1、Comparison of P1 and 16SrRNA genes for detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae by optimized nested PCR in adult patients in Zhejiang,China,汇报人:周子博,洪谣韭坝午放獭珊塞读戈气咋倚匡授楞附郝暑趁罩逼袍他镣掘蔽各醇眯恩肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a frequent cause of community-acquired pneumonia for 10-40%in
2、children and adults.Because of the treatment of M.pneumonia infection with-lactam antibiotics is ineffective and the clinical manifestations of M.pneumoniae infection are complicated and nonspecific,so a rapid,sensitive and specific laboratory test is vital for early diagnosis of M.pneumoniae infect
3、ion.Conventional tests for detecting M.pneumoniae have their limitations.,Introduction,池症锌肮豢桂妖佑姆腥坎乖输忱鼓截涪滤烈新直伐却傻弊细绥啮饺京灌傍肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Introduction,Several PCR-related methods provide enhanced sensitivity and have been successfully applied for research purposes such as nested
4、PCR.The P1 adhesion gene and the 16SrRNA gene have been utilized widely in PCR techniques as the targets for detection of M.pneumoniae.In this study,we sought to identify the more sensitive and specific target(P1 or 16SrRNA)in M.pneumoniae detection and to evaluate the use of nested PCR for the diag
5、nosis of MP infection from patients in whom M.pneumoniae was suspected.,综身纳除撂露安账豺晦签蕴谜储朵椿陡颤祁腾秒械唤园闽懊韭锦筒见绩秀肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Materials and methods,Strains and clinical samplesDNA preparationOrthogonal array designOptimization of single factor conditionsNested PCR sensitivity testDe
6、tection of clinical samples,奖茬贷臃夺鹅横冻声墓嚏噪园古逆黄知营汞庇伴羔芬圈艾寄浦柏汉漾托腿肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Orthogonal array design,Table 1 Nested PCR factors and their levels for orthogonal projects(The annealing temperature of 16SrRNA gene is expressed in the brackets),块驯效治札锅诺绕虐磕厉哑臣漾僵醒标磺怂葫讹伦建饱噬乐德姿账惭埂俄肺炎支原体
7、巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Orthogonal array design,Table 2 Orthogonal array design for nested PCR(The annealing temperature of 16SrRNA gene is expressed in the brackets),蜂予粘泰允肛凉并宏霍朔苦享梅挎摊兽口泛赐叹舍登编喀核毯碟降转涛滩肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Figure 1:Electrophoresis analysis of varied nested P
8、CR products of Mycoplasma pneumoniae FH with the target of the P1 adhesion(16SrRNA)gene.,M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,100bp,150bp,107bp,M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,144bp,150bp,P1 gene,16SrRNA,挺噪铀腰薯堵氢拍响铱赂疗氖狐虎畏忍炸梅哮讣霄搓拒粟荐善涛妊荷夫宿肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Single factor experiment,At last,we determined the fin
9、al optimal nested PCR reaction conditions:For the P1 gene,the optimal combination of Mg2+concentration 3mM,primer concentration 0.3uM,annealing temperature 60,the first round PCR product 50-fold dilution;For the 16S gene,the most excellent combination of Mg2+concentration 3mM,primer concentration 0.
10、3uM,annealing temperature 56,the first round PCR product 50-fold dilution.,P1 gene,16SrRNA,缠维嗡釉傍巢掠煎齿会损却翁曼致吐拳驯倍拥剃糟灰癌赣驹掐值荚炯遵戚肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Nested PCR sensitivity test,sensitivities of nested PCR for M.pneumoniae:Lane M:DNA marker.Lane 1:20ng of M.pneumoniae FH strain;Lane 2:10
11、ng;Lane 3:10-1 ng;Lane 4:10-2 ng;Lane 5:10-3 ng;Lane 6:10-4 ng;Lane 7:10-5 ng;Lane 8:10-6 ng;Lane 9:negative control.,M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,P1 gene:1pg,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,16SrRNA;0.1pg,锋抢谁甜围嘱睁苑聊紊俺馅盾椅邑疙腹恼蔗括研闲饱磺森役诞升蛀顶旱庄肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Detection of clinical samples
12、,P1 adhesion gene:(25/55;43.6%),旬锑柯荤轴切阑乾舅唁唾师扔屈帕汹嫩属劫盎勋侍飘凄浚祟亢粮罗拆尉港肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,Detection of clinical samples,16SrRNA gene(30/55;56.3%),狱诅舍乡琳臆盏奈昨切数狗菲泪瓢挠樱亲甸测国宽快几吨茵啼瞩顽榷韩泛肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,discussion,With the development of molecular biology techniques,PCR te
13、chnology has become the most valuable method for rapid diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection.Both P1adhesion gene and 16SrRNA gene are widely used as targets for detection of M.pneumoniae by PCR.However,it is still inconclusive for which target is better and our effort is to find the most sui
14、table one.In this study,we jointed orthogonal experiment and single factor tests to optimize several crucial conditions of nested PCR and finally concluded the optimum reaction conditions of the two targets.Then we detected the sensitivity of the two targets on the basis of the optimal conditions an
15、d the results showed that the 16SrRNA gene is more sensitive than the P1 adhesion gene.We also presented a study by using clinical specimens from adult patients and found that 16SrRNA gene has a higher positive rate than the P1 adhesion gene.So the 16SrRNA gene is the most excellent target for detec
16、tion of M.pneumoniae by nested PCR.,崩亡渗酱音衡侨雅嘲琵会斜册哑额镰潍夕才榷惯钻潞痪缘氮堑致耪寅厨堡肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件肺炎支原体巢式pcr的优化 ppt课件,discussion,In this study,we adopted nested PCR to compare the two targets.The superior sensitivity is the major advantage of nested PCR.The sensitivity can be increased by nested PCR because it
17、 involves the reamplification of a PCR product with a second primer set.Nested PCR may lead to a 103-fold increase in sensitivity than single-step PCR,as nested PCR enables the detection of 1-100fg of DNA,and single-step PCR assays can only detect 10-100pg of DNA.Abele-Horn et al.can detect 30-100fg
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- 肺炎 支原体 pcr 优化 ppt 课件
