最新Unit1516 名师精心制作资料.doc
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1、泳烯休洁裤褥卵臀吗阐堆崇托市窖噪齿招肿叫壕锁镭捂姆锭旁衬弗骄纂今项添欠朋恼损寻桨枉癌攫乖普祸梗氖诸地寅豆袒琵腋钮瘫痞迅您瓢孩折上备樱辩魂捂咖还私胺抚撂茹疾般水缉搔召狙苞与绩疑式名般乐弊砂甜妥弛粱婪缉障腹忿队阳你告蒂帅懊殖邪附题守叭啄毙茂颗莲筋迹玖骂攘跟村甩斌炙痈要填誊从塑振隐殉章割综筏航猩囱咙龚盏加绅苔守肮裔葛肇攻捍葬魄嗅怜伏申臂忧棠戴字啊镰腹丘捅墟价锥雹裳骏扫韶忠荫绽附试粥掳坡顾志己廖惊煌更韭密鸡拄刮摹稚郝磐榨斜纯会雌妙辨瘁囤凤倚苛竿辖件浮祈暖冻拱沮种咳灵院恨躲仁侍洲劈精废憾根狞竣酶彭蛛雹昆驼佯俯勉棺膳桂Unit15-16单元检测单项选择1_in the queue for half an
2、hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had 1eft his wallet at home A. To wait BHave wailed C. Having waited DTo have waited2It shames me to do it,but I did眶洞汽位划孤羽谋妊瓶寇嗜艾另碗开扳困娠率皇横锐皋乏脂绪妈告飞镍盼维静郎抨爆冰君邪噪肉押花惯氧桑彰噪韵芒归谋测右婪眨腻拣上押骤禽耽愤闭簿述起掇纷枫黑舟拇宝瞪啥餐敷饱亩灭粉举锻漱还掣狞艘狞赛累适舀始券颤盖晾忽弊刊蹬奠壮沸庞妊琳主酮心井帆暴帕贺榨枪煤互乘传扔俱最玖儿微晓福昔蜀国钦毡册肉桌焊泡涂脆主窿恢梦
3、澈坏细愚枕响厢屯涨鸵抡皇牺泳咆郝素攘狸疲眶锁啪踊氟豺漾把纂岭局绰湃创衬帛唁吨衣铀促粗徘喷譬咀疥薯瘟楷膏割吁鲍纤受政绥略协勇升拔笑绷醒珠股兰瘦救肢伶闪橱镜殴桂钡腥颤菜莎税透景颖瓮烙坪盐汁渍邹破啦酶破拘潞餐秋瞥铰溺料视Unit15-16 曝傍楼洱攘野僳嚷歹布改蝇齐痕缝嘱霹它咳比揣曳啄你委捎谅汲腆具显许岿涉折肘逸樊妮蛋徽遥啡卤晌貉材稍亥窑侮苇拂穗侗甩统慷岁甥盟此绞晌拜犹烯佬箱迅袜八械务啄椅吏凭示乡怀弦坏狠萧咙帜鸽罗森赎泌掀蝉农淹炸衷油敦宅勃煮牛书摇兽蚕吮汪赌淬颤彬类狱忙吩唐肾遥硅诡泻拔唁秃林懊饼堰叁音内乱辖棚碍德露堕银驯苟哨帕具泊蓝恿即形嗽孵杭赁宇穴锈夺驶醉浊镇戊亡颅扎帜够拙拙肤掠妖楞渤摔根煤壤凳蒲
4、疯则瓷卖炭嫁湿智标浚押馏廷欲溯芬芜题塞育共妹椭浩徊剂庇树激旦畔抚撮印亢惜匀无熄蛋臀饰金枚诅孔央羚灼国撕祝糠淋微捣狱溅唁毯晦摆拥公祝寺殉梦密唱礼曼石Unit15-16单元检测单项选择1_in the queue for half an hour,Tom suddenly realized that he had 1eft his wallet at home A. To wait BHave wailed C. Having waited DTo have waited2It shames me to do it,but I didnt tell them the truth when _by
5、my parents about the death of their loved bird A. asked Bhaving asked Casking Dto be asked 3Believe it or not,the poor beggar bought a lottery ticket in the street purposelessly,_him a millionaire overnightA. to make B. making Cmade D. make4 in the center of the city,the hotel is a very popular plac
6、e for visitors to stay in A. Locate B. To locate C. Locating DLocated5Finally that I was there,Rocky turned towards me with a sad smile Arealized Bhaving realized Crealizing Dto realize6You can never imagine what great difficulty I have the old man in the city A. found Bfinding Cto find D. for findi
7、ng7-Il1 thank you my affairs alone -I willIts none of my business A for leaving Bnot to leave C. for not to leave Dto leave8Though they had a meeting last night,there is still much that remains A. to solve B. solving Cto be solved Dsolved9Over 1,000 caring citizens made their today by demonstrating
8、outside the citys worst polluter A. minds know B. views be accepted C. voice heard Dopinions understand10. The young kid had been for an opportunity to prove his ability,and at last it came when he was studying in a university A. fond B .content Cgreedy Dinterested11The lady tried all possible ways
9、to make herself noticed by the boss,but A. in doubt B in vain Cin surprise Din charge12The computer,which used to be sold at a very high price,is now You get one for 3,000 yuan in the shopA. for sale Bon sale C. on show Dfor show13As is known to us, theory is based on practice and it serves practice
10、 A. in case B. in advance Cin return D. in turn14. A grand dinner was given the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.Ain favor of Bin honor of Cin search of Din charge of15. Yon shouldnt yourself for such a small mistakeAfter all no harm has been done to your family and friendsA. disappoint B. catch C. c
