs.forecasted sales%of data which can be used without modification in the planning process,%of all active suppliers that account for 90%of total purchase value%of correct orders placed#of alternative sources of supply#of suppliers involved in product development/
21、innovation#of suppliers per purchasing employee(purchasing professional)#of vendors products orderedPurchasing head count as%of total head count,%of goods delivered according to order(quantify/quality)by supplier#of carrier alliances#of overshipments%of direct material purchases that are not inspect
22、ed at incoming quality assurance,going from stock to dock%of direct material purchases that are not inspected at incoming quality assurance,going from stock to production%of orders delivered without unplanned communication or special attention,Defect rate of products as%of productionScrap rate as%of
23、 production#of changes per production period%of goods repackagedActual vs.production capacity,Time from order placement to reception of goods,Time from production order to deliver into finished product warehouse,%of accounts payable handled before due date%of accounts payable handed in 130 days%of a
24、ccounts payable handled in 3160 days%of accounts payable handled in 6190 days%of accounts payable handled in over 90 days%of suppliers connected via EDIAverage actual time to developed/negotiate a contract,%of goods delivered on time by supplierProportion of suppliers who deliver dailyProportion of
25、suppliers who deliver frequently than monthlyProportion of suppliers who deliver monthlyProportion of suppliers who deliver twice weeklyResponse time to schedule changesResponse time to unforeseen problemsTurnaround time on rejected items,Average production leadtimeCurrent manufacturing leadtimeMini
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- 供应 管理 流程 绩效
