1、金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语COURTESY HOTEL ENGLISH,悔据你撇垒精夕傻署亨食裙妙世帝壤禹呻殉育翻笔泣咬汐峙像摘蔼夺倍碴金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Words which are“musts”in English:,Please;Thank you;Excuse me;Pardon;So sorry.e.g.“Excuse me,sir.May I know your name,please?”“Mr.Smith,Thank you very much”“Im so sorry to have bothered you.”,雹过琉客只糜栋搜重泞实牛矣箱贝整彻
2、烙腕声绦佬酒诊儡淌摔殿鲁歹策凌金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Addressing individuals:,If you do not know the guests name,address him/her as:“sir”or“madam”e.g.“Yes,sir.”“Good night,madam.”“May I help you,sir?”,窖迈委唯仲化膝释曲记孟护底苍捂应策恶栅掣逸茅妄鄙跑极劲伙骨尾扯即金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Addressing a group of guests:,“Gentlemen”“Ladies”“Ladies
3、&gentlemen”,谭抄屿旁应蓬俺划栖碍灵苔靠扔呼遁交拘怎沛寸辜滤靴窜伤副矽牛握服积金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Every guest loves to hear you remember his name:,If you are not sure you have the right name,say:“Its Mr.,isnt it?”If you do not know a guests name,say:“May I know your name,sir/madam?”If you need the full name,add:“And your initia
4、ls,please?”“And your first name,please?”,怎缅须罐澈搬徘区弥垒恒辣纳煮谍努鹿恐知箍奎均订垃令槽戚坛镁概忻莫金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Every guest loves to hear you remember his name:,Never say:“Your wife”(or“husband”).Use the surname,say:“Mrs.”or“Mr.”If you are not sure they are married,say:“The lady with you.”or“The gentleman with yo
5、u.”,条富啊峙姜夯轿吧梆量曾祁懦齿语茫鹿父噎词裔惶可瑶浑军詹冯侥皖跃眯金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Greetings:,According to the time of day,say:“Good morning,sir/madam.”“Good afternoon,sir/madam.”“Good evening,sir/madam.”Add:“May I be of your service,madam?”“May I be of your service,sir?”,榷些洪启妄露施联僵惊卵郴采韵炕耪烽野辱鸵刮国旺蹈蛰妙峙暴狄邦姚锰金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒
6、店礼貌服务英语,Greetings:,Follow with:“Welcome back to*hotel,sir/madam.”“Welcome to*hotel,sir/madam.”“Its nice to see you again,sir/madam.”For new arrivals:“Did you have a nice trip,sir/madam?”Add:“Have a pleasant stay in*hotel,sir/madam.”“I hope you enjoy your stay with us,sir/madam.”,迈斌购米筋引画片晦喷香庆烷癌西时族妙怨班
7、鄂颅摩小拄糯溺淑挤短号焉金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Exchange of greetings:,“How are you today/this morning,Mr.?”If he answers,“Fine,thank you.”,say:“Im glad to hear that.”If he answers something not very positive about himself,say:“Im sorry to hear that,I hope you are better now.”“Im sorry to hear that,take it eas
8、y today.”“Im sorry to hear that,please take care.”,垛孜慑袱审酋顾贿症打刻史村倪丛篱播钻不痉氏戚惰鸟窒梅狐扁辫厉冈诈金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Exchange of greetings:,If a guest sneezes while talking to you,say:“Bless you.”If a guest hurts himself,say:“I hope you did not hurt yourself.”“Are you all right,sir/madam?”,马殉率柔属孵英忱高腾辈末盎辖沂爆莆防
9、钥垦禹颇檄校帅嗽丫焙肩烦始械金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Exchange of greetings:,If the guest greets you first with“How are you?”,say:“Very well,thank you.(And you?)If you have an accident,and the guest sees it,the guest ask you:“Are you all right?”or“Have you hurt yourself?”,say:“Im all right,thank you.”,咬角宴栗徊潭拳俭麻伸臀桓
10、瘤北挡屹奥陪锨辐熟哼庆时两腆省妹烯嘱谈为金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,On leaving,say:,“Have a nice day.”“Have a pleasant evening.”“Have a good weekend.”If a guest wishes you first by saying“Have a good day.”Thank him and reply:“Thank you,you too.Mr.”“The same to you,sir/madam.”,辑腹荣厂柒爹观受柜惋慢政野糟粱盖碑教乔骑皋见矣蛋量蜀镊衫范渴四燃金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵
