1、Cystic disease of the kidneys in childhood isa confusing and complicated subject.Also thecomplex and often contradictory nomenclatureused to describe cystic kidneys is not an aid tounderstanding the subject.This section aims toprovide the sonographer with a simpleapproach to cystic kidneys in childr
2、en.,Multicystic kidney or multicystic dysplastic kidneythis refers to many cysts in one kidney often containing some dysplastic elements.Not all multicystic kidneys are dysplastic.The condition is still considered to be non-hereditary.If the multicystic kidney is unilateral,the other kidney may be n
3、ormal,hydronephrotic or dysplastic.If bilateral,it is incompatible with life,and infants die soon after birth with hypoplastic lungs and/or renal failure.,Terminology,Cystic dysplasiadysplastic kidneys can be unilateral or bilateral,usually contain cysts and are disorganized,containing ectopic tissu
4、e such as cartilage and muscle.They may function.Ultrasonically they usually appear small and echogenic with small peripheral cortical cysts.While dysplastic kidneys are often hypoplastic,not all small kidneys are dysplastic.The clinical features are very variable from a normal appearing neonate to
5、a very dysmorphic infant.Dysplastic kidneys are associated with urinary tract obstruction,and many syndromes are associated with cystic dysplastic kidneys.Bilateral renal dysplasia will result in progressive renal failure.,Polycystic kidney disease refers to two conditions:autosomal recessive polycy
6、stic kidney disease and autosomal dominant renal disease.,Autosomal recessive polycystic kidneys were previously known as infantile polycystic kidneys.Confusingly these kidneys appear highly echogenic on ultrasound.There is generalized dilation of the collecting tubules.Autosomal dominant renal dise
7、ase was previously known as adult polycystic kidney disease.Cysts develop anywhere along the nephron.,The ultimate diagnosis of the cysticrenal disorder is not dependent on anyone imaging modality and will depend onmany factors.Sources of information whentrying to come to the diagnosis should becoll
8、ated from many areas,such as:,obstetric history of the mother prenatal history and fetal ultrasonography family history information clinical examination of the child radiology of patient and parents laboratory data,for example DNA pathology if a biopsy is taken or fromany other family members that m
9、ay havehad a biopsy or nephrectomy in the past.,Ultrasound is still the imaging modalityof choice in children,and the findings onultrasound will direct further imaging asrequired.The ultrasound approach to anycystic renal disease in children mustinclude observations about the following,which should
10、be carefully stated in theultrasound report.,unilateral or bilateral renal cysts(bilateralinvolvement is more common in the geneticallyinherited conditions)size of the kidneysare they large or small?localization to one part of the kidney or diffuseinvolvement of the whole kidney.Is there acapsule ar
11、ound the cysts?extrarenal cysts,in particular in the liver orpancreas liver size and hepatic parenchyma appearance presence of a large spleen and portalhypertension.,Renal cysts are common and may behereditary,developmental or acquired.Theclassification of cystic renal disease variesaccording to the
12、 perspective from which it iswritten,and despite a vast amount ofliterature on the subject,there is still nogenerally accepted classification in existence.The early Potter classification is of limitedvalue for clinical practice because not all typesrepresent clinical entities.,The following classifi
13、cation is by nomeans all inclusive but aims to emphasizethe important clinical cystic disorders likelyto be encountered by the sonographer.Broadly speaking,cystic disease of thekidneys can be divided into two groupsgenetic disease and non-genetic disease:,Genetic diseaseautosomal recessive polycysti
14、c kidneydisease(ARPKD)autosomal dominant polycystic kidneydisease(ADPKD)juvenile nephronophthisis and medullarycystic disease complexglomerulocystic kidney diseasecysts with multiple malformation syndromes;,Non-genetic diseasesimple cystsmulticystic dysplastic kidneymultilocular cystsacquired renal
15、cystic disease(chronicrenal failure)caliceal diverticulummedullary sponge kidney.,Genetic disease,Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease(ARPKD)This is a generalized cystic dilation of the renalcollecting tubules so that the kidneys are packedto a greater or lesser degree with tiny little cyst
16、s(Fig.3.31).It is much rarer than the autosomaldominant form and occurs in 1 in 50 000 people.Prenatal diagnosis can be made but there arefalse positive and false negative diagnoses.Congenital hepatic fibrosis is a prerequisite forthe diagnosis of ARPKD.,Figure 3.31 Autosomal recessive polycystic ki
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