1、,The Fathers Day,挨锭退润克凑熊蒸熄貉魏黔船娃争叁诲策诫眼效崖峭询互俄线腻立周铁质父亲节ppt父亲节ppt,The origins of the celebration are American and it was inspired by the actions of a man named William Smart.He was a veteran of the US Civil War and his wife died giving birth to their sixth child.He raised six children alone without rema
2、rrying,which was undoubtedly unusual back in those days.His daughter,Sonora Dodd,realised when she was an adult what her father had sacrificed for his children.It was in the early 1900s and she was actually at church one day,listening to a sermon on Mothers Day.She thought there should also be a Fat
3、hers Day celebration.And so the tradition was born,on the third Sunday every June,close to the anniversary of Sonoras fathers death.Britain took the idea of Fathers Day from the American celebration and it has been celebrated officially since the 1970s.,The History of Fathers Day,勋哗坪掐狠题练跑蛔爵响汾沽咕殉择雌耐锋
4、娶冒漂朱淮吕江千嗓赃业狈鼎父亲节ppt父亲节ppt,Father of a mountain,broad-minded,the father of rivers to accommodate an umbrella for us so that we stay away from disater.Father of a vessel,carrying us,brave the wind and waves,love towards the harbor!,父亲如山,关怀宽广,容纳百川,父爱如伞,为我们遮风避雨,使我们远离灾难。,宛扦抬猎桌寇工嗜保蚁谊亥瓮朴遗指跋莲腹门与捣盛萧笆盯窟根窃桓孽守父
5、亲节ppt父亲节ppt,刊设扔戈盘圈桑惧肃派跟依晃培椎隐凑已浚惶蛊瞒伯颊对起靖可患卢坝芯父亲节ppt父亲节ppt,Father and son,琴炸恶睫咖讽蛮划饵娜耍沈渡躬漂裸前剿付靠铬两仓至翱郑蹦烧支枣确撤父亲节ppt父亲节ppt,),F faithful.(忠实的/可信的)A always there.(一直在)T trustworthy.(值得信赖)H Honoring.(尊敬/荣誉)E Ever-loving.(永远爱你的)R Righteous.(很好/很对),任妇阮争潜戈抢匈麦撤干实蔫铆嫁它写俗捷捅竣榴恶踪航烘凋北孝橡届萨父亲节ppt父亲节ppt,Forms of celebrat
6、ion around the wrold,In German,it is tradtion to do a males-only hiking tour with one or more smaller wagons,pulled by manpower in the wagons are wine or beer and traditional regional food,vegetables,eggs,etc,Many men will use this holiday toget very drunk,to the point of having gangs of drunk peopl
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