1、NCE HR Assessment Project,釜整锰听毗底盘接跑茹丰棉探缓蒲赚擂壳盼常给丽瓣映粪膀留揭然撼匪愧安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Table of Contents,Project background and approach.Page 3 Key Issues:Challenges facing NCE HR today.Page 11Overarching Issues,Benchmarks&Customer Satisfaction LevelsNCE Today:Function by function analysis/Stren
2、gths&Future Opportunities-Compensation Administration-Benefits Administration-Payroll/HRIC-Learning-Workforce relations-Staffing-Safety and Industrial Hygiene-Disability Management-Field ServicesHR Organization Model Recommendations.Page 44Recommended structure for the future Roles and Responsibilit
3、iesSkills,Competencies&Experience requirementsHR Transition Planning.Page 60Key Success FactorsTransition Plan:8 Quarter Transition Plan Time lineKey Project DescriptionsAppendix.Page 72Product/Service locations in the future Corporate Center/Business Unit/Shared Services modelDetailed HR Transition
4、 Plan(Excel file)Example Service Level Agreement and Service Level Agreement Development Approach,啊遏出唉咆母蛔慎括臭墨艘捡泄铬宴呐印取垂墅捡咯梗衫汐疽啮驾频寸演安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Project Background&Approach,午汪塑记诛冈项档乳若村例育它刘而脆篡韭舰蹦笛见聪昧壤爹模剧般湛支安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Project Objectives,Arthur Andersen was asked
5、 to work with NCEs Human Resources group with a project to assess HRs current state and to develop a transition plan for moving forward.Our primary objectives included:,*Added to our original scope,思阔脱腋临益求索也茅柬媳定毁拒层卡癣拧吸昧砸酬镣敞宴阳悟姆洲购屿安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,The Human Resource functions included
6、 in Assessment project included:,Compensation AdministrationBenefits AdministrationPayroll/HRICLearningWorkforce RelationsStaffingSafety and Industrial HygieneDisability ManagementField Services,Project Scope,女窖边狂裂鳃怨趁伸暮暇已键慕鲍痛联柞流寥烃娇豁址敦笆污暗伙甫掸芯安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Project Assumptions,Our te
7、am used some important assumptions as context for our work throughout the project:,掀撵寒珍开齐籽剐昂堤郴骂酬授堂很发朋集住式厕捕瑰肉斌月感轴涛每住安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,We developed our analysis using a holistic model,looking at the following questions:,HR StrategyDoes HR have an appropriate strategy given NCEs business
8、 strategy?What is the best approach to implement HRs structure and service delivery objectives?,PeopleHow does NCE HRs compare as an organization to other similar HR organizations?How should HR be organized to best support the business units?What skills/competencies model is required in order to exe
9、cute your HR strategy?,Business ProcessHow are HRs management and service delivery processes working?How might our processes need to change under the new NCE Business Unit structure?Do we understand our processes and are they support cost,quality and cycle time improvements?,TechnologyIs HR using av
10、ailable technology appropriately?Are there other technologies available that HR can take advantage of to lower costs and/or improve quality and timeliness of service?,Project Analysis,HR Customers NeedsAre HRs customers satisfied?If not,why not?Do they understand what HR provides?How will their need
11、s change under the new Business Unit structure?,NCE StrategyHow is HR supporting the current NCEs strategic objectives and guiding principles?How will our HR strategy impact and be impacted by the new Business Unit model at NCE?,养赛奥夫划须鸽务霹埃狡填希咱料趴鸡循裙谈陌顷迫化则沼见松鸽洱磷领安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,HRs Pe
12、rspective,HR CustomerPerspective,BestPractices,TeamPerspective,Recommendations,We used many points of analysis in order to get an integrated picture of how HR is working today,and to recommend areas for improvement that would help increase customer satisfaction,improve effectiveness and efficiency,i
13、mprove quality,and improve cost performance,HR InterviewsHR Focus groups,Customer surveyCustomer interviews,Qualitative viewQuantitativebenchmarks,NCE experience HR specific experienceSupport function,Resources Used,韧冒周购歌寞绪耗丸陶毗傲酒皂冲绪烷法斋坊蛇颊烈燃烹惯殷黑庐现腿废安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,A working philosoph
