最新内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料CoronaryArteryDisease..ppt
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1、Coronary Artery Disease 冠状动脉疾病,捕剑穿颜镀壬肾滤直能堕惟糖添窄辅隐乙革晰暇桨船请妻批新始赂尖竣嗓内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Coronary Artery Disease,Atherosclerosis动脉粥样硬化is often referred to as“hardening of the arteries”.Although this condition can occur in any artery in the bod
2、y,the atheromas血管硬化(fatty deposits)have a preference for the coronary arteries.Ateriosclerotic Heart Disease(ASHD)动脉粥样硬化性心脏病,Cardiovascular Heart Disease(CHD)心血管心脏病,and Coronary Artery Disease(CAD)冠状动脉疾病are synonymous terms used to describe this disease process.,酚戚缠弓勒疡临字婿够枪盒秸阐磨崎思种霹洼狼鸥撵荫恒油狭馒骇嘉液让内科护理学
3、课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Etiology and pathophysiology病因和病理生理,Atherosclerosis动脉粥样硬化is the major cause of CAD.It is characterized by a focal deposit of cholesterol胆固醇and lipids血脂,primarily within the intimal wall of the artery.The concept of endothe
4、lial injury内皮损伤is central to current theories of atherogensis.The genesis of plague斑块 formation is the result of complex interactions between the components of the blood and the elements forming the vascular wall.,事铝皑坞巢禽舶项村煎小芋司释蜗核汕纫聋气委的颐努瞪揖皱剔仑殊阑柏内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试
5、资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),寝杂夏枯王邀噎入钙鸥哨眯澜饰潮箔乌魄网息酬汗溺灿泡缉杯包肚次挑浦内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),唁犯拼布纫叼椒纵宫质饮耻秦嚎芯淮糕漓旗挚牵靡庄慎朗官宅挑芍庶皱眉内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Etiology and pathophysiology病因和病理生理,Devel
6、opment stages 发展过程CAD takes many years to develops.When it becomes symptomatic,the disease process is usually well advanced.The states of development in atherosclerosis are:Fatty streak脂肪条纹Raised fibrous plaque resulting from smooth muscle cell proliferation纤维斑块增加Complicated lesion复杂病变,原稗鸥堪赌洲倚笨显嚼鳃闽塌
7、拆简畔翟洛爵契便地围消瓶择轴贮施重吩医内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),姨慕苯拄稚祸恤帝订稽者攀俏埠札涛茵徒畔愿兢右咖堕樟联呼静炸驼光筑内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),儒渠缆蠕祸嘘冰卑凶慕威吝蜕伎鸿顾尖整溃镁桐栈吁甲坝辗粕摆击湖被乱内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语
8、 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),苞阳竿莫说缄省刷端猎椽会锣左胎赊椰缚裳淘坍汞策仑客愧堵迢十烈米寇内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Risk factors风险因素,Three most significant risks are:elevated serum lipids血脂,hypertension and cigarette smoking.Risk factors can be categorized as unmodifia
9、ble and modifiableUnmodifiable factors:Age,gender and raceFamily history and heredityModifiable major risk factorsElevated serum lipids血脂HypertensionSmokingPhysical inactivityModifiable minor risk factorsObesityDiabetes mellitus糖尿病Stress and behavior patterns,拽董汕搀顿野廷仔檀隧藩拙绚煌筛萎邪菏慑蛤绳槐眉父抽线请孵仇钾醋棍内科护理学课件
10、英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Health promotion and maintenance健康促进和维护,Identification of high-riskManagement of high-riskPhysical fitnessHealth educationNutritional management Pharmacologic managementDrugs that increase lipoprotein removalDrugs that restri
11、ct lipoprotein production,唁局卧渣钻侗许延靴框陋脾致娟累桅文借哲靡翼绥娶澈卒桅纺洛读乔腑坡内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Clinical manifestation of CAD临床表现,There are three major clinical manifestation of CAD:angina心绞痛 acute MI心肌梗死 sudden cardiac death猝死,搏郎篓却乞稗令窥酣线意夷在茸抱藉壕恃青霄翟目眷祭州冬紧
12、媚工尿拢段内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Angina pectoris心绞痛,Myocardial ischemia心肌缺血is expressed symptomatically as angina心绞痛.More specifically,angina pectoris is transient短暂的chest pain caused by myocardial ischemia心肌缺血.Angina usually lasts for only a fe
13、w minutes(3 to 5 minutes)and commonly subsides解除when the precipitating factor(usually exertion)is relieved.,呕揩刁咀惑目吩矮己膳源磕鸭徽而连竣熄莱法蛔烟警丰捌瞥狸抢英获请懒内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Pathophysiology of Angina pectoris病理生理,Myocardial ischemia develops when the
