1、Premature deliveryProlonged pregnancyPremature Rupture of Membranes(PROM),Content,PRETERM LABOR早 产,Preterm Labor:Labor occurs after 28 weeks but before 37 weeks(ie.196258days)gestation.Infants born during these phase are premature infants.The premature infants weight is between 1000 and 2499g.The pr
2、ognosis of the premature infant is correlated with its gestational age,weight.,Definition:,Etiology:,1.Obstetric complications 产科并发症2.Medical complications 内科并发症3.Surgical complications 外科并发症4.Genital tract anomalies 生殖道畸形,1.Obstetric complications:Severe hypertensive state or pregnancyAnatomic diso
3、rder of the placenta(abruptio placentae,placenta previa)Premature rupture of membranes Polyhydramnios or oligohydramniosMultiple pregnancyPrevious laceration(裂伤)of cervix or uterus,2.Medical complications:Pulmonary or systemic hypertensionRenal diseaseHeart diseaseInfection:genital tract infection,u
4、rinary tract infection,pyelonephritis肾盂肾炎,acute systemic infectionHeavy cigarette smokingAlcoholism or drug addictionSevere anemia,3.Surgical complications:Conization of cervix宫颈锥切术Previous incision in uterus or cervix(cesarean delivery剖宫产术)4.Genital tract anomaliesBicornuate双角,subseptate纵隔,or unico
5、rmuate单角 uterusCongenital cervical incompetency先天性宫颈闭合不全,Clinical Finding&Diagnosis,1.Symptom and SignUterine contractionsmore than 2 in one-half hour;Vaginal bleeding-bloody mucous vaginal discharge or“bloody show”;Dilatation扩张 and effacement消退 of cervix-change in dilatation or effacement of at lea
6、st 1cm or a cervix that is well effaced and dilatated(at least 2 cm);,2.Laboratory StudiesCompletely blood count with differentialCervix discharge cultures:should be sent for gonorrhea淋病 and chlamydia衣原体.Fetal fibronectin纤连蛋白(Ffn):negative test is effective at ruling out imminent delivery(within 2 w
7、eeks);positive test(Ffn50ng/ml):result is sensitive at predicting preterm birth.分泌物,3.Accessory examination:Ultrasound examination for fetal size,position,placenta location,and cervical length.Cervical length30nm:prognosticating premature delivery.Infundibulum漏斗 length of cervical internal os25%Cerv
8、ical length or Amniocentesis to ascertain fetal lung maturity,the amnio fluid羊水 be tested for lecithin卵磷脂/sphingomyelin鞘磷脂(L/S)ratio,principle:If the fetus is alive,with no PROM 胎膜早破,fetal distress,or the severe pregnancy complications,the uterine contraction should be inhibited to prolong the gesta
9、tional age.If premature delivery is unavoidable,something must be done to elevate the survival rate of the premature infant.,Treatment:,1.Bed rest:2.Corticosteroids:to accelerate fetal lung maturity Betamethason 倍他米松:12mg IM 1/24 hr 2 doses Dexamethasone地塞米松:6 mg IM 1/12 hr 4 doses3.Antibiotics:no b
10、enefit in delaying preterm birth.4.Tocolysis:,4.Tocolysis Tocolytic therapy should be considered in the patient with cervical dilation less than 3 cm.(1)Beta-Mimetic Adrenergic Agents肾上腺受体激动剂 Ritodrine利托君,Terbutaline特布他林,salbutamol沙丁胺醇:(2)Magnesium sulfate硫酸镁:first line agent for tocolysis;(3)Calciu
11、m Channel Blockers钙离子通道拮抗剂;nifedipine硝苯地平(4)Prostaglandin Synthetase Inhibitors前列腺素合成抑制剂 indomethacin吲哚美辛,Some cases in which preterm labor should not be suppressed.Maternal factors:Fetal factors:Maternal factors:Severe hypertensive diseasePulmonary or cardiac diseaseAdvanced cervical dilationMatern
12、al hemorrhage,Fetal factors:Fetal death or lethal anomalyFetal distressIntrauterine infectionTherapy adversely affecting the fetusEstimated fetal weight2500gErythroblastosis fetalisSevere intrauterine growth retardation,Manner of labor 1.Vaginal delivery:perineum section会阴切开术 2.Cesarean section:abno
13、rmal fetal position胎位异常 fetal distress胎儿窘迫 maternal hemorrhage孕妇出血 severe maternal complications孕妇严重的并发症,Case File,A healthy 20-year-old pregnant woman,G1P0 at 29 weeks gestation present to the labor and delivery area complaining of intermitten abdominal pain.She denies leakage of fluid or bleeding
14、per vagina.Her antenatal history has been unremarkable.She has been eating and drinking normally.On examination,the fetal heart rate tracing reveals a baseline heart rate of 120bpm and reactive pattern.Uterine contraction are occuring every 3 to 5 min.On pelvic examination,her cervix is 1 cm dilated
15、,90%effaced,and fetal vertex is presenting at-1 station.,What is the most likely diagnosis?Preterm labor.What is your next step in management?Tocolysis,try to identify a cause of the preterm labor,antenatal steroids,and antibiotics.,Questions,PROLONGED PREGNANCY(POSTTERM PREGNANCY),General considera
16、tion:,Definition:Prolonged pregnancy is defined as pregnancy that has reached 42 weeks of completed gestation from the first day of the LMP or 40 weeks gestation from the time of conception.,The maternal risk:Related to extraordinary fetal size:Dysfunctional labor功能障碍性分娩Arrested progress of labor 产程
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