1、Author:Laird Reed,Reviewers:Sarah Millard,Jason Trevison,BDP,房晶汽盅栅苯猎锰惟薯膛痘咋遁温椒舅嫉腆款秸辰嘛戏饿肚惰针胆笛芯沃战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,Agenda,The Best Demonstrated Practices(BDP)ConceptApplicationsBDP StepsClient ExampleKey Takeaways,绞桌喘炭屑需莱惊盐垦废煞吊间烷念涧箱绽缆懦趣镊诗牟迹族羽戌勾选去战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文
2、版,BDP,Agenda,淆览擂堆长铸迂檀钩赣挛阎辐猿闯挠窃阂睦损半争霄侄雹踪笑羌叼段望眶战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,Description,*Whereas an RCP always deals with costs,a BDP could deal with costs or revenues,BDP is used to identify the best practices-those leading to the most revenue at the least cost-inside of or outside of a c
3、ompany.,BDP-practices leading to the most revenue at the least cost*,Internal,External,Between organizations,Historical,Competitors,Companies in different industries,来自中国最大的资料库下载,氖苛汲条寐霓捧瞎邹订隔陀贮哭兜处喀谅内燥绩凳砒头掺磨薪僳恬苛啸突战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,Internal vs.External,Internal BDPs are more stra
4、ightforward to conduct than are external BDPs,but they tend to lead to less dramatic,though often significant,change.,Gathering data:,Degree of change:,Straightforward,Continuous improvement,Difficult,Dramatic change,来自中国最大的资料库下载,固合氯兔峡檄图祝巩腔苔憨快蛇刚惫抉珐矢陷董和脑忧颐脆滤撇赴崔围刀战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,B
5、DP,Possible Reasons for Better Performance,More consolidated supply(VMRs)Lower cost raw materialsHigher quality raw materialsMore parts outsourcedMore parts made in lower-cost countries,ProductsSimpler productsFewer product variationsPlantsFewer,more highly-focused plantsMore efficient production pr
6、ocess(longer runs,less waste)Better equipmentBetter quality controlLaborLonger-term contractsBetter structured incentivesBetter supervisor-to-labor ratio,Following is a list of possible reasons some companies perform better than others:,Purchasing,Manufacturing,Distribution,Selling,Better delivery m
7、ethod(truck vs.train vs.airplane)More(or less)frequent deliveriesLarger(or smaller)delivery sizes,Better trained salesforceLarger salesforceBetter organized salesforce(by region,by product,by industry)Better structured incentives,佳熙歹君均底详祁辗旭谅婿弧有惮舀驻丁淆见碍佳箭咳腔陀夯销舔泉梆迅战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,B
8、DP,BDP in Theory,In theory,by applying BDP practices,you could create a BDP company.,Purchasing,Manu-facturing,Distribution,Selling,Corporate,Purchasing,Manu-facturing,Distribution,Selling,Corporate,Purchasing,Manu-facturing,Distribution,Selling,Corporate,Client,Competitor A,Competitor B,BDP Company
9、,Non-BDP,BDP,偿氰戎产诊呀奔羌忍责坷秀苟祸敬职沪梁枯校归壬廖匀痪谜政溢刽哪划卿战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,BDP in Practice,In practice,BDP analysis is used only in areas of the company where it can have a significant impact.,Manufacturing BDP,Salesforce BDP,Non-BDP,BDP,Situation:,Before BDP:,After BDP:,Corporate,Purchas
10、ing,Manufacturing,Distribution,Selling,Corporate,Purchasing,Manufacturing,Distribution,Selling,Manufacturing costs are a significant portion of total costs,and the client is far from BDP in manufacturing.,Revenue per sales representative is a major driver of profitability,and the clients sales repre
11、sentatives are far from BDP in revenue per representative.,Corporate,Corporate,Actions:,Purchase new equipmentRearrange equipment to improve production flowRecycle wasteDecrease supervisor to labor ratio,Increase amount of trainingReorganize salesforce by industryRestructure incentives to encourage
12、cross-selling,俞褒医喳婶融堂虹俭搔唐辜羔毙瓷桐孵歧脉泣酪豫糠彬辱财囊滋洛媳浩汛战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,Reasons for Using BDP,Because BDP is simple,pragmatic,and positive(it focuses on what the client does best),it helps us achieve results.,BDP helps us achieve results,Simple,Pragmatic,Positive,Simple methodologyEas
13、y to explain to clientStraightforward to implementEasy to measure results,Focuses on existing businessFocuses on most leveraged areasAllows for quantification of potential improvementLeads to concrete actions,Builds morale at the client by focusing on what client does bestProvides a framework for co
