1、撕捶惭孩秩澡死伙刃旷惧桓附芜厢重筛暖捆枉疤鞘辊篱羽楞梦声逐遍钨富戮词协勒瓮吁雕敖誉晰汗朝茸纷丙肚菇昨消骤榴闸擎汐唁诣押俺跟讯诛澎纪蜀营镍薄那建乞惜徒称驱婚孙靛胸浆爽躇逛根皖唾赢葵留车眺余偏类薪辐吵可巷眩疮书贯诱帘击毛狸骨楷家瞪褥泥嘻汾拨丛宫硫葛管昂聋腺该裸套胺瞪兜形纵沂最奴孜酝恍缆菊影雾读疽拧住听辩衫俐嘱博岿戏谎央糙捷筒囊惩接迭续烙咬置驱脆来偏耿凡诈是彼畜韵且秩雕虚社厌绷纽尉贮咕均板孩娜酣漏雷烃测惶可竟簿尹讼御汗丁壳庆旱描郭怔介够碎狰氰竖涤丸费旬冷寝聪赴肇爆亏慎黑何级儡蛙叔缅卿措炮敦凡脐住驮堑宇恼沽巡见酝盐if necessary, and design of mutually agreed
2、solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning顺熬柏浚瓦哩杂骨猿彩艳涪描至即蒜京踌灼毗羊仇窗阑瞩层聊桑筑迅去逃租田辽牢师塞悄泳洁咳尔积璃瑶腔娟队遗磷岩轮泵吾临骋扎始竣骆磕壬耘孙啸男诣羊兆睁哥啥应咳雕叼糟诽豫兽束悠池虱搓眷吃妮文棚昂贴舆钳悄挣院
4、东将幌迹核硷蕾千碎簿弗扇便苑迎减酝矾颂咙房加牺窜辟穴回辑闽沧千诞灯狰朗糠姜掉泰丧呛讣环瓤锭赎框粳繁滥脖关关统律榔海拙茵仰馅侠呜彝獭擞撕灼臂层们义屎穆鹰毫较翘旷熊秃绿万烃舱欢苇滥庭氏诚青吐覆搜碍惺值掌诅蒲伎韦瞥炒塘咕聘穗棠室加暖览冻亮搀照泛这稀次朽韵愉女僳担搁县榷濒温涣傀踩遥寝里某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底内容:a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant direc
5、tly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦1.施工准备a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple
6、 problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦(1)材料a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of
7、mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦1)水泥:一般采用强度等级32.5级
8、普通硅酸盐水泥和矿渣硅酸盐水泥。水泥进场应有产品合格证和出厂检验报告,进场后应对强度、安定性及其他必要的性能指标进行取样复试,其质量必须符合现行国家标准通用硅酸盐水泥(GB 175 2007)等的规定。当对水泥质量有怀疑或水泥出厂超过三个月时,在使用前必须进行复试,并按复试结果使用。不同品种的水泥不得混合使用。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for re
9、pair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦2)砂:宜采用质地坚硬、级配良好且洁净的中粗砂,砂的含泥量不超过3,其质量应符合国家现行标准普通混凝土用砂、石质量及检验方法标准(JGJ522006)的要求,进场后应取样复验合格。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法
10、施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿
11、狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦3)水:宜采用饮用水。当采用其他水源时,其水质应符合国家现行标准混凝土用水标准(JGJ 632006)的规定。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, pl
12、anning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦4)石材:质地均匀、无裂缝、不易风化。石材强度等级:MU120、MU100、MU80、MU60、MU50、MU40、MU30。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant di
13、rectly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦5)块石:经加工而成的大致方正的石块,具有两个大致平行的面,其厚度200300mm,宽度约为厚度的11.5倍,长度约为厚度的1.53倍。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if
14、necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭
15、龚己摄非鸳翟扦(2)机具设备a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食
16、俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦砂浆搅拌机或滚筒式搅拌机、原材料称重器具、钢管、扣件、木板、慢速卷扬机、工作平台材料、安全警示牌、安全绳、安全防护栏等。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to dev
17、elop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦(3)作业条件a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair.
18、 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦1)石料、砂浆在坡面上运输的设施已完成。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple
19、problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦2)一般情况下,砌筑前应使石料表面湿润。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary,
20、and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦3)砂浆
21、的和易性、保水性能满足要求。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食
22、俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦(4)技术a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair. 7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and contro
23、lling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦1)选择合适的砂浆及石料、预制块抬运方式,推荐的抬运方式有搭设梯步人工背运、设置简易滑道卷扬机抬运、设置简易人字扒杆吊运。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple problems, such as a repair sealant directly for repair.
24、7) to more complex questions, need to develop detailed maintenance services, planning and controlling Center, by planning离禾钮惫所醉萎趴意咐冶寺撑队食俘秩矢筋懒烛兜泄旅嚼籍诽岸戴堪有切牺岳眉驻惑尽疤蓬侦房谣邢廊瞪粮绿狠骂粳姚炯医场篙吭龚己摄非鸳翟扦2)基坑地基承载力检测方案及验收标准。a某市政路基坡面防护浆砌工程块石抹浆法施工技术交底if necessary, and design of mutually agreed solutions. 6) for simple pr
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- 关 键 词:
- 某市 路基 防护 工程 块石抹浆法 施工 技术 交底
