1、PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit4 第一课时教学反1、通过学生的自由话题和师生对话,自然导入新课。在学生的Free talk中,涉及到上学期的I can.句型,也为新课做了铺垫。 2、在教学中,我通过TPR和盘子,锅产等实物,使学生能直观的理解短语的意思。并通过课件上有趣的图片,吸引学生的注意力,激发他们学习的兴趣。 3、在词汇的教学中,既强调了单词中元音及字母的发音,又注重了词汇的书写,在课件上也有所呈现。 4、本节课中的Chant ,既活跃了课堂气氛,又能让学生在轻松的说唱中巩固了所学的新内容。 5、在操练句型时,通过开展开火车游戏,达到了语言交际的目的,并使更多的学生参与到了学习中来。
2、6、在pair work 中,让学生自编对话,增强了学生们的合作意识和创新意识:尤其是通过设置真实的语境,给学生们的表演提供了舞台。这不仅可以提高学生表演的欲望,并能让他们体会到在实践中运用语言的快乐,这种真实的表演,大大锻炼了他们的口语能力,也增强了他们学习的自信心。 五、本节课在教学过程中也注重了评价,并多次进PEP 6 Unit 5 A Lets learn 教学反思 本节课是PEP小学英语五年级下册第五单元Look at the monkeys的第一课时。本课时的重点是学习有关动物正在做什么的有关表达,主要句型是:Look at the tiger/rabbit. Its runnin
3、g/jumping. The tiger/rabbit is running/jumping.,并且掌握running, walking, jumping, flying, swimming 五个现在分词的形式。在进行授课时,我主要设计了以下几个教学的步骤:一. Teaching new words 一一播放各种动物的叫声,让学生猜猜是什么动物。然后呈现出该动物,提问学生:What is it doing? 在教师的提示下学习新单词。借助电脑出示动物,形象直观,生动活泼。操练单词的形式多样,开小火车,一个一个,两个两个等朗读新单词。带读单词时有升降调的变化,这样读起来也不会显得枯燥无味。同时教
4、师在学习现在分词的基础上,不忘让学生跟读该动词的原形。每教授完一个新单词后,都把单词融入到歌曲中去,通过歌谣让学生娱乐,也活跃了课堂气氛。当全部新单词教授完毕后,还插入了一个小游戏,老师说动词的原形,学生说出其现在分词形式,或者交换练习。这样的小环节,不仅使学生做到既掌握新知识的同时,也不会忘记旧知识。这样的活动,也练习了学生快速反应的能力。二. Look and say幻灯片出现各种动物,让学生利用本节课的句型,表达出该动物正在做什么。通过这一环节,培养了学生独立思考的能力,还培养了他们说英语的能力,做到学以致用,以此达到更好的教学效果,促使学生英语思维能力的形成与发展。单词的学习不仅仅是纯
5、粹的背诵,而是要把单词放在句子里记忆,体现英语学习的“在学中用,在用中学”的思想。三. Guessing game遮住动物图片的一部分,让学生发散思维猜猜每个动物正在做什么,然后用一句话表达出来。教师尽量提问多几个学生,让每个学生都有说英语的机会。这一游戏环节,调动了学生学习的积极性,也丰富了课堂活动。四. Summary: Lets chant 课堂的最后是以一个chant的形式把本课时的单词通过有韵律的歌谣归纳出来。The tiger is running. Running, running, running. The rabbit is jumping. Jumping, jumping
6、, jumping.The bird is flying. Flying, flying, flying.The elephant is walking. Walking, walking, walking.The fish is swimming. Swimming, swimming, swimming. 本课堂的个个环节都采用了电脑多媒体教学,优化了课堂教学,提高了教学的效率和学生的学习效率。但也有很多不足之处,如在教授新单词时,活动形式比较单一,课堂的游戏比较陈旧。学生说的时候不仅要用句子来表达,如果能够配合肢体语言来模仿自己说的动物的动作时,这样的课堂教学会更加生动形象。在look
7、and say的学习中,部分程度较差的学生没有跟上,致使此刻的他们成为了看客。在以后的教学中,更加应该注重中后生的接受能力,想法设法鼓励他们多发言,培养他们的自信心,带动他们一起参与到课堂中来。整节课对于学生的评价还是较小,鼓励不多。教师自身的课堂语言的组织能力还有待加强与提高,上课的激情还不够,还不能很好地带动学生充满激情地投入到英语的学习中来。教师的情绪能够感染每一个学生的学习,我想在今后的课堂上,我要把激情带入到课堂中去,用我自己的激情感染我的每一位学生,这样的教学效果会更加好,对于课堂的教学也会有很好的效果。小学英语PEP五年级下册Unit4 Part A Read and Write
8、教学案例Aims and Demands:1. Master the focal sentences: This is What are you doing? I am And reach four skills.2. Help students to understand“ Do you want to go to the Childrens Center? ” and can make a telephone call using the focal sentences.3. Learn to communicate with others .Pay attention to teamwo
9、rk in groups.Important and focal points:1. Use the focal sentences to communicate and can write carefully.2. Can read the dialogue and understand the sentence “Do you want to go to the Children s Center? ”Teaching Tools: Recorder, six words cards, a picture, selfmade software, some exercise paper.Te
10、aching steps:Step: Warm up (这阶段是师生相互沟通交流的有利时机。在短暂的时间里激发学生的情绪,调动学生的热情,降低甚至完全消除学生因过分紧张所带来的尴尬,创设一个平等和谐自由的学习氛围来增强相互的认识和了解是至关重要的。)1. Greetings. 2. Lets chant: What are you doing?Step:Revision Revise the phrases: doing the dishes、reading a book、 drawing pictures 、cooking dinner、 answering the phone. Look
11、at the pictures and say out quickly and you can get a smile face. Then check the answers and read the phrases loudly. Read and spell them together twice.Step : Presentation After revising the phrases, the teacher does the actions and let Ss guess. For example: T: do the action (drawing pictures) Ss:
