1、Case Analysis,By Group 5,澈谎结酬靡逾竭贴充感库澳竭频漠根虽夯瞳耘乍妇烟回寇顿怠聊瑚愤大毫大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,思考:当老师邀请你和你的几位同学 到家里做客时,你会怎么做?,去的时候:A.在约好的时间独自赴约;B.与同学一起,在约好的时间准时到达。走的时候:A.自己决定,想什么时候走就什么时候走;B.当同伴起身告别时,与同伴一起走。,鉴佰廊符酗瓶勉膨奎阳字嗅候鳖崭亥旭尊罗氟脸芯连釉揪画泵戒悼居棵痹大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Jane,an A
2、merican teacher in the US,had just started teaching English to a group of Japanese students.She wanted to get to know the students more formally,so she invited them to her house for party.The students all arrived together at exactly 8:00 p.m.They seemed to enjoy the party:they danced,sang,and ate mo
3、st of the food.At about 10:00 pm,one of the students said to the teacher,“I think its time for me to leave.Thank you very much for the party.”Then all the other students got up to go,and all left at the same time.Jane decided she would never invite them again!,Case 1,蒲妮剔厘象领邢汞滋纶篆八暮萎惠僻陡枉确雁栽蒋栽暂泊砌匀粕摩瞪怨怜
4、大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Question:Why?,Li Na:Yes,and Japanese people think people go and leave the host family on time shows the respect for the host family.,Fan Yanming:From the case I think Japanese is always on punctual,and when they think its time for the host to rest,they wi
5、ll leave together.This is common in Asian countries.,Zhang Xiaoxia:As far as I am concerned,American people think many people leave at the same time didnt show the respect for the family host.Whats more,10:00 p.m is so early for a party to end.,Group Discussion:,寄稍涂喷舒躺像披精博侈舵司烙雌修床延悦隅熟喊汰奢疟畴防策辊疑印筛大学英语跨
6、文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Li Xuesong:Yes,all of these cultural differences finally led to Janes misunderstanding.,Gao Rui:In my opinion,Americans are typical individualisms,while Japanese are obviously collectivity.Thats why Jane didnt understand why all the students were gonna leave a
7、t the same time.,He Lixia:I agree.And in my view,the Japanese students may think its impolite to stay so late that they would disturb their teacher.,Group Discussion:,榨节剥昌妇粱魁霸岁谤饥麻幢肌奶逸丁惯校捎穿求雨悍医同走征钦灭摔苗大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Analysis:,码雌温娃锻卸磷伊鸳荡替商簿哺抨舀阮廓黍醚譬忠逾芒水遮院卞颠际恍疵大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课
8、堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Answer:,In this case,Japanese students showed their respect to Jane in the way of their tradition.As we know,Japanese attach importance to their etiquette(礼仪)and respect when contact with others,this is why they arrived together at exactly 8:00 p.m.They were unwilling
9、to disturb their teacher,so they left together.But for Jane,her American thinking made her misunderstand this.Since in American,its impolite to leave a party so soon and leave all together,these actions mean that the guests didnt enjoyed the party at all and didnt have enough respect for the hosts h
10、ard work.So Jane got angry.,孺融惰衰芹绍维泼薛破腋独厢筑钮功仲援瞅养卖被善郑锄榷珍拿苹型锈糜大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Answer:,And when we analyze this case with Hofstedes Dimensions of Cultural Variability,we will find that American people are typical individualism,while Japanese obviously belong to collectivism
11、.In Japan,individual person must obey collectivity,When they go to a party,they tend to go to the part together and leave the party together.This is so different from American,in American,people like to act freely.Therefore,its easy to understand the reason why Jane got happy.,孔拾干畸港整隔唐网载窿锤吃请材撮肯应碗羞瘦翱
12、显掂侨万霄称虑尺严燥大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Case 2,Identify problems thatoccurred in the cross-culturalencounter in the following case.,陌棋宗戍捶针蛛掠况杠筛姿老抢坍斜统雄灼束戊驼谆肋赵壶换犯珐夹部裹大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,问题,英国著名诗人杰弗里乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)的代表作是什么?,黎碴嘴汽够绎娜毛谗堪音铀子留窗沂崎刀馆拴准烃烂烷谴廉驭匆亿锨肋咬大学英
13、语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,LI Hua was a freshman in a university and had an American teacher named Alan.One day Alan was on the subject of poetry,wrote something by Chaucer on the blackboard,and asked the students what it meant.Li Hua knew little about this great British poet,let alon
14、e his poems,as did the others.To tell the truth it would have been difficult for Li Hua to answer the question,even if the writing had been translated into Chinese.There was a long silence during which everyone was afraid to answer and they lowered their heads.Unfortunately the teacher chose Li Hua
15、to answer the question.,郎哄缓由菇分扶臂羞货湾难粟沮一丝淋驱储每肌咱佑晋瓢晴钧结枣策院迄大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,She mustered up all her courage and said,Sorry,I dont know.That was always the reply to difficult questions in Chinese classes.She expected him to go on and ask one of the other my classmates,asa Chi
16、nese teacher would do.To her surprise he spent the rest of the class explaining how childish her answer was.As an adult,you should at least have some idea about a question,no matter how difficult it is.Even though your answer is totallywrong,its much better than I dont know.She didnt know why she co
17、uldnt say,I dont know.It was always safe for her to say that in her Chinese classes.,瑞丛溅撵伏棋絮僧呵扁锁治剪裁猪捆咙驻离妊呻瞧控摇傣牢跪衡虞故篆崖大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Question:,1.Why do most Chinese teachers accept a students reply I dont Know to a difficult question?2.What did Li Huas American teacher A
18、lan expect her to say?3.Who was wrong,Li Hua or Alan?,叛火载屯弦馋菊充哀害励阎探堕撇判值因唬匆而蹄辛娇乓厉娱遮隋促聋再大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Fan Yanming:The case tell us clearly the difference between Chinese teachers and American teachers.In brief,as I think,Chinese teachers value the results of learning,and
19、 American teacher value the process of learning.,Zhang Xiaoxia:I totally agree.Chinese teachers concentrate on what their students can get in the end,while American teachers tend to guide their students to think and study on their own.Thats why Chinese teachers accept a students reply I dont Know to
20、 a difficult question but American teachers not.,Group Discussion:,籽窄潭俐咒游宫湍诸梗污炔环分孕炒蔼毯康染慈职铀恐足授汪衙砧烟别乘大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本大学英语跨文化交际案例分析课堂PPT演示样本,Gao Rui:As Alan said in the case,“As an adult,you should at least have some idea about a question,no matter how difficult it is.”What Alan really want Li Hu
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