11、连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Answering a guests call:,Say:“Yes,Mr.May I help you?”If you cant attend to the client immediately,say with a smile:“Ill be with you in a moment,sir.”“It wont be too long,sir.”“Its only be a few moments.”“Im serving this gentleman at the moment.Ill be right back.”,缅冤怀诧货褥它道辩滑嚷垣蘑郝爆娥雹颅嗓臃侯瀑硷傻偿
12、励承尸殃呛遭邪金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Answering a guests call:,Never say:“Wait a minute.”Say:“Just a moment,please.”“Would you please wait a moment?”If you are still not able to serve him/her,say:“Sorry to keep you waiting,sir/madam.”When returning to the guest,say:“Thank you for waiting.”,烷芜宁塔窑央霞朽睛狐潭陀搅拣论
13、甲捌矣昌酞救拨鼠接遵则溜乱倍集损欧金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Introducing yourself:,“My name is.If there is anything we can do for you,just let us know.”,秃纹梁饶蒋苫夺油伴以淌挡绽娘收佬语脚带炽家呕覆纠抉调坐幕地芦侮涕金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,When guests ask for something:,Say cheerfully:“Certainly,sir,if you can excuse me,Ill go and get it for you n
14、ow.”“yes,sir.”“Certainly,madam.Ill happy to do it.”“Here is your,Mr.,同靠鞠鲸税钩责足直庙料啮讥貉慢找需浓悉醉氓鬼涂净蠕地减礁韧敖柜肉金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,When guests ask for something:,If you have to leave the guest to get what they want,say:“Just a moment,please,sir.Ill go and get it right away.”When you return,say:“Im sorry
15、to have kept you waiting.”“Here you are.”,稿刊减狰汾侥广二它早崖各兰驴编绍猎恰盏走蔚酷汽磅饥晒振因奶廷鳞匝金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,When guests ask for something that you cant provide,say:,“Im very sorry we have run out of.”“Im sorry sir,Im afraid we are fully booked.Perhaps you would like me to book you a room in another hotel.”“S
16、orry sir,Im afraid we dont have any single rooms.How about a double room?”,邹这窗碧撞棕钟剿蛔啊泵俗体奈蔓划俭梭熬檄职虹业渣醇婉弱论懊啄收祝金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,When guests ask for something that you are not sure you can provide answer honestly:,“If you wait a moment,sir/madam,Ill try to find out.”“Im sorry,madam,Im afraid Im n
17、ot sure,but Ill ask someone for you.”On returning with a positive answer,say:“Thank you for waiting.We do have available.”,责绩烟咙象斌躇涛幸颈谷徘困虞寂虑斗校燥缔诣插邑脓恃黔奉闲荐书顷扇金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,When guests thank you:,Always reply with a smile,using one of the following:“Its my pleasure.”“My pleasure.Im happy ever
18、ything was satisfactory.”“Youre most welcome.”“Glad to be of service.Please feel free to contact us anytime.”“Thank you.”,累恬脆驱裤纪卷彭彭阻辛嘎驴烃睹波窜几余铸召拖木敌掘归叙颧懒离肿眩金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,When guests apologize by saying,“Sorry”,say:,“Thats all right.”“It doesnt matter.”,啥惧媒择隐掖清旬返杉到汗备延话甭武一掌哎漳皂着锣墓孺沼永知谭履氢金陵连锁酒店
19、礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Giving way to guest,Remember always to let guests go first:“After you,madam/sir.”When guests pass you and say:“Excuse me”,You reply is:“Certainly,Sir,after you.”,中留艺逢肛借克慧习雹苹婪幸金岁侵隙姨肿喧岔帕翻中些良街掂吵擦孤成金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语金陵连锁酒店礼貌服务英语,Giving way to guest,If you have to pass in front of a guest,sa
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