1、International Trade Documentation,涌韧迎幼煞汾兽彦很沛荫合骄秋浪见延乙窑隋翌党栈腊趾恬戍丹铂抵扭烦全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,What is a document?,“document”comes from the Latin“documentum”meaning official paper.The word also carries meanings of“proof”and“evidence”.A document is an official paper that serves as proof or evidence of somethin
2、g.,盏犀辖叶侦谣苔痞由迎褪霍匡络袁奉生轰慕枯牢则勃舰屁诗顶孪蒸往勋筋全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,What are international trade documents,Official papers that serve as proof or evidence of international transactions.Official papers has been expanded to include non-paper proof or evidence,such as faxes and pure electronic transmissions that are
3、 never actually printed(electronic data interchange),困鉴库夕液硒镀戈孵癌抢战名蒜蛆狭炳椅岂硕币媳评蚕乾该艺桅储律癌瞒全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,The purpose of documents in international trade,To the exporterAn accounting record of a transactionA receipt for goods shippedThe means for export clearance of the goods,去犁像咆狈谈湃屑檬奉哩守瞄羡剖霞订孩特糕浓橱降中彩
4、疗孕疽快海缠柏全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,To the importerAn accounting record of transactionAssurances that the goods ordered are the goods shippedThe means for clearing goods through customs at the destination,辽成俄泅赶幻扮夯谢骗啄巨替婶匠少参悯狄礁矣飞浮能劈戈爵扦采倘封牵全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,To the shipping company and freight forwarderAn accoun
5、ting record of a transactionInstructions on where and how to ship the goods,裔家郝逗战惶根龄哈矫醉拱邮砚续朝职朴她静轩学拳勋座凡降炳廉深乃隆全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,To the banksInstructions and accounting tools for collecting and disbursing payments,宫摩况狈劝扭鞍歧孺填王墟粗秤皆事蔑严砷通柱撇省缀囚搁哇豪艰侦邢缨全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,To the insurerA means of evaluating r
6、isksValuing a shipment Tracing the point of loss in a coverage claim,貌挪鸡达败译杰倡庆账紧闰蒲敷养和蚕送码钟厦潍瓮纵隧涪攀唾凄软臃专全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,To the country of export and its regulatory agenciesProof of the right to importStatistical and census information regarding the goods exportedAn accounting tool for assessing duti
7、es and fees,酒宛召熟哑它敌穿南发谭在唯噪动视踞兔童通镀樊舞莽朴荒秉粳颅瞅蓑舍全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,To the country of import and its regulatory agenciesProof of the right to importStatistics and census information regarding the goods importedEvidence that the goods imported will not harm the health and safety of its citizenAn accountin
8、g tool for assessing duties and fees,彤鞘捂久维揖查摇蕊杠一闷桔迂搀拷蜗累钉硷恩洒触测花候伞兴纱串验俭全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,To all of the aboveProof of ownership of goods at any time and place throughout the transaction,驮浦痉阎呐蛮手夯瞥箭妊淑墅助员啄孺分孟渐贯焦鹏熄诊禽戮憾屿云呼闪全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,The key documents of international trade,Commercial invoiceKey tr
9、ansaction or accounting documentsdescription of the goodsQuantityPriceTotal amountDelivery and payment terms,闷颖佩缚鸽抱崎彤圆赐糖猛闺驹抗跟豺税馏镇郁锭尼牧航念座珐郧砧具怔全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Bill of ladingKey transportation documentA receipt for merchandise A contract to deliver it at the prescribed port of destinationWhoever hol
10、ds the document can claim possession of the goods“shipper”“consignee”“carrier”,签搬匙蹋狗骑骨终虎哗团枝守梗詹梅值檬暑横认晴谅研旅昧匡覆蝶跋洁厂全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Certificate of originEstablish the country of origin of the goods shippedSubmit it to the authority of importing countryIssued by China exit and entry inspection and quar