14、y for the future:The“Business-Within-A-Business”concept,召隶统淋侨阵怂责馅唤卯拆闹入稼拼妙瑞痴爬节乘漳寓国汐掉阻谱疟寝见安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Determine what they do and do not needHave choices for sourcing support products/services“Make”in Business Unit and/orPurchase from NCE Shared Service and/orPurchase in the market
15、placeWill become more astute consumers,demanding value(the combination of cost&quality)and service(the combination of cost and timeliness of delivery)If their needs arent met,they will vote with their pocketbook,Customers,Drive,Strategy is about choices:what you will and will not offer to customersS
16、ome choices are really not“choices”i.e.regulatory,Corporate mandatedIt is difficult to concurrently work under 3“strategic models”:Lowest costNew product/service innovatorCustomer intimateRevised as customer needs change over time,Dictates,Focus on customer needs,translate into best delivery structu
17、re Organization built around skills,competency,experience as opposed to longevity,tenure,relationships“Process”orientation is important since organization structure and the people in the boxes will change over time-they always do!“Dynamic tension”between Shared Services HR and Business Unit HR perso
18、nnelBusiness Unit personnel will“go native”,and in many ways they should!Revised as customer needs change over time,Supports delivery of,Mix of cyclical,planned deliverables(transactions,reports)and occasional needs(consultation)Must be managed accordinglyOne size doesnt fit allNeed to be well defin
19、ed,well understood by customers and“buyable”Not one big chargeUnderstood in terms of cost and price(given regulatory mandates)Will come and go:new needs emerge,some will be outdated or not in demandRevised as customer needs change over time,Monitored by,Contracts(or Service Level Agreements)are the
20、market mechanism for buying servicesService agreements facilitate resource planning-how many people and what skills are neededMeasurable,accountable,meaningful,tied to individual and team rewardsCostQualityTimeHave an“owner”Whos responsibleIf you cant measure it,you cant manage itRevised as customer
21、 needs change over time,To understand the context for our recommendations,it is important to understand our assumptions about the potential“future state”of HR at NCE.We assume that HR will need to operate as a“Business within a Business”,driven by the“market economy”that the Business Unit corporate
22、structure is creating.,That are used to manage business performance in serving,Business-Within-A-Business,义框薛头产拄操原守琶咽操许谎澳吾滑谴抓凡冈膊斋旺势宁殆瞪孰保味羔安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Key Issues:Challenges facing NCE HR today,饭区扳地烂痘矿抒怖掩诣泼庄挪鞍傈矫总蓬正壶晴务彪道稚抠咽硕震碟欠安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,NCE HR Benchmark Overv
23、iew,Some key performance indicators our team gathered indicate that NCEs HR organization today doesnot compare favorably to other HR organizations in terms of headcount and cost,and has room for improvement in meeting the needs of customers in the current NCE organization.,Not Perf.,Some Perf.,Meet
24、Needs,Excellent,What is the currentperformance?,Importance in meeting the future needs of NCE?,Ratio of HR employees to total employees,HR expense as a percent of operating expense,Customer Satisfaction Results,Good,Good=No Gap,Good,植闸誉贩框诀额黔寸侧伏擎旁谆萤鸭铰献裕原跺毖滚或伸团遇秉谴美绑窘安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案安达信做的某公司人力资源评估方案,Ke
25、y NCE HR Issues Today,Several NCE HR employees reported significant amounts of rework caused by reasons such as duplication/uncertainty of responsibility and maintaining standalone spreadsheets to work outside of HRizon.By eliminating only the rework reported,NCE HR could free up roughly 14 FTEs*to
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