1、分类号 C93 学号: 0730922051 U D C 658 密级: 无 硕 士 学 位 论 文公共组织在救灾中的应急绩效评估及应用研究杨正超指导教师姓名 杨文健 教授 河海大学公共管理学院 江苏省南京市西康路1号 210098 申请学位级别 管理学硕士 专业名称 行政管理 论文提交日期: 2010年 3 月 20 日 论文答辩日期:2010年 3月 24 日学位授予单位和日期: 河 海 大 学 2010 年 月 日答辩委员会主席: 论文评阅人: 、 二零一零年 月 中国南京分类号(中图法) C93 UDC(DDC) 658 密级 无 论文作者姓名 杨正超 学号 0730922051 单位
2、 河海大学 论文中文题名 公共组织在救灾中的应急绩效评估及应用研究 论文中文副题名 无 论文英文题名 Emergency Performance Evaluation and Applied Research of Public organizations in the disaster relief 论文英文副题名 None 论文语种 汉语 论文摘要 汉、英 语种论文页数 论文字数5.0(万)论文主题词 公共组织、救灾、应急、绩效评估 申请学位级别 管理学硕士 专 业 名 称 行政管理 研 究 方 向 公共人力资源管理 指导教师姓名 杨文健教授 导师单位 河海大学公共管理学院 论文答辩日期
3、2010 年 3月 24 日 Emergency Performance Evaluation and Applied Research of Public organizations in the disaster reliefDissertation Submitted toHohai University In Fulfillment of the RequirementFor the Degree ofMaster of AdministrationByZhengchao Yang(College of Public Administration)Dissertation Superv
4、isor : Professor Wenjian Yang November, 2009 Nanjing, P.R.China学位论文独创性声明:本人所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。与我一同工作的同事对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。如不实,本人负全部责任。论文作者(签名): 2009年 月 日学位论文使用授权说明河海大学、中国科学技术信息研究所、国家图书馆、中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社有权保留本人所送交学位论文的复印件或电子文档,可以
5、采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。本人电子文档的内容和纸质论文的内容相一致。除在保密期内的保密论文外,允许论文被查阅和借阅。论文全部或部分内容的公布(包括刊登)授权河海大学研究生院办理。论文作者(签名): 2009 年 月 河海大学硕士学位论文 公共组织在救灾中的应急绩效评估及应用研究摘要在全球化、城市化和我国经济社会转型的大背景下,洪水、地震、台风、安全事故等各种自然和人为灾害仍然是阻扰我国改革开放和现代化建设的重要因素。各类灾害的特征突出表现为频度高、强度大、分布广,造成损失严重。公共组织是救灾的主体,面对各种突如其来的“天灾人祸”,如何采取切实有效的应急措施救灾,是降低灾害造成的损失
8、一步研究做出展望。关键词:公共组织、救灾、应急、绩效评估bstractUnder the background of economic globalization, urbanization and Chinas socioeconomic transformation, large quantities of natural disasters and man-made disasters have still prevented the process of Chinas reform,opening up and modernization,such as floods, earthqu
9、akes, typhoon and accidents and so on. The prominent characteristics of different disasters are as follows: high frequency, immense intensity, large affected areas and heavy losses. Public organizations are the main subjects in the disaster relief. Faced with various unexpected natural and man-made
10、calamities, we should seek some useful emergency measures, which are the keys to reducing losses caused by disasters, to help people in a disaster. However, owing to our countrys late start in researches into the disaster emergency management, the studies on public organizations in the disaster reli
11、ef are still in the primary stage. Besides, public organizations havent established the system of emergency performance evaluation in the disaster relief, especially the researches into the disasters emergency performance evaluation index system are blank. Therefore, it is vital to research the syst
12、em of emergency performance evaluation in the disaster relief. By means of the theories about performance management, disaster management and public management, in combination with the public organization characteristics, the disaster relief development and the disaster relief work in actual conditi
13、ons, besides, referring to foreign related experiences and using the fuzzy comprehensive analysis model to make an empirical analysis of actual cases, the research attempts to construct public organizations in the system of emergency performance evaluation in order to achieve scientific, reasonable
14、and effective performance evaluation of public organizations in the disaster relief and emergency. Main contents of the paper include the following aspects:Firstly, from the performance management, disaster management and public management theory, the paper totally analyses and concludes the situati
15、ons at home and abroad of public organizations in the disaster relief and emergency and performance evaluation, which establishes the theoretical base to study public organizations in the emergency performance evaluation in the disaster relief.Secondly, combining with outstanding characteristics of
16、Chinese disasters occurrence and development, the paper analyses the problems existing in the emergency management of our countrys public organizations in the disaster relief. Moreover, summarizing foreign disaster management experiences, the paper also analyses the necessity of public organizations
17、 in the emergency performance evaluation in the disaster relief. Thirdly, the paper expounds the purposes, principles and ideas of public organizations in the emergency performance evaluation in the disaster relief, and mainly analyses the factors that are influential of public organizations in the
18、emergency performance evaluation in the disaster relief. Furthermore, the paper also designs the index of public organizations in the emergency performance evaluation in the disaster relief and constructs the system of performance evaluation. These points are the keys to the paper. Fourthly, accordi
19、ng to the index system of public organizations in the emergency performance evaluation in the disaster relief, the paper uses the fuzzy comprehensive analysis model to make an empirical analysis of A Unit dealing with the snow disaster in 2008.Finally, the paper puts forward some policies and sugges
20、tions for public organizations in the emergency performance evaluation in the disaster relief and makes an outlook for the further research KeyWords: Public organizations, Disaster relief, Emergency, Performance evaluationIII河海大学硕士学位论文 公共组织在救灾中的应急绩效评估及应用研究目 录第一章 绪论11.1研究背景及意义11.1.1研究背景11.1.2研究意义21.2
21、国内外研究综述31.2.1国外研究进展31.2.2国内研究进展51.3研究方法与技术路线81.3.1研究主要方法81.3.2研究技术路线81.4研究主要内容和创新之处91.4.1研究主要内容91.4.2论文创新之处10第二章 国内外灾害应急管理之比较与经验借鉴112.1我国灾害应急管理现状及存在问题分析112.1.1我国灾害发生发展特点分析112.1.2公共组织在救灾中应急管理现状142.1.3公共组织在救灾中应急管理存在问题分析152.2国外灾害应急管理经验借鉴172.2.1美国的灾害应急管理172.2.2英国的灾害应急管理182.2.3日本的灾害应急管理192.2.4各国经验之借鉴19第三
22、章 公共组织在救灾中的应急绩效评估指标体系构建213.1绩效评估指标体系构建的目的、原则及思路223.1.1评估指标体系构建的目的223.1.2评估指标体系构建的原则223.1.3评估指标体系构建的思路233.2评估指标体系使用时相关问题分析243.2.1评估指标的赋值与指标权重的分配243.2.2指标间的不可公度性253.2.3指标体系的动态性253.2.4指标体系的灵活运用253.3公共组织在救灾中应急绩效评估影响因素分析263.3.1法律、法规体系263.3.2应急指挥协调机制283.3.3应急信息技术平台303.3.4应急宣传与社会动员323.3.5应急减灾能力333.4公共组织在救灾
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