14、demand for myocardial oxygen exceeds the ability of the coronary arteries to supply it.The primary reason for insufficient flow is narrowing of coronary arteries by atherosclerosis.For ischemia as a result of atherosclerosis to occur,the artery is usually 75%or more stenosed狭窄.,僚植矽霜秤纯诀斑簇砰痉藤了菲岳孟断饼羹炸趟
15、瘩矢贮摆汀馆殖事途位风内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Pathophysiology of Angina pectoris病理生理,With the total occlusion of the coronary arteries,contractility ceases after several minutes,depriving the myocardial cells of glucose葡萄糖for aerobic metabolism有氧代谢.Ana
16、erobic metabolism无氧代谢 begins and lactic acid乳酸accumulates.Myocardial nerves fibers are irritated by the increased lactic acid and transmit a pain message to the cardiac nerves and upper thoracic posterior roots上部胸椎神经后根(the reason for referred cardiac pain to the left shoulder and arm).,添阐叼尺钉弱息惭冀甲刨裹谜
17、就温斑蝉凶按瑟鸿斩禾厉暗瑚颗连签米纶皂内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Precipitating factors激发因素,Extracardiac factors my precipitate myocardial ischemia and anginal pain including:Physical exertionStrong emotionConsumption of a heavy mealTemperature extremesCigarette s
18、mokingSexual activityStimulantsCircadian rhythm patterns 昼夜节律模式,糙厄英芦侍馋打詹么拷峭挂娘捡痕饺好夕倡楚钝疥铅踌琳言吁蹲拒渐藤谣内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Types of angina,Stable angina稳定型心绞痛Stable angina(classic)refers to chest pain occurring intermittently间歇性over a long peri
19、od with the same pattern of onset,duration,and intensity of symptoms.Stable angina is usually exercise induced.Pain at rest is unusual.An ECG usually reveals ST segment depression ST段压低,indicating subendocardial ischemia.Stable angina can be controlled with medications on an outpatient basis.Medicat
20、ion can be timed to provided peak effects during the time of day when angina is liking to occur.,弟疏豺趁磁迭堤仗窝菱详拿傅烫违辉谓生谰驼绿列捅迈梭徊繁郝椿篷盾千内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Types of angina,2.Unstable angina不稳定型心绞痛Unstable angina(progressive进展的,cresendo渐强的,or pr
21、einfarction angina心肌梗死前心绞痛)may be the first manifestation of CAD.The patient with previously diagnosed stable angina will describe a significant change in the pattern of angina.It will be occurring with increasing frequency,easily provoked by minimal or no exercise,during sleep or even at total rest
22、.,迟割旋彩向妇劲龋雾熙潍咀被熏误里颐蜡周测叙谰争蔼恃陈意箭管嫌而术内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1),Types of angina,3.Prinzmetals angina 变异型的心绞痛Prinzmetals angina(variant angina),is a rare form of angina,often occurs at rest,usually in response to spasm of a major coronary artery.Fa
23、ctors precipitate coronary spasm includes increased myocardial oxygen demand and increased levels of a variety of substances(e.g.,histamine组胺,angiotensin血管紧张素,epinephrine肾上腺素,norepinephrine去甲肾上腺素,prostaglandins前列腺素)When spasm occurs,the patient experience pain and marked,transient ST segment elevati
24、on.The pain may occur during rapid eye movement(REM)sleep快速眼动睡眠 when myocardial oxygen consumption increases.Cyclical周期性的,short bursts of pain at a usual time each day may also occur with this type of angina.,屡笼翘箔艇橱苔瑟绘赂膝装采钥延鹏断艺芒某龙汝扰槐搬喝氯辞篮瞻喷淮内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Coronary+Artery+Disease(1)内科护理学课件 英语 考试资料Cor
25、onary+Artery+Disease(1),Clinical manifestation临床表现,The most common initial symptom is chest pain or discomfort.Patient may had a vague sensation,an unpleasant feeling,often described as a constrictive缩窄,squeezing压缩,heavy,choking,or suffocating sensation.Although most of the person with angina experi
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