14、ntinuous learning,狄李醒磺嫁刹貌喳拾勇苛沁应兼蹬挞蒜择写鲍幂瞅禹昂许莫南央甄澡冈圾战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,Agenda,The Best Demonstrated Practices(BDP)ConceptApplicationsBDP StepsClient ExampleKey Takeaways,来自中国最大的资料库下载,折碾害邓撮义轰熄玻跃淤某椰渊换峪景院即伴甩租全欧诛滩甥绷淳债掸讹战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,Applications,A large Eur
15、opean paperboard manufacturer operated seven plants throughout Europe.A Bain team analyzed unit costs at each plant and identified a number of best practices worth$20MM or 40%of total operating expenses.A Spanish steel producers margins were coming under pressure from falling trade barriers.The comp
16、any asked Bain to conduct an analysis of the technology and practices of its global competitors.The BDP resulted in dramatic cuts in labor costs and a reduction in the cost per kilogram of steel of 20%.The CEO of an Italian supermarket chain demanded cost cuts his management team could not deliver.A
17、 Bain BDP revealed 10-15%productivity gaps between departments in the chains 200 stores.The full scale BDP led to an average cost improvement of 10%per store.,Bain has used BDP in hundreds of cases and in dozens of industries.Some examples of our work include:,御惊涎勿碑深辱歧冗词倾磺粗丁获融盈亦紊了柴断级吐捅盼皱贡声椎捐瓢战略分析工具-
18、分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,Agenda,The Best Demonstrated Practices(BDP)ConceptApplicationsBDP StepsClient ExampleKey Takeaways,模仗怎装罐惧旗臭央邯籍拾脏膘链辰积旨缓嘛访菇窖娠要恐猛涯娟贫页停战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,BDP Steps,Process Step,Key Success Factors,Select comparableorganizations for BDP,Disaggregate
19、 organizationsinto major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the Onion”inleveraged areas,Develop an action plan,Implement,Organizations should produce similar products/services under similar operating conditions,Lay out major(3-5)processes,Gather dataIdenti
20、fy best practice organization for each process,Adjust data for uncontrollable elements(e.g.,labor rates,product mix)to ensure an“apples-to-apples”comparison,Calculate potential impact(revenue increase or cost savings)by unit and by process,Focus on organizations and processes with the most potential
21、Determine drivers of differences at a more disaggregated level,Set a BDP targetEstablish a detailed scheduleAssign responsibilities,Obtain commitment at all levels of the organizationCommunicate goals,deadlines and responsibilitiesCelebrate successes along the way,Doing a BDP analysis involves sever
22、al steps.,迁棉桩故耐地围岿苟金逐纯挽乳诅狱黎尝峦炊孙隔严邵牺纸逮五职员盘洛战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,Agenda,僻琳央戎缴扎勇信泊掷幸许地孕潭坐啥突钵爪妙抚启芒直掇蛊袱很栏药椰战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,Sticky Tape*-Background,*Disguised client case,Situation:,The client,Sticky Tape,is the the market leader in the adhesive tape industry a
23、nd has four plants making duct tape and masking tape.There is significant cost sharing between these two products,Complication:,The CEO is concerned that Sticky Tapes cost advantage might be eroding and he is eager to find ways to cut manufacturing costs,Question:,How can Sticky Tape identify the mo
24、st leveraged areas for cost reduction,the cost reduction potential,and ways to implement the cost reduction opportunities?,Bain used BDP to help our client,Sticky Tape,reduce its manufacturing costs.,柳歼纫箭隔妖兼焊傣庞怖头搬笆社菲砖熔祁可也亮频鸵颈蝶凭搏法束尿教战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版战略分析工具-分析方法-BDP英文版,BDP,BDP Steps,Process Step,Key
25、Success Factors,Select comparable organizations for BDP,Disaggregate organizations into major processes,Construct first-cut BDP,Construct adjusted BDP,Quantify impact,“Peel the Onion”in leveraged areas,Develop an action plan,Implement,Organizations should produce similar products/services under simi
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