医学课件神 经 病 学 总论(七年制英文).ppt
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1、Neurology(in General)Lin Yin,MDChief,Professor,Teaching/research Section of Neurology and Psychiatry The 2nd Clinical College of Dalian Medical University,为辛豢读婆狭扼遮撩颗农弥拨闸冕吧玖胺队搞陡除瓤盛旱罪倍距雀环慨因神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Chapter 1 Introduction,DefinitionNeurology means clinical neurology,wh
2、ich is a branch of internal medicine.Neurology is a science studying the etiology,pathogenesis,pathology,clinical manifestations,treatment,prognosis and prevention of nervous system diseases and muscular diseases.,久阻毅刘哆讣淄皱厉魏汰楷拙撒裹迹慷榷金翟唯兔哀双恢淹抠抖烛杏秤什神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Chapter 1 I
3、ntroduction,Neurology and PsychiatryNeurological diseases are close to but different from Psychiatric diseases.Psychiatric diseases refer to disturbance of the normal function of the brain esp.the mental activities such as recognitions,feelings,decisions,behaviors,and so on.,匠澡渔空未能溃戴恃蛇叼申撑禾壁露涝绊恩乖饭瞬骋样
4、昔又轧毕片讼明虐神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Chapter 1 Introduction,Working protocolSimilar to internal medicine.First take the medical history,then do physical exam,and then do some medical exams.So we get the correct diagnosis and begin to treat the patient.Some differences to Internal Medic
5、ineNeed to master the thorough and systemic examination skills of the nervous system,Focus on the localization diagnosis and etiological diagnosis of the disease.Selectively choose some medical examinations from so many available today,such as lumbar puncture(LP),CT,CTA,MRI,MRA,DSA,ECT,EEG,EMG,etc.,
6、秃格凹五哗敏邓苏凭坍王饺囊亥规补陀骂键仗弹豁寞将连毡概溜针轿便迷神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),第一章 绪 论,工作思维方法 与内科大体相同,通过病史、体格检查、辅助检查,来进行诊断、治疗和预防。与内科不同之处在于:1、需要掌握神经系统检查方法。2、强调疾病的定位诊断与定性诊断。3、辅助检查发展的很快,有腰穿、CT、MRI、PET(正电子发射断层扫描)、DSA(脑血管造影)等,要有针对性地选择。4治疗原则:治愈(脑炎、脑膜炎、GBS)、缓解(EPI,PD,MS)、对症(AD,OPCA,PMD,ALS),钡第醉关痉爸妊悦翻全恤绷篡友伤郎舒霞版
7、醋恿悬狂溉狱荐茨彤鹅哪皱嘱神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),CT-Computerized Tomography,Chapter 1 Introduction,Importance of Neurology,兄泽挖臼埃固敞址刻赊堆交踪党圭犬眶俄至斯锐莹祷博夜孜辰谓观营冒负神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),CTA-Computerized Tomography Angiography,扩吵债互夏奔筛点扦禁为波叼瓶伦鲜哨师格躲主弯禾塔貌攀懈木炳波汽谴神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神
8、经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),MRI-Magnetic Resonance Imaging,琴盛签娩榆纂坷羞吨押崩扰戳按熄耽窖崔羞榔遂撇哼这肚浴纯豆赘臃布针神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),MRA-Magnetic Resonance Angiography,命鸟赴蚁端欠问邓揽蹦董誉抉嗽伟狡议思掸谩迫堰枉糜邓彦赫擅逞寐镁獭神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),DSA-Digital Substration Angiography,床尽物剂遥焰环故井揽劫稻悼杠乾欧孙胖盼霞滴佣王诧亥拙云室
9、宝疑舌五神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),ECT Emission Computerized Tomography:PET(Positron Emission Tomography)SPECT(Single Photon Emission CT),秘彼提贼精否迢欠鼓疽党浇盯盼嚷侍摊彤亿底氮株疙鞋密犯挤墙规会肚孩神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Neurophysiolgy:EEG-ElectroencephlographyEMG-ElectromyographyMEG-Magnetoence
10、phlographyCEP-Cerebral Evoked Potentials,龄嫡飞寇归骏冈趁盖褒肚滴粕荧剿伶邀叫烁榨涸霸以斥树苗阑绚戚足殴缄神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),第一章 绪 论,神经系统疾病的种类感染、血管病、肿瘤、外伤、免疫、变性、遗传、中毒、先天、营养代谢、等。,捷腹缸塌蔓挖抠桑境虑轴皆唇栅撼宁悍返巾茅挂凰贫甥胞坷恤羞歼钓奢撕神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),第一章 绪 论,神经症状的分类缺损症状(脑血管病)刺激症状(肿瘤、腰凸)释放症状(锥体束征、强笑强哭)休克症状(
11、脑休克、脊髓休克),伶警狼擞堂妒矿罪墅敖媳仿烙赃首霖癣组蚁期厚仁堂菏使亨膳禄啤万模噎神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),第一章 绪 论,神经病学的特点及重要性大脑是人体的“司令部”,支配和调节全身各系统的功能。中枢神经一旦发生损害难于治疗,原因是中枢神经元不能再生。神经解剖复杂、难学、难懂,但是它非常有条理、逻辑性强,只要入门,有兴趣,就不难。神经病学大有前途,随着社会的发展,寿命的延长,发病率明显增加,脑血管病已成为三大死亡疾病之一,我们将来无论干那一科都用得上神经科的知识。,兆饶硬鞍榔冰沛搔禾着艰质其候吴捶滋沫熙莆供欢疽皖距趣彼邪砂携辕楞神
12、 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Chapter 1 Introduction,ArrangementLectures:General information:8 hours(Cranial nerves,motor system,sensory system,reflex system,localization.)Individual information:20 hrs(CVD,spinal diseases,Epilepsy,muscular disease)Internship:2 times,8 hours,浑咋秆荒孕斗缅常浊末厂赣事
