1、第六篇 神经系统 Nervous system,Chapter 1 总论 Introduction,Human nervous system is most complex anatomical and physical system in body;it regulates and integrates activities of all bodily systems for benefit of organism as a whole;and makes balance of external and internal environments in body.基本要求 掌握神经系统的区分
2、和常用术语。了解神经系统的组成。,I.神经系统的区分 Divisions of Nervous System,中枢神经系统central nervous system(CNS),周围神经系统Peripheral nervous system(PNS),按相连部位,按分布区分,按功能区分,内脏神经的传出部分又称为自主神经系统或植物神经系统Autonomic nervous system(交感神经 Sympathetic n.&副交感神经Parasympathetic n.),感觉(传入)神经 Sensory(afferent)n.运动(传出)神经 Motor(efferent)n.,脑 Brai
3、n脊髓 Spinal cord,脑神经 Cranial n.(12 pairs)脊神经 Spinal n.(31 pairs),躯体神经 Somatic n.内脏神经 Visceral n.,Visceral sensory n.Visceral motor n.,II.神经系统的组成 Organization of Nervous Sys.Nervous system is composed of nervous tissue that consists of billions of nerve cells(neurons)and supported by a special variety
4、 of connective tissue known as neuroglia.I)神经元 Neuron are independent structural unit of nervous,system and are functional specialized for reception,integration,and transmission of coded information.1.Structure of neuron Each neuron possesses a nucleated 胞体 cell body,and two types of processes:an 轴突
5、 axon conducts impulse away from cell body,and one or more 树突 dendrites conduct impulses towards cell body.,Cell body serves as metabolic center of entire unit and consists of a large,pale nucleus and cytoplasm.Nucleolus occupies a prominent position in nucleus,which is rich in ribonucleic acid(RNA)
6、.,Organelles contained within cytoplasm are common to other cells in body,but there is abundant granular endoplasmic reticulum that constitutes Nissl body(Franz Nissl,German nuerologist,18601919),a protein synthesis apparatus.,神经元构造 Structure of neuron,2.Classification of neuron Neurons are classifi
7、ed according to their size,shape,function or by various other criteria.Structural classification depending on type and number of their processes:双极神经元 Bipolar neuron 假单极神经元 Pseudounipolar neuron(They has a central branch and a peripheral branch);多极神经,元 Multipolar neuron has an axon and two or more d
8、endrites.Functional classification:感觉神经元 Sensory(afferent)neuron 运动神经元 Motor(efferent)neuron 联络神经元Association neuron.,神经元分类 Classification of neuron,神经元分类 Classification of neuron,3.神经纤维 Nerve fibers Longer processes of neuron enveloped by myelin sheath and neurilemma are termed nerve fibers.有髓纤维 My
9、elinated fibers are surrounded by a myelin sheath and neurilemma.无髓纤维 Unmyelinated fibers are not,however,insulated by a myelin sheath.Oligodendrocytes form myelin in central nervous system while Schwann cells form myelin in peripheral nerves.,4.突触 Synapses Within nervous system impulses are conduct
10、ed from one part to another along a chain of neurons.Terminal arborizations of axon of one neuron ramify in close contact with cell body or dendrites,less frequently with axonic terminals of many others.,These structural and functional areas of contact are termed synapses.Each synapse involves close
11、 apposition of a presynaptic element with a postsynaptic element from which it is separated by a synaptic cleft.,Presynaptic element contains numerous synaptic vesicles in which chemical substance neurotransmitter is present.When an impulse arrives at presynaptic element,neurotransmitter diffuses ac
12、ross synaptic cleft and binds to receptor molecules in postsynaptic membrane.As a result,postsynaptic neuron,is activated and impulse is conducted from one neuron to others.The“chemical synapse”involving release of transmitter substance is most common type in mammalian nervous sys.,II)神经胶质 Neuroglia
13、 Neuroglial cells outnumber neurons in central nervous system 10:1.These cells appear to play a number of important roles,including myelin formation,guidance of developing neurons,maintenance of extracellular K+levels,and reuptake of transmitters after synaptic activity.1.星形胶质细胞 Astrocytes have many