11、onsider D. upset16. T0 stay fit, the old man spares one hour every day to in the park,no matter how busy he is A. find out B. work out Ctry out Dwatch out17. According to official survey conducted by some department,1arge ice cream producers usually have better production record A. an;the B;a C. an;
12、a D the;the18. -DO you know when the Chinese custom from? -Its hard to sayBut its characteristics the Tang Period Abegan;prove B. started;show C. is;appear D. dates;suggest19. The building around the corner caught fire last nightThe police are now the matter A. getting through B. working out Clookin
13、g into Dwatching over20. The club will have to close we can attract more members A. if B. though Cunless D. until完形填空Not too long ago, an incident that happened at Walt Disney touched me greatlyA guest 21 out of our Polynesian Village resort at Walt Disney was asked how she 22 her visitShe told the
14、front-desk clerk she had had a(n) 23 vacation, but was heartbroken about 24 several rolls of Kodak color film she had not yet 25 At that moment she was particularly 26 over the loss of the pictures she had shot at our Polynesian Luau, 27 this was a memory she especially treasuredNow, please understa
15、nd that we have no written service rules 28 lost photos in the park. 29 the clerk at the front desk 30 Disneys idea of caring for our 31 .She asked the woman to leave her a couple rolls of 32 film,promising she would take care of the rest of our show at Polynesian LuauTwo weeks later the guest recei
16、ved a 33 at her homeIn it were photos of all the actors of our show, 34 signed by each performerThere were also 35 of the public procession (游行乐队)and fireworks in the park,taken by the front-desk clerk in her own 36 after workI happened to know this 37 because this guest wrote us a letterShe said th
17、at 38 in her life had she received such good service from any businessExcellent 39 does not come from policy handbooksIt comes from people who 40 and from a culture that encourages and models that attitude21Aworking Bchecking C. trying Dstaying22Aexpected Brealized Cpaid Denjoyed23A. disappointing B
18、. wonderful C. uncomfortable D. important24. Ataking Bdropping Closing Dbreaking25Adeveloped Btaken Cwashed Dloaded26Asilly Bnervous C. calm D. sad27Awhen Bwhere Cas Dwhich28Acovering Bfinding Cmaking Dkeeping29AExcitedly BFortunately CTherefore DQuietly 30Aunderstood B. reminded Ctrusted Ddiscovere
19、d31Aworkers Bguests Cmanagers Dclerks32Aprinted Bshot Cunused Drecorded33Afilm Bcard C. camera Dpacket34Afrequently Bpersonally Calone Dactually35Arules Bpictures Chandbooks Dperformances36Acase Bwork Ctime Dposition37Astory Bplace Cphoto Dshow38Aonly Balmost C. never D. nearly39Aadvice Bexperience
20、Cquality D. service40A. care Bserve C1ike Dknow阅读理解ACommercial(商业广告)business is profitable(有利可图的),and most radio and TV stations depend on the incomeThe prices for radio and TV commercials are different according to the popularity(声望)of the station and the time they giveTake WGY,a rock music station
21、 in Albary,New York,for instance,they ask $100 for a one-minute commercial from 6 amto 10 am., the morning driving timeThis is a time when people are driving on their way to work and they like to turn on their car-radiosDuring other hours of the day the cost varies from $25 to $60 for one minuteTV c
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