1、Here comes your footer Page 1,球状带:盐皮质激素(醛固酮)肾上腺皮质从外向里分为束状带:糖皮质激素(皮质醇)网状带:性激素(脱氢雄酮、雌二醇)肾上腺素:心跳加快,收缩加强肾上腺髓质主要分泌 去甲肾上腺素:小动脉平滑肌收缩,Here comes your footer Page 2,正常肾上腺CT表现,1、位置:位于两侧肾脏上方,约T11、T12椎体水平。2、形态:多为倒V形或倒Y形。3、大小:正常侧枝厚度10mm(不超过同层膈肌脚)面积150mm2。4、密度:均匀软组织密度,30-50HU,不能分辨皮髓 质。5、增强:均匀强化,仍不能分辨皮髓质。,Here com
2、es your footer Page 3,Contents,1、神经母细胞瘤2、嗜铬细胞瘤3、转移瘤4、皮质腺瘤5、皮质腺癌6、髓样脂肪瘤,Here comes your footer Page 4,5-year-old boy,complained with abdominal mass,Here comes your footer Page 5,Here comes your footer Page 6,Here comes your footer Page 7,神经母细胞瘤(Adrenal Neuroblastoma),儿童腹膜后最常见的实体性恶性肿瘤之一,多在5岁内发病,肾上腺为其主
3、要发病部位。临床症状不典型,常以“腹部包块”就诊。85%-90%患儿尿中VMACT:平扫为不规则较大肿块,呈侵润性生长,多见斑片样钙化,钙化程度不 同,肿块可见坏死,囊变,出血,常跨越中线向对侧延伸,包绕后腹膜 血管,也可突入胸腔,增强后实质部分不均匀强化。肾脏常被压迫向后 外侧移位。如实验室检查有尿3-甲氧-4羟杏仁酸(VMA)升高,CT征象具有上述任何 一种典型表现就可以考虑肾上腺神经母细胞瘤。常需与肾母细胞瘤鉴别,Here comes your footer Page 8,Here comes your footer Page 9,肾母细胞瘤,Here comes your footer
4、 Page 10,肾上腺嗜铬细胞瘤(Pheochromocytomas),1、Pheochromocytomas are sometimes called the10%tumor.Because they are associated with a 10%risk of malignancy,10%of the tumors are bilateral,10%are hormonally inactive and 10%are extra-adrenal.2、Pheochromocytomas are paragangliomas arising from the adrenal medull
5、a.They are hormonally active in 90%of cases.Morphologic findings on CT include large variation in size,homogeneity,and margination of the tumors and significant enhancement in most cases.3、Usually,tumors are larger than 3 cm when seen.They are highly vascular,and larger tumors are prone to hemorrhag
6、e and necrosis,even when they are benign.,Mean age of Pheochromocytomas is 30 to 50 years old,theres no great difference in the sex of patients.,Here comes your footer Page 11,平扫,肿瘤呈类圆形,不均匀低密度,有明显包膜,病例1,Here comes your footer Page 12,增强扫描动脉期,肿瘤呈明显结节状,显著强化,Here comes your footer Page 13,增强扫描延迟期,肿瘤呈向心
7、性强化,强化区密度高于背部肌肉组织,Here comes your footer Page 14,左侧肾上腺可见一软组织块影,密度均匀,边界清晰,其内可见斑点状低密度血管影(箭),CT值约25 HU,胰腺尾部前移。,病例2,Here comes your footer Page 15,动脉期肿瘤明显强化,可见肿瘤供血血管(箭)。,Here comes your footer Page 16,静脉期强化稍下降,可见斑点状低密度坏死未强化区(白箭)和肿瘤内血管影(黑箭)。,Here comes your footer Page 17,肾上腺皮质腺瘤(Adrenocortical Adenoma),
8、原发性肾上腺腺瘤发生率达2%-9%。典型的腺瘤常表现为单侧单发,最大径5cm,平扫呈均匀低密度,由于其内富含脂质的透明细胞,所以密度低,CT值甚至可为负值。增强扫描轻-中度强化。有时需与肾上腺结节性增生、转移瘤等鉴别。,功能性,非功能性,醛固醇增多症腺瘤:高血压;阵发性手足搐搦及肌肉痉挛 皮质醇增多症腺瘤:向心性肥胖;高血压;紫纹;多 血质等,绝大多数腺瘤为功能性,Cushing腺瘤,Conn腺瘤,Here comes your footer Page 18,平扫呈稍低密度,增强后有所强化,但与周围正常肾上腺组织分界清晰。,Here comes your footer Page 19,鉴别腺瘤
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