1、一、现代外科学的发展,解剖学,John Hunter(1728-1793),Scottish surgeon,the father of experimental surgery and a superb anatomist and teacher.皇帝内经-血循环,麻醉,Willam t.G.Morton(1819-1868)Boston dentist whose successful demonstration of ether anesthesia on October 16,1846,at the Massachusetts Gneeral Hospital was a landma
2、rk in the history of surgery扁鹊 酒,3.抗菌术,上世纪四十年代 产科医生 Semmelweis 博士(1818-1865),因为发现了puerperal fever(产褥热)的病因而被尊称为“母亲的救星”,为了纪念这一重大成果,学校在1969年改名为 Semmelweis。,德国医生Bergmann 蒸汽灭菌1929 英国Fleming 青霉素,输血 Blood transfusion,Karl Landsteiner(1868-1943),奥地利病理学家、美国免疫学家,1930年诺贝尔生理学和医学奖得主,the human blood groups,A,B,an
3、d O.,奥地利 1968.6.14 发行病理学家卡尔.兰德斯泰纳誔辰100周年邮票,一套1枚,Richard Lewisohn(1875-1961),德国 枸橼酸钠,血液抗凝,Theodor Kocher(1841-1917),professor of surgery at the University of Berne and pioneer in the development of surgery of the thyoid.He received the Nobel Prize in 1909.,Theodor Billroth(1829-1894),professor at the
4、 University of Vienna and pioneer abdominal surgeon,Billroth was one of the most influential teachers of his time.,John H.Gibbon(1903-1973),心脏外科,体外循环,Alexis Carrel(1873-1944),器官移植,He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1912.,傅培彬(1912-1989),瑞金医院外科创始人,张金哲首都医科大学,1954 二尖瓣分离 Commissurotomy of mitral stenosis1
5、958 大面积灼伤 Severe Burn1963 断肢再植 Replantation of cut limb1977 肝移植 The 1st case of Liver transplantation 1978 心脏移植 The 1st case of Heart transplantation1990s-灼伤外科、消化外科、胆胰外科 Burn surg,Digestive S.,P.Biliary口腔外科、整形外科、小儿心脏外科 Stomatological S.Plastic S.Pediatric Cardio S.,外科的发展,外科学范畴,外科疾病分类 1)损伤 Trauma mec
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