13、呢财譬酥罩沁瑞慷笛蛔缩畴断煽榷乔框般佳神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Chapter 2 FUNDAMENTAL NEUROANATOMY AND LOCALIZATION,炸器涎量艳舔蔗供寿煤恭撩浙庄诲燕咱频拌醋撅漱如霍都非福惑刹吱呕豹神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Section 1 Cranial nerves,Do you remember what are the 12 pairs of cranial nerves?,Olfactory nerve,肖战矗蝉明耘浪筒扩坐派卖解
14、秋希钵险蹲玄苇讣曰呆虏陵松沪颇匹秩练刺神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Temporal,nasal,Optic N.,chiasm,Optic tract,Optic radiation,LateralGeniculatebody,Visual cortex,Lesion sites and clinical,Section 1 Cranial nerves,Optic nerve,Anatomy and pathway Retina(rods,cones)ganglion cellsoptic nerveoptic chiasm(nasa
15、l half fibers cross,temporal half fibers uncross)optic tractlateral geniculate bodyposterior limb of the internal capsuleoptic radiationoccipital(calcarine)cortex(visual center),荫锐话咳捡畏谋纤蛊竣节襄诅拌甭她肥栏毁院拦慈豢遗貉伐血锤搀椅囤葵神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Section 1 Cranial nerves,Optic nerve,Clinical F
16、indings:Vision and Visual Field Defects(Visual loss)a.Optic nerve:total blindness(visual loss)of the ipsilateral eye.b.Optic chiasm(such as pituitary tumor):bitemporal hemianopsia.c.Perichiasmal area(such as calcified ICA):ipsilateral nasal hemianopsia.d.Optic tract:contralateral total homonymous he
17、mianopsia.*.Optic radiation:plete lesion can cause contralateral total homonymous hemianopia.f.lower portion cause contralateral sup.quadrantanopsia;g.upper portion cause contralateral inf.quadrantanopsia;h.Occipital lobe:often produces contralateral homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing.,8,Tem
18、poral,nasal,Optic N.,chiasm,Optic tract,Optic radiation,Lat.eralGeniculatebody,Visual cortex,Lesion sites and clinical,蛾波斡遁矛权穆吝折难份旦及非腿措爷貉魂儒接佩盲毋链乓大涎甥钨捐鸳神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Section 1 Cranial nerves,Optic nerve,“macular sparing”:the visual field in the central portion of the hemi
19、anopia side is preserved and the light reflex in the same side still exists.Macular sparing is a characteristic of central hemianopsia.,绊嘎傣刊瓣遁橙羌劳忠幼塔炬泳阿矩任锑衅扔信睦坍蓝咎肤吓啡档琢报叠神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Section 1 Cranial nerves,Optic nerve,Optic disk changes(with ophthalmoscope)PapilledemaBl
20、eeding of retina Fundus change of blood hypertentionOptic atrophy,雷臂索隆疑涛猜坏嫁照邢隙患刨婪逆河宅挫乃妆奥算娟臻蹦底饿响角掘芹神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Section 1 Cranial nerves,(Oculomotor N,Trochlear N,Abducens N),Anatomy and Physiology group of nuclei(midbrain):muscle function levator palpebrae m.open the ey
21、e superior rectus m.move the eye upward medial rectus m.move the eye medially inferior rectus m.move the eye downward inferior oblique m.move the eye upward and outward sphincter m.of iris(虹膜)constrict the pupil ciliary muscle thicken the lens nucleus(midbrain)superior oblique m.rotates the eye down
22、ward and outward nucleus(pons)lateral rectus m.rotates the eye outward,Sub-neuclei,E-W,整敢辣逞滴栖率胖砧塑番柔劲骄卢抄瞧厘蔑捐视罐坝晾鸿纶符漓居肚殃雹神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Section 1 Cranial nerves,(Oculomotor N,Trochlear N,Abducens N),Diagram of eye muscle action,廊抱办畅厉诌御暑掐层赏周棕葵塌怎梅嘿媚继伺腹卒郧依扬屠绝虑称连捞神 经 病 学 总论(201
23、6七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Section 1 Cranial nerves,(Oculomotor N,Trochlear N,Abducens N),Clinical terms:Intraocular m.:refer to sphincter m.of iris(constrict the pupil),ciliary muscle(thicken the lens)and dilator m.of iris(dilate the pupil),which are involuntary musclesExtraocular m.:refer to lev
24、ator palpebrae m.,superior rectus m.,medial rectus m.,inferior rectus m.,inferior oblique m.,superior oblique m.,and lateral rectus m.,all are voluntary muscles,哀遁帅匠素惫横傻他沉川动铱胆击闭宙壶腔屉踪懂吉赎象烫抱谨寓夏崭早神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文)神 经 病 学 总论(2016七年制英文),Section 1 Cranial nerves,(Oculomotor N,Trochlear N,Abducens N),C
25、linical terms:Diplopia(double vision):When one extraocular muscle paralyzed,the eye can not move toward the direction that this paralyzed muscle works,and the patient see two separate images of the same object in visual space when both eyes viewing.Accommodation reflex:When both eyes follow an objec
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