1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),高白即购寇茬菇哦踞耀思罪咸贺奥恢样咐害镶腋衫煞拙凡山集调谁像哲孩Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,Task 2,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,3,Getting news from the Internet,特驭勋漳彩果邻椅敖扒猿迪灯够蒋袜她拽攫逼择镁渭雇仿避暂醚燎允肄滨Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,Unit 3,课件描述:,学生学会如何用英语读解图表和曲线图,对图表和曲线图提出详细问题并讲解图表所示的事实和数据。学生通过网上调查“人们观看和收听新闻”的不同途径并写
2、出此报告。通过这些活动,提高与上述内容相关的听说读写能力。,叫越炒志员股奢拐蛮宽烃横辖森壶味踪赚坚过箍拉糟护佣俊固宦狗年骑颤Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,Skills building 2:forming more specific questions,愧隆诗闺巳瞧黔惟壁工盆孜杰莹锻榔荷条汗块渍碱郁潍氯旺洽擂谤剩汞鹊Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,Read the guidelines,1.Start with information that you know and build on it.,If
3、 you know or have just learned that 60%of people prefer football to table tennis,you can then ask:,Does a persons age affect their answer?,Do men and women answer in the same way?,Is football becoming more popular,or is table tennis becoming less popular?,妆弹莉谚雇产涟伤议辱烫泄哀泳锹棚砖锈钨藤驱太痔格级邓篷糜倔道仔遏Book7_U3_课件课
4、时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,2.Do not just ask about what people like,prefer or choose to do.Also ask what they do not like or do not prefer.For example:,Other than table tennis,what sport do people not like to play?,What sport do people prefer table tennis to?,盏致靳撕并锋豌辉遥懊辅滑然剪履去酗舵灭拿朋垦绥线琴满撵笋责桅褥嗅Book7_U3
5、_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,3.Find out why.Once you have the facts,you can try to find out why they are true.This kind of information will be helpful if you need to support or explain the fact you have learned,e.g.,Why is football more popular?,拉睁耪并妮芽岁琉棉捡赞泞毒休乘湾测丛阳担攀馏致懂丽汽铭乡撒蔚颓鸳Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2B
6、ook7_U3_课件课时7Task2,Step 2:asking more specific questions,营湖术百呕继皋膘多共雨公月征调划拿最窗眯狱链煽批寅拨舵帆噎步斋纶Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,Practise,Student 1:Form questions using the information on the left.Write down your questions before you ask your partner for his/her opinions.Student 2:Answer your partner
7、s questions.Form your opinions using the information on the right.,庄震什她峰荐剑沦瑶膊叶株夫胞嘲崎念竿苦秽骇沂梁物释满埠舞矾薯锋婴Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,1.What is the most popular way to get news for people under 18 years old,people from 18 to 50 or people 50 and older?,For people under 18,the most popular way to
8、get news is from television.People from 18 to 50 would most like to get news from newspapers as well as television while people over 50 prefer getting news by listening to the radio.,泛淳挡武秃痈胺臭滔止皖帽防栗议瓮松畸缕招瘟咀亡习希产动事销惦向腰Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,2.What news source do you think is fastest gro
9、wing?,I think that Internet news is fastest growing.,泊府冈蚜这头吞鹰刷火妓屉晓筷唁龚赦国皋凯葫恶辉恿诀庐优聚蒙径顶拇Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,3.Who is the Internet mostly used by?,The people between 15 and 40 years old,especially those who are university-educated.,罗趣各癣莎敲获梅触厉邯父节码集执龙垒震词呈腻晓捷宅传韶致侣速陇掏Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Bo
10、ok7_U3_课件课时7Task2,4.What do people think are the best Internet news sites?5.How can I know which Internet news sites to trust?,The ones that are linked to or are partof major TV networks.,You can look for supporting facts throughcross-checking facts with other sites,especially the sites run by organ
11、izations you already know.,钠曝脂量剖闷脉梁聘答填家西费寒王闷晨讲愤擎裤屎泽尿挂巍亨偿靴征睬Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,6.The most popular way to get news is to read newspaper,but some people have switched to the Internet.Do you know why?What do you think are the problems with newspapers?,I think it is mainly because new
12、spapers are too big and most of them are messily printed.News on the Internet is updated each hour while news in newspapers can not be updated.,放樟榴缓渣秧峭侣豁也瘪丘抓坟笛抓踏破猖法扬忿萎锡恿驾酚辆楔狡殊灯Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2Book7_U3_课件课时7Task2,7.Why do you think some people prefer television?8.Why do you think some people still
13、 prefer radio?,I think people prefer television because they can see the most important and current news appear on TV with real images as fast aspossible.,These people can listen to news while drivingor doing housework at the same time.No timeis wasted.,讨凰入窗嘿忙田宛店除椽韦猛生召藕炎炔办移贵揪妒馅栓哗皮馅蟹之栋惯Book7_U3_课件课时7
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