14、 radiating processes,some of which end at nerve cells and others at capillaries.They are neuroectodermal in origin and may assist in transfer of nutrients and metabolic products between neurons and blood.,2.寡突胶质细胞 Oligodendrocytes are smaller and have fewer branching processes;they tend to lay in ro
15、ws between nerve fibers and are concerned with production and nourishment of myelin sheaths especially those surround axon in central nervous system.They are neuroectodermal in origin.3.小胶质细胞 Microglia are diminutive cells,which,permeate entire central nervous system.They are modified macrophages an
16、d form part of reticulo-endothelial system and are probably mesodermal in origin.,III.反射与反射弧 Reflex and Reflex Arc Reflexes are automatic,subconscious responses to stimuli within or outside body.Reflex arc,a linkage of afferent and efferent neurons,is defined as entire neural pathway that is involve
17、d in a reflex.Reflex arc has 5 basic components:Receptor Sensory neurons CNS Moter neurons Effector,Interruption of this reflex arc at any point abolishes response.,Receptor,Effector,Centre,Efferent,Afferent,Reflex Arc,Int,Ext Environment,Higher Centre,Responses,IV.神经系统的常用术语 Basic terminology in ner
18、vous sys.In the CNS,灰质 Gray matter collection of nerve cell bodies and their dendrites,gray color during fresh condition.皮质 Cortex matter outermost layer of gray matter in cerebrum and cerebellum.白质 White matter collection of nerve fibers,white color during fresh condition.髓质 Medulla matter a centra
19、l core of white matter beneath cortex of cerebrum and cerebellum.,Neuroanatomical terms in common usage,神经核 Nucleus a collection(group)of cell bodies which have same shape and function.纤维束 Fasciculus(tract)a bundle of nerve fibers which have the same origin,termination,pathway and function.网状结构 Reti
20、cular formation an admixture of cross-crossing fibers with larger or smaller groups of nerve cells occupying the meshes.,In the PNS 神经节 Ganglion a collection of neuronal cell bodies outside the CNS.神经 Nerve a bundle of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue sheath.,Chapter 2 中枢神经系统 Central
21、Nervous Sys.Section 1 脊髓 Spinal Cord,基本要求 掌握脊髓的外形;脊髓灰质的分部、主要核团的名称、位置和功能;脊髓白质的分部,后索和外侧索通过纤维束的名称和功能。熟悉脊髓的位置;脊髓节与椎骨的对应关系;脊髓灰质的分层;前索通过的纤维束;脊髓的前角、后角、白质前连和半离断时出现的症状或体征。了解脊髓网状结构的位置;脊髓的功能。,Spinal cord is about 18 inches(40 45 cm)long,1/2 inch(14 mm)wide Lies in vertebral canal Continuous above with medulla
22、oblongata at level,of foramen magnum Ends below at lower border of L1 in adult;at birth at level of L3.It consists of centrally located gray matter,involved in reflexes,and peripherally located ascending and descending tracts of white matter that conduct impulses to and from brain.,I.脊髓的外形 External
23、features A long cylindrical structure and slightly flattened anteroposteriorly Two prominent enlargements can be seen,in a posterior view:颈膨大 Cervical enlargement is located between C3 and T2 vertebrae Nerves emerging from this region serve upper extremities;腰骶膨大 Lumbar enlargement lies between T9 a
24、nd T12 vertebrae Nerves from lumbar enlargement supply lower extremities.,Caudal to lumbosacral enlargement,spinal cord tapers gradually and becomes conical termination known as 脊髓圆锥 conus medullaris.A condensation of pia mater forms 终丝filum terminale that descends from conus medullaris to level of,
25、S2 vertebra;from here it is enveloped by dura mater and continues to posterior surface of coccyx.Some spinal roots surround film terminale and extends inferiorly referred to as 马尾 cauda equina,because they resemble a horses tail.,A longitudinal fissure and some sulci are shown on surface of naked sp
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