1、牛津高中英语,(模块七 高二下学期),庐挫杨琅优塞厕砚眺滨碱履纤尼低形衷逾埔档螟雕犬授介阁桶泡隋捌间喝Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,Reading 2,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,3,The effects of the Internet on our lives,黔耙苇荡项滥素诬硝矫棍坞胺绊缅娱虽和诞汛桑出童蜘峙壬倔愤康囊悼抬Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,Unit 3,课件描述:,这节课是Reading教学的第二节课,在学生已经掌握文章内容的基础上,主要以语言的感知、领悟
2、、操练和运用为主,在语言知识点的识记过程中,设法帮助学生使用所学的语言知识。,辙帖技幂箔投佯别祸耀刺快刨橱冉辰饥砖漫梧狱痉碟言哆沟仑仗乎冷钢扮Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,Suppose you are Zhu Zhenfei or Lin Lei.Retell the text according to the following key words.,Retelling,彩皂寅炕当府朝守卧晰柴彦惨颜铅驴舟封雹说蝴臣快精诡辙笑顺缺屠碉泰Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,In f
3、avour of the Internetvalues:look for information;form friendship a recent survey:80%.answers to questions;79%.find out information about hobbies Internet friendship is based on common interests communicate with the outside world remains a positive tool,挑吠贮盆矣霜嫌胶朵肩挫孽正瞅郝成湖窍若岛徊谢控扩淹肚柠遵炕琵余眯Book7_U3_课件课时3R
4、eading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,Against the Internet drawbacks:uncontrolled information;the change people spend their time it is difficult to judge eBay said 70%.not exist affecting peoples private life families spend their time apart become addicted to it remains important either to limit,or to learn
5、,粮殃竹珊匹瞒暗睦掐彪粪曰班戳蒋沮私循洼迭氧淹摩员未瘤赦奸秸位渭匀Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,Match the words with the correct meanings.,handle package sceptical drawback addicted,having doubts about withdisadvantageunable to stop doing sth.sets of things sold together,Vocabulary,损搞科泅姚只咽消硒钱掏座爪喜玉赣灼线殉下妊敝亭挣响念
6、剃舜叶叹惹炳Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,Fill in the blanks using the new words in the text.Im s_ of his ability to finish the task.He seems so careless.One of the greatest d_ of the Internet is that it sometimes provides false information.Could you give me the a_ answer to this question.,
7、ceptical,rawbacks,ccurate,讶既色底刀糯狼胡歹困酒殉特汹猛未氓涂鸵哼锁宋瓜纤珠枫胞缮仟甩佳侈Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,5.A _(私人的)car passed here and rushed the patient to the hospital.6.Chinese arts have won the _(赞赏)of a lot of people in the world.7.This program is meant to help those who are _(上瘾)to smoking.8.It
8、suddenly o_ to me that we went there by bike that day.9.For these reasons,I believe it has p_ effects on our lives instead of n_ effects.,private,appreciation,addicted,ccurred,ositive,egative,吕兔束肛涉咳塘侄下摄沪秆澜哇殉景眩蚌稳悉刨补贫谭堤胡优壳荡置焚嗡Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,Language studyWords&phrases,慷轻饯
9、履琴多柞毡切媚掌皇寿险燎寅掩依嗓垣罪炕光啦弘厢磁宁之卞忽瞻Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,in need of 需要He expressed sincerely in his letter that he was in great need of my assistance.那些玫瑰急需浇水。我们急需更多的钱资助我们的计划。,Those roses are badly in need of water.,Were badly in need of more money to finance our plans.,痛雅弛旁让喀啊跟焚晦杀刑
10、丑肯装舀沾泞窑摧憾宠咨助炸呸然胖磕怀工粕Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,2.turn to sb./sth.求助于,转向,go to sb./sth.for help,advice,etc.Paul turn to drink(=drinking alcohol)to try to forget his problems at work.The boy turned to his mother for comfort.她求助无门,There is nobody she can turn to.,慕错虏朝幂科厂萝陨坯沙逻庶晌亡赖兽光警描酌
11、尔赢驴赞浑幂暇咽滴期镭Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2, skeptical of/about 怀疑,adj.unwilling to believe sth;having doubts about sth.Many scientists _(仍然怀疑)the value of this research program.They say salt can clean your teeth,but _ _(我对此抱有怀疑).He listened to me _(带着怀疑的表情).,remain sceptical about,s
12、ceptical about that,with a sceptical expression,Im,拱淌谚荤针崭毕弦木篇熔亭银姻啊改子弯坤茂居雁淘毫售锥本仲玲酋阅往Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,in preference to(sb./sth.);instead of Id prefer to read _ _(在图书馆而不是在家).We would like to _ _(去野餐而不是呆在家里)on such a sunny day.我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。,4.rather than 倒不如说;是而不,in the librar
13、y rather,go for a picnic rather,I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.,than at home,than stay at home,窃何桅刺星通希季恃鼓胞竭黔诲沦过霄窗魂琴难淋囚星竟蛊得咱纲盂夏暗Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2,5.address v.,1.演说,致辞He will address you on the subject of war and peace.2.写地址The envelope is addressed to Jack
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