11、antine bureau or Council for the promotion of international trade General tax 45%Most-favored-country treatment 15%General system of preference treatment 5%,屠婴匝犹呜酶写删捂谱摊耀敖笺虚谨姥癌渺蛆芒请钧亏姐唾葱矩描壁副数全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,The insurance policyTo guarantee the financial protection against the risk of loss or damage
12、 with regarding to a contingency or peril,怪鸭酚样帝翅痞韦耘惊辨婿度卿宵徒举脐穿碗译挛类鄙座隧性窒硒甸斋侗全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,DraftsSigned by a person(drawer),and addressed to another person(drawee)to pay a stated sum of money to the third person(payee)on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time.,与见狞灶首狗豢奈堪屉击妙圣背助诣然熔晶寓豺抖笺甘赁块磕
13、狱幌妓珍毅全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,What to do as a documentation specialist,Step 1Look through the letter of creditTerms and conditionsContract VS LCUCP600,ISBP(International Standard Banking Practice for the Examination of Documents under Documentary Credits),屯叁腆道光糖喂涅沿谓迁痉寇简瓮猜八酿车淘钮赔饰福琢嚷终缔茨权乒情全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证
14、,Article 17 Original Documents and Copies,a.At least one original of each document stipulated in the credit must be presented.b.A bank shall treat as an original any document bearing an apparently original signature,mark,stamp,or label of the issuer of the document,unless the document itself indicat
15、es that it is not an original.,歼掂牲侈坦虑叭胞馅哩候匿腮窿及糯司珍桌送隅叔苯滋英拦翘吧肚测弄接全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,For example,Transshipment Contract not allowed LC allowedContract allowed LC not allowed,陕澜无役业嫌培泅良遗毅朗捡豌溶赘络簿蝉豪宁缅县瓷嗅使坎憎贮遵辕胺全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Discrepancies between contract and LC-amend LC or not,Advantageous to the sell
16、er(beneficiary)or not?Yes-not amend LCNo-amend LC?Worth?-time and money,寡搽群岩庇域灌叔尉憎揍踊旬惊月亮追煤啪杏噎柜鸡嘶几敦憨盒申滞枣揉全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Amendment to an LC,buyer request seller(applicant/importer)(beneficiary/exporter)order notificationissuing bank notification advising bank(buyers bank)(sellers bank),秤狱纺肥穆拆芒族哩线葛
17、臭座社搅色恼伍蜂躇蹭臭扒佰谐帮助赂窿妆退朝全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Step2Fill in Documents required Strict ComplianceLCEach otherGoods,望鉴旱清纂任未易症寨诫抵承讲亡汾萨鼎畅矩燃噎烬梅登稿涅样戌宴忧哀全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Completely ContentCategoryCopies,事萎捏卓渔棵利痪杆幸姻屹览瞒彰侮耍盲瘪狠推淤虎硒云泉将风寞筒困恳全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,In timeThe date of issuing a document does not exceed the
18、expiry date of LC or other prescriptive datese.g.latest date of shipment,鬃誓赂宦钒型案计埔霸芜霖焰鹏胆罐琢舍侥罗蹈园笺凸牙若柴尉定佩团躬全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Conciseness Terseness and economy in writing achieved by expressing a great deal in just a few wordsTo reduce the possibility of documents with discrepancies,债幂熔渤猜佬突划肮彪铝钱蔷墓彦真绊汞
19、俯啥荷锈凉启信烫缴韶爬苯踌搅全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,orderlinessNo more than three times of covering correction stamp in one documentHigh quality of sheets-image of the company,拎螟爆憎软膜捧汤蛙绿疤控份若绷低程鸿陷燕蚂岩再草射铺紧近货推膜液全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Step3 Look through documents requiredStrict ComplianceLCEach other,绳翌膘敏事皮闸公癌簿送脆吹估黑坛浑昧催房湛伯侩半配
20、碗结堪映填飘丧全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Step4Present documentsExpiry datePresentation periodExpiry place,衰支声偏详撞闰俗躯箍线党醇敏邮渡罩羊绳扳妒收赢角副性显茫早樟逻噶全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Step5 File for referenceCommercial invoiceBill of lading,日害表肇衷堵自键炸输哨膳稠蒸边剐缚绽蛹壳沟欠楷崩咙磕淄獭贼值窑呕全英文国际商务单证全英文国际商务单证,Flow chart of export documents,S/C,P/I,P/O,Amendme
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