12、 drawing pictures (say out quickly) Then teacher asks Ss Who can ask me: What am I doing? At the same time, the teacher does the actions.S1:What are you doing? T: Im doing the dishes.S2: What are you doing? T: Im reading a book.Yes. Well done. You did a good job. Now Lets write down the focal senten
13、ces after me, pay attention to your handwriting.Teacher writes on the Bb and the Ss write down the sentences on their exercise paper.After writing, the teacher goes back to the Ss and look at their handwriting. Praise for the best handwriting in time.(老师来回巡视注意学生的书写,提醒个别学生的坐姿,对于书写好的学生及时给予表扬。)T:Have y
14、ou finished it? Now lets read the sentences.Ss: Read after the teacher.T: Do the ask and answer then change.T: Who can ask me? The teacher does the action such as watching TV.S3: What are you doing?T: Im watching TV.T: OK. Now work in pairs. Do like me.Ss: Work in groups.One asks the other does the
15、action and answers.T: Act out.Step . Leading inT: This class , Zhang Peng and John come to our English class . What are they doing ? Lets watch the screen .Ss : Listen and watch .T: OK !What are they doing ?Ss: Theyre calling .T: Yes . Clever .This is a dialogue about calling .If I want to introduce
16、 myself I should say :This is And cant use : I am (师生共同书写This is Zhang Peng .提醒注意书写及句首第一字母大写,句末标点。)教师拿起电话和另一个学生打电话:T : Hello ! This is Ms Wang .S1 : Hi ! Ms Wang . This is Li Ming . Step. Reading1. Now read the dialogue silently by yourself and answer the question :(快速默读)Where will Zhang Peng and Jo
17、hn go ?A.Childrens Centre B . Nature ParkThen check the answer .2. The second time , read the dialogue again loudly and raise questions .1). What is Zhang Peng doing?2) . What is John doing?Ss read loudly and talk about the answers .(再次让学生读对话,读完后讨论交流,说出问题的答案,然后让学生说答案,最后订正出示正确答案,让学生在练习纸上写出句子,并读所写句子同时
18、进行问答练习。)T:Now , lets do the ask and answer .Croup 1 ask , group 2 answer then change.Ss: Read the sentences.Step: Listening and reading after the tape.T: Boys and girls ,open your book ,turn to P48 , lets listen to the tape and read after the tape ,pay attention to the pronunciation and tone .Ss: Re
19、ad after the tape.Then read again by yourself and act ont the dialogue .Step: Act outLet several Ss act out the dialogue in front of the Bb.(让学生戴着头饰分角色朗读。)Step: ConsolidationLet Ss make a telephone call and add their own actions to practise.They can take their book.(让学生用电话模具模拟真实的场景,加上自己的动作,进一步巩固练习这一
20、对话。)Step : ExtensionT: Lets relax . Watch the movie and answer my questions :1、 What is mom doing ?2、 What is brother doing ?Ss : Watch the movie .(看完后让多个学生回答问题并完成句子。)Step : Summaries Sum up the knowledge points and enjoy the song : What are you doing ? Count the smile face and look at which group i
21、s winner .And congratulations.Step HomeworkInterview your classmates or family using calling to talk about each other.教学反思:本节课是阅读教学,我遵循阅读教学模式,阅读前,热身交流,激活学生思维,采用眼疾嘴快,快速说短语来复习巩固上节课所学知识点。在重点句型What are you doing ? Im doing the dishes . Im reading a book . 我采用让学生边做动作边问,创设情境,开展形式多样的教学活动,让学生亲身体验,大胆实践,积极参与,
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- PEP 小学英语 年级 下册 Unit4 第一 课时 教学
