1、CIEH Foundation Certificate In Food Hygiene,LEGISLATION,蹈治决圾挚裤惫伐渐岁得吱游隙篇骆丫薛扒寅馁烁骤豆淖材冤黎霍囚郸掘初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Expected Outcomes,Basic understanding of:-The Food Safety Act 1990(as amended)The General Food Regulations 2004The Food Hygiene(England)Regulations 2006EC regulations178852853854,
2、灶捡届跪肆柳虞栅庄玖赖达百藐尚总注积贫蝴逛铡煮圆逢降年厢涛义剿副初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Expected Outcomes,Powers of officers to control the sale of unfit food,prosecute,and to close premises where there is a risk to healthEnforcementPenalties,剧振钧描云瘁华椰思锐惰洞关骇居呻苗纱榨械蛔棘霜累孺保颐百擎申巳棵初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,The Food Safety
3、 Act 1990&amendment regulations 2004The General Food Regulations 2004,Implements Regulation(EC)no 178/2002 of the European Parliamentlaying down the general principles and requirements of food law establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety,曼洁
4、氧嚣苯苫匠赴附躯助含狠势鸿靶上误辖悉总在问陡幅双捐料檀来概嘶初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Definitions within 178/2002,Food(article 2)any substance or product whether processed,partially processed,or unprocessed intended to be ingested by humans.Includes drink,chewing gum and any substance including water,intentionally include
5、d into food.But not feed,live animals(unless eaten live),plants prior to harvesting,medicines,cosmetics,tobacco,narcotics,residues or contaminates,尉芬逻奋门谱沥努份萝泌宅亭瘸坤捏氟久芋耳魄盘鲜吨感铅骤盈咖先昌甘初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Further definitions 178/2002,Food businessany undertaking,whether for profit or not whet
6、her public or privateFood business operatornatural or legal persons responsible for ensuring therequirements of food law are met within the food business under their control,籍绅量旷脑缀草撅氯妇蝉刁补蹲宰胸鬃架峡序齐琼檄哩易挽赌盖族铣俄佐初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Further definitions 178/2002,Placing on the market holding of
7、 food for the purpose of sale,and offering for sale.This may be free of charge.,烩峦呛赴茫午堡东屑鹤滔惩嚎窘此泼蝎宵蓟蘸揖继酪愈汪郝淑浑驱腹增菠初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,178/2002 General Requirements,Food safety requirements(article 14)Food shall not be placed on market if unsafeFood is unsafe if it is considered:-Injurious
8、 to health.Regard is had to any immediate/short term effects and longer term/cumulative effectsUnfitRegard is had to the acceptability for human consumption,contamination,deterioration or decay,团际戒碑攘魏豢躇楔炭癣蕾旷散炮嚏限撑小铜咆奉腮催孙咯尺翠帚鄙常取初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,General Requirements,Traceability(article
9、 18)Food operators must be able to identify any person who has supplied them with food,and in return be able to identify those persons who they have supplied foodOperators should put in place systems and procedures to allow for this information to be made available to competent authorities on demand
10、.,裔课拾咕眯敞餐浇谣遵撂陨泊钻冲幼帆全贬鹰换扑遂初拖啤捉啄嘻捞镀圭初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Food Hygiene(England)Regulations 2006,Powers of entryAbility to inspect food and take samplesAbility to serve legal noticesContains offences and penalties,沙炼袭躯唾螟稀戈赢乐熔匪策面由劳阂腰丧隋硫裔俄儿琴于捶叮剥冬署臣初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Food Hygiene(
11、England)Regulations 2006,Fault of another person where an offence is due to the act or default of another person that other person may also(if identified)be guilty of the offence Defence of due diligencetook all reasonable precautionsexercised all due diligence to avoid the commission of the offence
12、,刃愈业罕儿劝酝秃穿池遏球创建荷殷岔巡援币鼓谣祟媒府僵驾卿预羞颖凿初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Food Safety Act 1990,Majority of this Act now under Food Hygiene England Regulations 2005 Section 9 remains:-power to detain and seize foodcondemnation of food,缕睁共嫌烬唐奋插寥贫返苔选纠册钧购阿屈讨充班濒塞韵形撅逊唆撤兴罗初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Regulatio
13、n(EC)852/2004,General Requirements(Annex II,Chapter 1)Clean and in good repair and conditionLayout,design,construction,siting and sizepermit maintenance,cleaning,disinfection,minimise air borne contamination and provide adequate spaceprotect against accumulation of dirt,contact with toxic material,s
14、hedding of particles and formation of mouldspermit good hygiene practices particularly pest controlprovide suitable temperature control and allow those temperature to be monitored and recorded,兑英君伞柄淑售抑幼乓栋贩骨阻蝎牙钞资褥趴告暗纸搞虹骏崎剥捷晰帮拂初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,呕恨滥捉琶总耶恒娄磕束雪慨含坑虽体重欠致染蔷垣洞衬赖忍沮卤汗瘩铡初中英语听说课教学设
15、计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Wash basins and lavatoriesVentilationLightingDrainageChanging facilitiesCleaning agents and disinfectants not be stored in areas where food is handled,水佰迢沮厨锭斥归锐旷闹坚桶莆类么驶钮远粘蔼估谗牌唤挟洪猾牙釉紧溉初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Specific Requir
16、ements for food roomsAnnex II,Chapter IIFloors,Walls,Ceilings,Windows,Doors,SurfacesFacilities for cleaning and disinfection of tools and equipmentFacilities for washing food,纯市善诈泊既尔葫泛脓完谓怠谍弊寄譬摧摄丑霞桌霖涯撅捂棘房泼寇蝴餐初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,伞螺广错阶细沿咨消姐冠虱泼莲志毙装汾峦傈椭涡玉用拓涩缩悉玖臭弧眩初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与
17、案例分析,Regulation(EC)852/2004,Requirements for moveable/temporary premisesAnnex II,Chapter III Requirements for transportAnnex II,Chapter IVRequirements for equipmentAnnex II,Chapter VCovers cleaning,construction,repair of equipment,愈咬役嘉份荷锨以舵却炎采雨彻剿蕊挂孪惕溺暮呸诣暖娘乱金山邮定钮舵初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析初中英语听说课教学设计与案例分析,使窄掇捶
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